spy ace

Chapter 2004 Promise

Chapter 2004 Promise
Fan Keqin went on to say: "Because there is no need to lie to you. Think about it, you were recruited by us to join the anti-Japanese cause. We have made more contributions when you are alive. We can all be rewarded for our meritorious service. It can be said that everyone is happy. And do something for you. Is there any benefit for us if the family is not good? There is no benefit at all. And you have spent so much effort before sending your family back, and then do bad things again, and you will not get any benefit. Why should we What to do? Think about it, is this the truth?"

Hearing these words, Xiru's heart was moved by what he said.After thinking about it in my mind, it seems a good thing if my wife and children can be sent to Chongqing.Moreover, they will give money, housing, and arrange schools for their children.From now on, I don't have to think about being so tired now.Moreover, his wife and children were sent away first, and he would not do anything until he was sure of this.

After the family members are sent back, if the other party wants to do something unfavorable again, although it is possible, it is really unnecessary.Can they still say that they stole things from the China Reserve Bank they sneaked into?This is similar to the credit for recruiting a person and letting the other party steal things.If you do something bad, it is a kind of gain outweighs the loss.

Thinking of this, Xiru made up his mind, and said, "I can help you steal the banknote printing plate, but I hope you can fulfill what you just said first, and send my family away first. In addition, in Chongqing You're also going to give us a house, money, and a good school for my kids."

"No problem." Fan Keqin said: "We will contact Chongqing later and ask them to connect the house with the school. In this way, as soon as your wife and children arrive in Chongqing, they will already have a place to study with the school. We will also give your wife five million dollars, and when you are done, we can reward you with another five million dollars. And we can also arrange for you to be a small boss in the police department."

"Yeah." Xiru said, "Then we'll make a deal. I have to talk to my wife first."

"Of course." Fan Keqin said: "But before that, I have to remind Mr. Xi that you are our brother now. Since you are a brother, you can't betray. If you betray... what are the consequences, I think You should know."

Xi Ru glanced at Fan Keqin and said, "Okay, don't use this trick, let me tell you, as long as you do what you promised, print the money, and I will steal it for you [-]%!"

Fan Keqin said: "Very good. Then let's go see Mrs. Sister-in-law. Talk to her carefully and discuss what excuses to use for the children, or they will drop out of school. The children leave school at [-]:[-]. Wait for the children to come back , directly arrange for Mrs. Sister-in-law and the children to board the ship and leave."

Xiru was a little surprised at this moment, and said, "In such a hurry?"

"I know that Mr. Xi is reluctant to leave his family." Fan Keqin said: "But this kind of thing should be done sooner rather than later. The sooner you finish it, the sooner you can see your family again."

Xiru nodded and said, "Okay." Then he got up, took Fan Keqin and Bai Fengtai out and went downstairs.Looking downstairs, Feng Mantong was holding a plate of fried cabbage slices and placed them on the table in the hall.There is also a plate of noodles and a plate of cut meat on the table.The food turned out to be pretty good!

Seeing Xiru and Fan Keqin coming down, Feng Mantong said with a smile: "Eat first, I'll go get some wine."

"No need." Xiru said, "They won't eat it."

Feng Mantong was stunned for a moment, her husband was used to being strong.But when a guest comes to the house, there are still some etiquettes.As a result, the words "they won't eat" made Feng Mantong feel a little wrong.

Xi Ru came to him, grabbed Feng Mantong who didn't know what to say, sat on the chair together, and said: "Come on, tell you something, we will eat later."

Feng Mantong was pulled to sit down, and then looked at Fan Keqin and Bai Fengtai.Fan Keqin said: "To make a long story short, Mrs. Sister-in-law, we are from the military command and came from Chongqing. And Mr. Xi is ours. We will arrange for you to leave with the children, and leave after school."

After hearing this, Feng Mantong's expression changed, he glanced at Xiru, and asked, "Why didn't I know you were in the military command. You just left. Did they ask you to do something dangerous?"

"Oh, can you stop asking nonsense?" Xiru said, "Hurry up and pack up your things. I'll pick up the kids this afternoon, and you'll start your journey."

Fan Keqin spoke at this time, because Xiru is so strong, maybe his lover Feng Mantong is used to it.But, after all, things are different now. If Feng Mantong can't think about it, or is too worried, causing his feet to be exposed on the road, then he will be fucked.

So Fan Keqin said: "Madam, don't worry, we will arrange everything. When you and the children arrive in Chongqing, you will have a big house to live in and money to take. You don't have to worry about the children's studies. We will also make arrangements. You don't have to worry, brother Confucian, he does have to perform a mission. But this mission is very simple for Xiru brother. Nothing will happen. And after finishing, Xiru brother will leave Shanghai as soon as possible, safe Now, you don't have to worry at all. If everything goes well, I believe that within a month, you will meet again in Chongqing. Of course, Brother Xiru is a little worried, so he proposed that after you arrive in Chongqing, you will have a house , when you have money, take a photo for him to see. At that time, I hope that Mrs. Sister-in-law will be able to cooperate with our people and take a picture after receiving the house deed and money, so that our people can set off immediately and take Send the photos back for Brother Xiru to see."

It is better to explain some things clearly. Of course, this depends on what the matter is and under what circumstances.Like now, Fan Keqin felt that apart from letting Xiru specifically steal the money printing plate, it would be best to explain it clearly to Feng Mantong.To save her from guessing wildly on the road, which would really mess things up.

After hearing this, Feng Mantong glanced at Xiru and said, "Is that so?"

"Oh." Xi Ru frowned: "I knew that as soon as I told you, you would start talking about something useless again. Let me tell you, after taking care of the child on the way, and then arriving at the place, after receiving the deed and money , let them take a photo and come back. Then I can finish my work and go to Chongqing, do you understand?"

Feng Mantong had no choice but to nod her head, and said, "Okay, then...then you should be careful."

Xiru said, "It's no use talking about it again..."

(End of this chapter)

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