spy ace

Chapter 2080 Drugs

Chapter 2080 Drugs
The manager of the Tong's company smiled at Fan Keqin, and then said to Tong Fei, "Miss, Ma Bo has sent a letter, saying that this batch of goods will definitely arrive in Hong Kong within three days, and the inspection-free procedure will let us Ready."

Miss Tong was obviously very happy when she heard it, and said: "Three days, okay, let Lao Zhao and the others greet the city defense inspection office, and spend what should be spent, not short of the money, especially when they are responsible for inspections at the cargo port." Yes, people from all walks of life should take care of it. Although they sell our face, it’s okay to always sell face without seeing benefits. We must do this in the future, understand?”

"Understood." The manager nodded and said, "It would be even better to use the money and our face. In addition, those people must be very grateful for our money. If you do this business for a long time, it will definitely not be worth it." question."

"Well." Miss Tong said, "When the goods arrive, you will be in charge and arrange for the company's fleet to deliver them to the warehouse first. You should contact the buyer first, don't hold back."

"Okay." After the manager agreed, he said again: "Miss, before I come here, I have to figure it out. This time, the goods are a bit much. I never thought that Ma Bo could get so much at once. The buyers we contacted before may not be able to eat it."

"Oh?" Miss Tong was also a little surprised, and said: "So many? Didn't ask him... Forget it, he can't explain it now, let's ask him when he arrives. Okay, the rest will be put in the warehouse first , this kind of product, you don’t have to worry about selling it. It’s nothing more than two days fast, or two days late. You also contact the buyer to see if they can eat more.”

"Understood." The manager said, "Then I'll contact you when I go back."

"Yes. You can go." After Miss Tong finished speaking, the manager turned around and nodded to Fan Keqin again with a smile, and went out directly.

As soon as the door was closed, Miss Tong came out from behind the desk, sat next to Fan Keqin, and then leaned against Fan Keqin as if she had no bones, and said, "Honey, I didn't hide it from you, he just came in just now. Talk about the goods, but not the specific goods. I told them to keep a low profile before. After all, they are contraband and smuggled. The Japanese are more strict in their investigation. It is always not good to say it clearly, so let them get used to it. Such a big mouth."

Fan Keqin was startled immediately, looked at the door subconsciously, and said, "Munition? That's too dangerous."

Seeing him like this, Miss Tong sneered and said, "It's Huang Anfan."

Fan Keqin nodded with an "ah", and said, "That's okay, but the Japanese themselves seem to need this thing, right?"

Miss Tong nodded, and said: "They need it. As long as they find it, they basically deduct it all, but if this thing is sold out, it is very valuable. What big #烟# ointment can't compare to it at all, such a big one Baohuangan powder, the highest on the black market has reached eighty oceans." While talking, he gestured with his hand to draw a space ten centimeters long.

Following Miss Tong, she squeezed into Fan Keqin's arms hard, and said: "You have to keep a hand in everything. My dad doesn't look like he works in the new government, and he holds an important position. Now he is a bigger official. But the more this , on the contrary, it is more necessary to have a backup. This is what he taught me. In case... the Japanese are dying, there will be a way out when the liquidation is made afterwards. Otherwise..."

It's not surprising that Miss Tong can say such things to Fan Keqin.Because it can be seen and felt that Miss Tong has completely fallen in love with Wan Heng.In other words, if you follow your lover, you really have nothing to hold back.Therefore, it is not surprising that I came across this matter and said these words today.

Fan Keqin nodded after hearing this, and said: "Well, then we have to ship the goods as soon as possible. Keeping them in our hands is always a hidden danger."

"Yes." Miss Tong said: "But this is the first time, although Huang An powder is easy to sell, but I can't find the way for a while. Some buyers I contacted before may not be able to eat it. .”

"Yeah." Fan Keqin said, "The identity of the buyer... I'm still a little worried."

Miss Tong smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. Actually, I know that many of them are... from the opposite side, and there are also guerrillas. But their money is actually not much. It's okay. Anyway, Huang An is a good product , I’m sure you won’t be able to hit it.”

Fan Keqin said: "Okay, I don't know much about this. Anyway, I'm worried about you. You won't be involved."

"It's nothing." Miss Tong said: "Actually, there are not many smugglers of contraband. People from the Qinghong Gang and various forces are doing this. Even a small number of Japanese overseas Chinese are doing this, but their The scale and transportation channels are not good, and a small fight is okay. And I have to transport the goods, which has nothing to do with me. In addition to my father’s relationship, even if something happens in the end, it will be the top package of the company supported by the following. .”

Fan Keqin said: "Well, I just don't want you to have an accident. It's best if you are careful."

"Hmm." Miss Tong was very happy when she heard Fan Keqin say that, she began to bow her head again, and said, "This is the first time I've done this kind of business, after that, I'll let go completely. Not to mention Something will happen."

Then Fan Keqin and Miss Tong got bored for a while, and after having lunch together, Fan Keqin returned to his office and immediately called Bai Fengtai over.

Bai Fengtai quickly came over, closed the door, and said, "Brother Wan, do you have a mission?"

"Yeah." Nodding his head, Fan Keqin let him sit down, and then said: "Miss Tong brought a batch of Huang An powder, the pier is not clear, but the time is about three days, you let the brothers get ready, When the time comes to find out their incoming and outgoing goods, who is the person in charge, and how much is the goods. Oh, I will give you another clue. Once the goods arrive at the shore, they will be transported to Tong's warehouse. The Tong's warehouse knows where where?"

Bai Fengtai said: "I know, Jiangtan Sandao Street is not far from the wharf. Brother Wan, what do you mean, we... bring this batch of goods... to be robbed?"

"No." Fan Keqin said: "Being robbed is a one-shot deal. Tong's smuggling in this area is actually beneficial to the anti-Japanese forces. Moreover, their family has such innate transportation channels, various procedures, and exemption from inspection. Yes, everything can be handled easily. If they are robbed, maybe they will be gone in the future. What if they see the benefits? Then maybe we will have a long-term, a large number of drug channels. Therefore, we spend money to buy .”

Bai Fengtai said: "Understood, push someone out in front, treat it as our white gloves. These white gloves..."

(End of this chapter)

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