spy ace

Chapter 2005 The Uninvited Guest

Chapter 2005 The Uninvited Guest

Xiru went on to say: "Nothing will happen. It's very simple, it's you who make me worry."

Feng Mantong said: "So suddenly...can I stop talking...I...pack up and go."

Fan Keqin saw Feng Mantong go up the stairs, turned his head and said: "Brother Xiru, how do you tell the teacher about the children's affairs, have you figured it out?"

Xi Ru pondered for a moment and said: "It's simple, just say that the family is moving. I have to drop out of school. The teachers at the school will see that it is the parents who come forward, so naturally they will not doubt it. Could it be possible to get to the bottom of it?"

"Well." Fan Keqin said: "That's good." Then, he got up, looked at Bai Fengtai, and said, "Then you stay, I'll go first, and after picking up the children in the afternoon, just go straight. I Tell the brothers to wait at the entrance of the alley. Tickets and other things will be prepared."

While talking, Fan Keqin took out a wallet from his inner pocket, took out a small stack of banknotes prepared inside, put it on the car next to him, looked at Xiru again, and said: "This is for Mrs. Children, the expenses on the road. Of course, someone will accompany your family to protect their safety. But you still have to tell your wife to hurry up on the road so that you can reach Chongqing as soon as possible. Your family will naturally We can also reunite soon.”

Xiru glanced at the banknote, picked it up with his hand, and said, "Got it. If you want to leave, hurry up."

Fan Keqin said: "I will leave the rest to you." This sentence was addressed to Bai Fengtai.The latter nodded and said, "Don't worry, I will have a good communication with Mr. Xi."

Fan Keqin turned and left, but just as he was about to leave the room, Xi Ru immediately said, "Wait a minute."

Fan Keqin stopped and turned to look at him, and said, "Mr. Xi, is there anything else?"

"I just want to ask." Xiru said, "You are also a practicing family? What did you practice, can you tell me?"

Fan Keqin smiled and said, "Same as you, boxing." Fan Keqin didn't say anything else.

Xiru obviously didn't believe it, so he sneered twice, and said, "Hehe, it's fine if you don't talk about it. When we get to Chongqing, we have time to practice." That's right, Xiru was obviously not convinced by the previous fight, although he I know in my heart that the opponent's strength may be greater than myself.But if there was no sudden attack, but a head-on confrontation, Xi Ru still felt that he was the winner.

Fan Keqin said: "Okay, let's learn from each other and make progress together." After speaking, he nodded, turned and opened the door, and walked out.

When Fan Keqin came to the entrance of the alley again, the two former agents were walking to the opposite side, chatting together as if they were friends.On the surface, there is nothing wrong with it.Well, obviously all professional people.It's impossible to be as sneaky as in TV or movies, and people can see something wrong at a glance.Coupled with the natural cover given by pedestrians on the road, there is indeed no loophole.

Fan Keqin passed directly.Say hello to them like old friends.When the two saw Fan Keqin's style, they immediately reacted like old friends.

Fan Keqin took out two cigarettes and gave them to the other party over and over again, with a smile on his face all the time, and said in a low voice: "One of you will be assigned to buy a few more tickets for leaving tonight. The ultimate goal is to send the target My lover and three children left Shanghai and went to accompany the capital. After buying the boat ticket, I informed a few brothers to come and wait for you Taiwan brother at the pier. Whatever he asked you to do, you should do.”

"Yes." The two took the cigarettes with a smile, lit the fire, took a puff, and said, "Then I'll go." Seeing the opposite person nodded, then waved his hands, returning to a normal tone, and said: "I Buy something and go there right away, you guys drink slowly."

"Got it, hurry up." Another agent replied with a smile.

Fan Keqin said: "Okay, just go to the teahouse and wait. Your brother Tai is still at the target's house. You can continue to support him here."

"Yes." Another agent replied.Walked a few steps forward with Fan Keqin, came to the tea house, turned around and entered the gate.

Fan Keqin continued to walk forward with a cigarette in his mouth, and soon left this generation.I looked at my watch, um, it's okay.This time may be slower than my usual lunch time, but it is also within the normal range.So I took a rickshaw and went directly to the set.

Nothing happened on the set. Zhan Ruide is indeed a genius director. He has never filmed a shootout scene or an action scene, but after Fan Keqin's guidance last time, he immediately got the hang of it.The filming went fast.

In the evening, the crew hadn't rested yet. Fan Keqin checked that he was fine anyway. Just as he was about to leave, Miss Tong's car arrived.Yes, take him home.

During this period of time, Fan Keqin did not return to his apartment, and openly went back to live with Miss Tong at her home, living a two-person world.Fortunately, the decoration of Tong's house is the best. The doors are all high-grade solid wood doors, which are very soundproof.Otherwise, it's too noisy.

When the two woke up the next morning, Fan Keqin vigorously gave Miss Tong a set of radio gymnastics. The provincial Miss Tong often sat at work, so she couldn't recite it well.

After eating a hearty breakfast, the two went to work by car with their arms crossed.After arriving at Star Entertainment, Miss Tong went upstairs to her company, and Fan Keqin had just returned to her office.Bai Fengtai came over and told him that everything went well.

It's good if it goes well.Fan Keqin told him to arrange for several brothers to monitor Xiru in turn, but it must be done secretly.Don't let anything happen during this time.

Not long after Bai Fengtai left, another person came, sent by the front desk.Who, peace.

The kid was overjoyed as soon as he entered the door, and said: "Aheng, there are no arrangements for the afternoon and evening, right? Let's go, brother will take you to a good place."

Fan Keqin smiled, threw a cigar to him, and said: "Who said there is no arrangement. I will go to the studio in the afternoon. I am the new film producer now. I have a date with Feifei tonight."

"Oh, oh." Ping He said, "Let Xiaofei go with me at night. What can happen if you miss the set for an afternoon? Hurry up and finish the arrangements, just follow me."

"No, what's the situation?" Fan Keqin also lit a cigarette and said, "Can you explain it to me?"

"Cheng Chengcheng." Hearing this, Ping He sat down on the chair, smoked a cigar and said, "Can't you keep a little mystery. Really, I found it."

Let's talk peacefully.It turned out that this kid fell in love with the club after hearing Fan Keqin's story...

(End of this chapter)

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