spy ace

Chapter 2001

Chapter 2001
Bai Fengtai said: "Sometimes, Xiru will lead the children, and occasionally go to a restaurant outside, and then buy some food for his wife from the restaurant. And if Xiru has a shift, his wife Feng Mantong will pick him up. But when Feng Mantong went to pick him up, he basically didn't pick up the eldest daughter. The eldest daughter would come back by herself. After all, she was already fifteen. Sometimes, when Feng Mantong had something to do, the eldest daughter would go to Yumiao Primary School to pick up her two younger brothers. .”

"Hmm." Fan Keqin looked at his watch and said, "Very well, I still have about half an hour, which should be enough. I hope Xiru can cooperate with us according to our ideas."

"Should be." Bai Fengtai said: "Through this period of observation, although Xiru still seems to have a very strong manner and personality, in fact, he cares about his family very much. This is his biggest weakness. As long as we Take care of it, and you'll be fine."

The two of them were talking, and they had already arrived at the entrance of the alley.Two men came from across the street.He nodded when he saw Fan Keqin and Bai Fengtai.

Fan Keqin said: "You guys meet at the entrance of the alley, you don't need to go in."

"Understood." The two replied.

After hearing this, Fan Keqin turned around and walked in with Bai Fengtai.While walking, he said: "These two brothers saw me, so they can be sure that I am in Shanghai, so when Xiru's matter is settled, let them go back to the headquarters immediately."

"Understood." Bai Fengtai said: "If possible, I will tell them when I come out."

It was noon at this time, and those who went to work during the day were either not at home.And people at home basically started cooking.Even a person who eats two meals a day cannot wander back and forth on the road in the alley at noon.

Of course, this does not mean that there are no one.There are still some, and one of them has a young daughter-in-law who is drying clothes at the door of her house.There are two old men sitting together chatting.Seeing Fan Keqin and others, he took a look, and then continued to chat with the other party.After all, it is not a place of the same kind as a dead end, and people pass by this alley all day long.

In addition, when Fan Keqin passes people, he puts the cigarette on his hand to his mouth and takes a puff. When he smokes, he spreads his palms. If so, put the cigarette on your mouth.It can cover most of the face, and this kind of action will not arouse the suspicion of others.

"This is the house." When he came to a door, Bai Fengtai said, "It should be unlocked."

Another feature of the alleys is that many houses do not lock their doors during the day.If there are neighbors who visit, push the door to get closer, and then when you walk in, call out who is at home?Even if it's over.This is actually the same as some alleys in the north.Many people's doors are not locked very much, especially the ones in old bungalows.The neighbors in the street are all very familiar. It's not like later, when they lived in the building, they all locked the doors.

At this time, the door of the Confucianism was unlocked.Very good, save trouble.Of course, if it's okay to lock the door, they can cheat the door open first.

Fan Keqin said: "Come in." After saying that, he pushed the door first and walked in.As soon as you enter the door, you walk through a small courtyard.Then enter the front door of the house.Bai Fengtai closed the door with his hand back, and inserted the bolt.Then he followed Fan Keqin into the foyer of the house.

The foyer is not big, about [-] meters away. There is a staircase on the left, and this door is opened in the left corner.A small passage can be seen.On the opposite side of the small passage was another door.There were some splashing water sounds from inside.From the only perspective, it can be judged that the small door should be the kitchen.Someone inside might be washing something with water.

Fan Keqin and Bai Fengtai looked at each other and said, "Is there anyone at home? Is Xiru at home?"

Hearing the sound of water, a woman leaned forward from the kitchen, maybe it was because she was washing things with her hands and it was inconvenient to put them down, so she leaned out to see who it was.

When she saw Fan Keqin and Bai Fengtai, she didn't panic because she heard the other party calling her husband's name.So it was just a stranger who had never met before, a little confused: "Uh, Lao Xi is upstairs, you are his... friends?"

"Ah, how should I put it. I'm from the Nanjing head office, and I want to ask the team leader Xiru about something." Fan Keqin said, "Can we go up to find him? Or let the team leader Xiru come down?"

"Oh, good." Feng Mantong naturally knew that Nanjing was the head office of her husband's unit.But at this moment, when he heard it, he wanted to ask his husband something, so he asked a little more concerned, and said, "Yes... what do you want to do with Lao Xi?"

"Blame me, I didn't explain clearly." Fan Keqin smiled and said: "It's a good thing, please rest assured about this. But for specifics, you have to ask Team Leader Xi first."

"Oh, oh, good." Feng Mantong nodded and shouted upwards: "Old Xi!! Lao Xi! There are guests at home! Don't sleep!"

After yelling and listening, there was no response, so I yelled several times in a row.Finally there was movement from above: "Ah! Got it! Who's coming?"

The sound is still a bit overtone after waking up, followed by the sound of footsteps, boom!Boom!With a bang, a person came down the stairs.This man was tall, and if he walked on the street, he would definitely stand out from the crowd.The body is also big, very shoulder.Even wearing a small shirt at home, it can be seen that the whole body is full of muscle mass.

The man wore a coat and went downstairs, walked halfway, looked at the door, and saw Fan Keqin standing in the hall at odds with Bai Fengtai.

After seeing him, Fan Keqin and Bai Fengtai also nodded towards Xiru with smiles on their faces.Xiru also nodded instinctively, slowed down a bit, then returned to normal and walked down.

With a suspicious look on his face, he frowned and looked at Fan Keqin and Bai Fengtai from side to side, and said, "Who are you? What do you need from me?"

"Ah, we haven't met." Fan Keqin said, "I'm from the Nanjing head office, and I'm an inspector in the bank. I want to come over and ask Team Leader Xi something. Excuse me for your afternoon nap?"

"Uh...it's okay." Xiru pointed to the chairs next to him and said, "Sit down!" Then Ning Mei said, "The inspector from the head office? It's not that you don't want to go to the two managers, why are you looking for me?" what?"

"Ask something. It's about the two managers." Fan Keqin didn't sit down, and said, "Can I borrow a place to chat alone? Don't worry, I just ask something. There is nothing else."

Xiru stretched out his hand and said, "Have you brought your ID? Let me see!"

Fan Keqin said: "Take it, the leader Xi is indeed the leader of the security team, and has strong working ability."

(End of this chapter)

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