spy ace

Chapter 2046 Come and Chapter

Chapter 2046 Back and forth

A very feminine woman with a cold face was walking in quickly with a group of black-clothed bodyguards.And the No. [-] secret agents who were standing guard did not dare to stop them, so they could only follow by, as if explaining something.But this woman didn't listen to the other party at all, she just led the person in and rushed in.

"Feifei." Fan Keqin walked over and said with a smile, "Why are you here? Are you looking aggressive to save your husband?"

When Tong Fei saw Fan Keqin, her pace slowed down.It turned out that she brought breakfast as usual in the morning and wanted to have dinner with Fan Keqin.But someone told her that Fan Keqin came tonight later and made a special phone call to let Miss Tong eat by herself.But after all, Tong Fei was well informed. Last night, there was an explosion somewhere in the sea, and she knew about it.

Therefore, Tong Fei couldn't help feeling a little worried, and made several phone calls in a row, especially the one to home.Father Tong is in the car in the afternoon, and he hasn't left yet.And now that he is the chief officer, the news is more well-informed.He had already heard from his assistant.

So Tong Fei remembered that it was Ping He who sent Fan Keqin away yesterday. Among the friends she knew, although she might be the least willing to deal with Ping He, she had no choice but to worry that her lover could only make a phone call.

After Miss Tong contacted Pinghe, Pinghe couldn't lie to him when she asked this question, so she just told the truth.However, he also said that this was just a routine questioning, and with him here, he would personally send Wanheng back after the questioning.

When Miss Tong heard that her lover had been taken to No. [-], she almost turned against Ping He, but she was too anxious, so she hung up the phone and came with her bodyguards.

Miss Tong's ability to run the Tong family's business so well is of course due to her father's official status.Another point is that she also has a strong woman side.The little girl's attitude is for her lover, and with her identity and personality in front of outsiders, it is impossible to give her a good face.

Although No. [-] is not an ordinary place, Miss Tong is going to force her way in. Although the guards will stop her, she can't look like an ordinary person when she looks at her attire. At the very beginning, Miss Tong asked her After Director Chen was gone, they rushed in aggressively.The guards didn't even dare to stop them.And the bodyguard next to him had already identified himself, saying that she was Deputy Chief Tong's daughter.How can this be stopped?

Stop it?It's okay, but it's not me who suffers afterwards.It might be a little dereliction of duty not to stop it, so I asked another person at the gate to call in quickly, and followed by myself.

But just after walking a short distance, I ran into Fan Keqin.Seeing Fan Keqin coming out so quickly, Tong Fei also breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "You still have the heart to tease me... What is this place that makes me more nervous than you."

Fan Keqin came to him, supported Tong Fei's arms with both hands, turned her slightly, and turned her backwards.Then he took Tong Fei's hand with his right hand, walked out and said, "I was unlucky last night. Who told me to be a witness? Help me with the investigation and answer two questions. This scares you. Oh, I You can see it, this is what I care about."

Tong Fei rolled her eyes, but when Fan Keqin came out by herself, she really felt relieved.So when he heard the ridicule, he couldn't help but smiled, and said, "Well, it's good that it's okay, let's go to the restaurant to have some food, drink some wine, set off some firecrackers, and get rid of bad luck."

"No..." Fan Keqin said: "Don't think I don't understand, it's what I did after I was released from prison. You act like this, as if I have just been released from it. Let others really What do you think I did?"

"Hey." Tong Fei smiled and said, "Then when I go home tonight, I'll get some willow branches for you to sweep away. Let's set off the firecrackers at home."

"Hey..." Fan Keqin said: "You really want to accuse me of the crime, what are your intentions. All right, listen to you."

Tong Fei said, "Is Ping He with you?"

"Ah, he didn't ask." Fan Keqin said: "He came over and told me that there was nothing to do, just talk about what he saw yesterday. After all, he is a friend, and we were together again last night. avoid arousing suspicion."

"Cut!" Tong Fei said, "I've already told you, stay away from him... It seems that I was the one who defaulted on him to see you off yesterday."

Fan Keqin gave her a sideways look, and said, "Hey, you can't reason with women, sure enough, sure enough."

The two left chatting and laughing, making the doorpost really roll their eyes.After returning to the door, he said: "Call inside, but they won't go in again. Let's go."

"Okay, it's better than making a real fuss. They're so messed up. If something really happened, it must be blamed by little people like us... Oh, it's good now, it's good, it's safe to say." He said The colleague was also a little dumbfounded, so he could only pick up the phone and dial in again...

After getting in the car and driving for a while, Fan Keqin responded to Tong Fei's words, "Nothing is embarrassing you!"You can't come forward to get it done peacefully, it has to bring you to a series of small emotions like this.

After a while, Fan Keqin looked out the window and asked, "Huh? This is not the way back to the company either. Where are you taking me?"

"What company are you still going to?" Tong Fei hugged Fan Keqin's arm tightly, and said, "Go home first, you forgot that my dad is going to Nanjing in the afternoon, go back early, and have lunch with him at noon."

Fan Keqin glanced at his watch, it was just after ten o'clock.That's right, if it takes less than an hour to go to the company now, you have to go to Tong's house.

When they arrived at Tong's house, Tong's father was waiting for them in the living room.In fact, could Tong's father not know Tong Fei's character?He even calculated that his daughter would definitely go to No. [-].To tell the truth about this matter, just one phone call from him, not to mention that Fan Keqin was just taken there to ask about what he witnessed, even if something really happened, as long as there is no actual "collaboration with the enemy", he can get someone to report to Fan Keqin with one phone call. Keqin got it out.

The reason why he didn't come out on his own was because he couldn't do it. He didn't have anything to do at all. He still had to call and ask someone to do it while waiting for Fan Keqin to come out?Isn't that sick?However, with Tong's father's righteous wisdom, the first thing he thought of was his own promotion.Will someone take advantage of this matter to deal with themselves?

This is not unfounded worry. Whether it is on the side of Lao Jiang or the puppet Wang, the internal fighting is actually quite serious.Father Tong is able to hold the position of Deputy Minister of Finance...

(End of this chapter)

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