spy ace

Chapter 2047 2 hobbies

Chapter 2047 Two Hobbies
Tong's father was able to become the current deputy minister of the Ministry of Finance, Zheng Zhi's wisdom is undeniable.Therefore, when a person like him encounters a problem, the first instinct is to think whether someone will deal with him, or whether he will not be used by others if he does this.And now that I have just been promoted, I need to be more cautious in this regard.

It was also because of this that he could not make this phone call for the time being.But it's different when my own daughter comes forward. The youngest daughter is worried about her husband and son-in-law. When she is in a hurry, she goes to ask, or even make a fuss, even if it gets a little bigger, that's understandable. No one could find a real fault.Therefore, staying still is the safest way.

Sure enough, watching his daughter and Fan Keqin come back, Father Tong felt a lot relieved.After all, this is the sweetheart that my daughter found only when she was twenty-seven years old.You know, in some rural areas, it is common to get married at the age of thirteen or fourteen.Even in big cities, those who get married [-] and start a family in [-]% of the time, account for the majority.

No matter how bad it is, it will be a little over twenty, and I will definitely get married.It may be okay for a man to say that if he gets married later, he will be urged by his family at most.

But for a woman who has passed her twenties in this year and hasn't married yet, many people will gossip behind her back.How do you say it?Under the tongue, it can crush people to death.

And my daughter is twenty-seven years old, and she hasn't even had a boyfriend. This is due to her high status, and few people dare to say anything behind her back.

But it's definitely not okay to procrastinate like this, but Tong Fei has her own pursuit in this regard, even if she persuades her, it won't work.But now, after finally finding a caring one, the young couple can tell that the relationship is very good.Moreover, he was very kind to his daughter. Although he didn't take an official career, he was good at doing business and had more potential in his career. Tong's father was naturally very satisfied.Another most important point is the daughter's recognition of the other party.Therefore, if something happened now, Tong's father would also be worried.

Come over and ask the servant to directly use camphor and willow branches, Ning together, to wipe Fan Keqin with water.He smiled and said, "It's okay, Aheng."

"It's okay, I made Uncle Tong worry." Fan Keqin said with a smile: "Last night, when Pinghe drove me home, he happened to pass by a street, and he became a witness and a party involved. So he was invited over Ask what you saw at the time."

"Please go over." Miss Tong didn't need a servant either, she took the branch, helped sweep it and said, "The group of people on the [-]th, I have never heard of the word "please" before. of."

"Ha. Really, please come over." Fan Keqin said: "The ones who greeted him peacefully seemed to be two colleagues who knew him very well, and they spoke very politely."

"Well, it's nothing, just ask about the situation. Feifei doesn't have to worry too much." Tong's father said with a smile: "Well, Feifei, don't you want to make a big black ginseng with shrimps for dad yourself? I haven’t eaten this dish for a long time, especially if you made it yourself. Aunt Li has prepared all the ingredients for you. You go get it first. I’ll have two glasses of aperitif with Aheng. According to what you said, it’s also Just let him go to get rid of bad luck, okay?"

"Okay." Miss Tong agreed, and said: "Aheng, you and my dad go have a drink first, um, don't drink too much, I say you both are good."

"Oh, I got it." Tong's father said with a smile, "Go quickly, I'm waiting to eat, don't overdo it, it's a waste of the hard-earned ingredients. Just ask Aunt Li for things."

"Yes, yes." Miss Tong agreed, then turned to the back kitchen to find Aunt Li.

Following Tong's father to the study room inside, Tong's father brought two bottles of whiskey over, poured two glasses, and said: "I am a person who likes cigars when I was young. I think smoking cigars is handsome and stylish. Later, I just like to drink whiskey, and I think it suits my taste. As a result, I am good at both cigars and whiskey.

We have a saying that what is good at the top must be followed by the bottom.The people below knew that I had these two hobbies, so they bought a lot of high-end cigars and whiskey.Of course, I also gave money.After all, our family is not short of money at all.So the high-end cigars and whiskey I accepted are not gifts, but a person's knowledge of the world, or connections, which should be the most accurate.Now, the cigars and whiskey at home are a bit overwhelming. "

Fan Keqin helped Father Tong light the cigar, touched the glasses, and the two of them took a sip.Tong's father exhaled a puff of smoke, and continued: "So, I specially set up a cigar room at home. When I have nothing to do, I like it. In this room, I have a drink or two, make a cigar, and watch it for a while. Book, you will feel that the troubles of the day have all disappeared."

Fan Keqin said: "That's right, Uncle Tong is in a high position, so you can imagine the pressure from work alone."

"That's right." Tong's father said, "Actually, I think the pressure at work is okay. It's just a matter of whether the workload is heavy or whether I can handle it in terms of ability. So in terms of work, I feel There is pressure, but it is not difficult to deal with it. The main part actually comes from the invisible side. As the saying goes, the tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop.

Especially in terms of human relations, some people will become your best friends inexplicably.But some people will also become your enemies without knowing it.Ha ha, this is the so-called Zhengzhi. "

Fan Keqin said: "Uncle Tong's words are a bit advanced, I'm still too tender in front of you, and I don't quite understand what Uncle Tong means."

Father Tong said: "I'm worried that you might be used by some people to deal with me."

Fan Keqin frowned and asked, "Uncle Tong, do you think someone did this on purpose?"

"You're talking about the whole story of last night's bombing, right?" Tong's father said, "There is such a possibility, but it's very small. I personally prefer that some people will see an opportunity. So they start to take advantage of this opportunity to come What to do. For example, my real enemy. The so-called one will be successful, and the bones will be destroyed. Will I offend fewer people in my current position? Even, I don’t know when I offended people, or... Offended I don’t know how many people there are. Now, I just took the position of deputy chief. So, Aheng, can I not think about it more?”

Fan Keqin said: "Uncle Tong is right..."

(End of this chapter)

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