spy ace

Chapter 2079 Doubt

Chapter 2079 Doubt

Colleagues, it can also allow Wu Guansheng to carry out targeted actions against this newly discovered Japanese special agency.

But in other cases, it is definitely not allowed to check one's own people.For example, I am going to Shanghai now.Send a report to the organization, who are my own people in Shanghai, please tell me quickly.That's it, definitely not.

Although this example is a bit exaggerated, everyone can understand the meaning.If you really want to do this, then don't ask, it must be you who really added [-] to [-] o'clock.It is impossible for such a person to engage in underground work, and the border area is suitable for you.

In other words, Wu Guansheng wants to check the situation in a protective manner.Naturally, there is no definite answer.Because the Japanese special agency newly established by the little devil certainly did not hide any of his own comrades.Who would have thought that there is actually an authentic little devil lurking in the little devil's secret service?

That day, Tsuruta Ichiro finally got a little angry after receiving the notice from his subordinates.Immediately called Shinoda Toshizo, and asked him to lead a team to immediately investigate two of the explosion sites.And he himself took other people to the other two locations to investigate.

Does that mean that Tsuruta Ichiro didn't suspect Shinoda Toshizo at all?Of course I doubt it.How should Ichiro Tsuruta put it, he is a very standard spy chief, he doubts almost everything.As for Shinoda Suizan, after Ou Qingning was arrested this time, he was one of the insiders, so how could Tsuruta Ichiro not doubt him.

But Tsuruta Ichiro also thought about it carefully, and let people secretly investigate the internal situation of all Tsuruta agencies.and communications.In the end, he found that Shinoda Toshizo, how should I put it, was a little bit suspicious, but it couldn't be the person who leaked the secret.

Because, after Ou Qingning confessed that day, Shinoda Suisan never left, and even spent most of the time with him.If it was really an internal leak, Shinoda Toshizo would hardly have any chance.But he thought about it carefully, and it really made him think of the only possibility.

That was the day after Ou Qingning's confession, Shinoda Suisan went out for a while to buy breakfast.If Shinoda Toshizo really leaked the secret, then there is only one time.At other times, after Tsuruta Ichiro's investigation, Shinoda Toshizo never left at all.

But when buying breakfast, Shinoda Suisan didn't have much time to go out.About ten minutes before and after.Although, ten minutes is not too short.For example, killing a person may be completed in less than a second, let alone ten minutes.But at that time, the other party bought several dishes, and some fried buns.It is indeed reasonable to spend a total of ten minutes on these things.

Therefore, in order to prove this, Tsuruta Ichiro asked people to secretly start another investigation. The results showed that Shinoda Toshizo really didn't lie to himself. He did go to the breakfast restaurant and then went to the breakfast stand to buy things.Even Tsuruta Ichiro had someone deliberately buy something that Shinoda Toshizo bought that day, and then return to the Tsuruta Office normally, and the time spent by Shinoda Toshizo can overlap with the time that Shinoda Toshizo used.Therefore, the suspicion that Shinoda Suisan was not much at all dropped again in Tsuruta Ichiro's heart.

As a result, until now, the investigation team of the Tsuruta agency has found out one thing, which made Tsuruta Ichiro dispel his doubts about Shinoda Toshizo.That is, a team leader of the investigation team is also very flexible. After receiving the task of Ichiro Tsuruta, he checked the scene of the explosion. Timed detonators, etc., but that's about it.Checked down, and found nothing.

So, the leader of the investigation team began to go through it from the beginning to the end.From the time Ou Qingning was arrested until the explosion after the confession.Finally let him discover a flaw.That is the woman surnamed Chu.

One must know that Ou Qingning's secret arrest was indeed very beautiful, almost impeccable.However, after the team leader's detailed investigation, the loophole he discovered did not appear in any link, because other links, such as the arrest of Qu Qingning, the arrangement after obtaining the confession, how to arrange traps, and how to arrange surveillance points , and who are the insiders, these people have been there, all have very logical explanations, and there is no doubt.Among them, in order to open Ou Qingning's mouth, the sudden arrest of the woman surnamed Chu became a weak link.

You know, it was already midnight.Although the operatives covered their faces and pretended to be robbers, there was no information that it was a secret service agency.But the kidnapping in the middle of the night is itself a suspicious point.

You must know that Ms. Chu's house is not bad, but it is only good.This is not a king of the mountain. If you walk down the mountain, I don't care if your family has money or not. I will hug grass and beat rabbits to rob you.This is sneaking into Shanghai and robbing a person in the middle of the night. If you were a robber, would you choose this kind of person?Moreover, the selected people are related to Ou Qingning, they are all professional secret agents, who would believe such a coincidence.

Therefore, in addition, the investigation team also found out that the day after Ou Qingning was arrested and Ms. Chu was also robbed.Strangers once appeared near Ms. Chu's house and asked neighbors about Ms. Chu's situation.

After the investigation team found this discovery, it was confirmed almost immediately that this must be an investigator from the Red Party.And the leak must have been caused by the sudden arrest of Ms. Chu.Because the details in other places are very rigorous and logical.Only arresting Ms. Chu has its own loopholes.

After reporting the results of the investigation to Ichiro Tsuruta.Tsuruta Ichiro agreed with what he heard, and he still blamed himself a little bit in his heart. After all, he was a little impatient at the time and wanted to open Ou Qingning's mouth immediately. If he had been more stable at that time, the effect might have been better. .

But Tsuruta Ichiro will definitely not regret it, after all, who knew what Ou Qingning had mastered at the time?It is definitely better to break through quickly.

On this day, Fan Keqin was lying upstairs with Miss Tong.Suddenly someone knocked on the door, the two sat upright at random, Miss Tong said: "Come in."

A manager of Tong's family came in, first nodded to Fan Keqin, and said hello...

(End of this chapter)

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