spy ace

Chapter 2081 Channels

Chapter 2081 Channels
Bai Fengtai said: "The white glove we are looking for is to cover his identity. He is a person who specializes in this kind of business. He is also a speculator, but he is the kind of speculator who has money in his hand. So, let him use this identity, Get in touch with Tong's family's drug business, and eat a lot of it."

Fan Keqin nodded and said, "Yes, that's what it means. It's just that it's easy to get the medicine, but how to transport it away."

"How about using the Tong family's relationship?" Bai Fengtai said: "It's just that if you want to use the Tong family's channels, they must know who our white gloves are working for."

"Well." Fan Keqin said: "It's almost certain... The channel established by Lao Qi is not impossible, but... I just don't know how much the Tong family has this time, but I listen to Miss Tong, but Quite a lot. If the volume is really large, Lao Qi’s channels can be less, but if there are more, definitely not.”

"Yes." Bai Fengtai said: "The channel established by Lao Qi is smuggling, but the Tong family made it directly exempt from inspection, and it has something to do with it, right? It can't be said that all the checkpoints on the road passed by swaggeringly. It is not the same as our channel It's completely two concepts."

Fan Keqin thought about it, but there was no good way.After all, there is no way this thing can turn into a portal out of thin air. If it is possible to get a large amount of medicine, it must be a good thing, but a little bit, the transport of small water and long streams is not impossible, but the problem now is, if you use the Tongjia The channel has the ability to shuttle through various levels, do you think you use it or not?

If it is used and succeeds, then the soldiers on the front line, and a large number of wounded, will be able to receive timely treatment.The price is that the Tong family must know where the medicines are shipped.If it is not used, just a long stream of water will certainly be able to treat some wounded, but war, war, do you know how many wounded there are?That's a frightening number. You can save some of them, but most of the anti-Japanese soldiers don't need medicine, and they can't wait until the next batch of medicine arrives, and they will die.

Now what Fan Keqin is evaluating is whether the Tong family will do anything after they know about it.For example, if you see benefits after doing it once, you may continue to cooperate.But it is also possible to lay a trap next time.After all, Tong's family belonged to Wang Puppet now, and Tong's father was a senior official of Wang Puppet's government.

However, Fan Keqin feels that the possibility of the latter is very small, and very small.Because as long as the Tong family cooperates with their own white gloves, it is tantamount to boarding the anti-Japanese ship. Will they destroy the Great Wall by themselves?
What's more, according to the meaning of what Miss Tong said before, in fact, Tong's father is now a little bit prepared.I have to say that Tong's father really has a long-term vision. Now that the little devil is on the Pacific battlefield, he is really a little bit helpless.However, on the domestic battlefield, he only showed some fatigue, but the signs of defeat really didn't show much, and he was still relatively strong.

In fact, Fan Keqin knew that the little devil had a lot of tenacity.In fact, Germany was so powerful in the early and middle period of World War II. If the Meidi family had not adopted the unlimited blood transfusion tactic, one tank was blown up on the other side, and the Meidi family would have given Yinggualan two, or even more. Fighting, but the opponent's equipment is getting more and more.Only count on the Yinggualan people?That's really not as good as hoping to stand still.But even so, the kid's surrender time was much later than that of Germany.

Looking at it this way, Tong's father has already started to make some backhands. In fact, his vision really has to make Fan Keqin feel amazing.

Although the other party is a little suspicious of the wall, but this kind of wall can have a huge impact on the war of resistance, if it is used well, it is quite beneficial.As long as it can save more soldiers of the Anti-Japanese War, so as to attack more devils, why not use it?

Considering this, Fan Keqin made up his mind and said, "In this way, the temporary plan is to use the channel of the Tong family. It would be a good thing if the Tong family can be tied to the tank of the secret war of resistance. Think about it, they will be the last I know who is buying their medicines, but what? Do they dare to publicize? On the contrary, what I am worried about now is that there are some people in the Tong family who may walk away. As a result, the Tong family cut off this way in order to clear the relationship .”

Bai Fengtai nodded and said, "That's right. If the Tong family knew that it was for us, they wouldn't dare to leak the news easily. But I'm afraid that the people below will not be strict with their mouths, or for the money of the Japanese puppet. Get out, that would be really bad."

After thinking about it, Bai Fengtai said: "Brother Wan, we still have a little less brothers lurking in Shanghai, so we can't keep an eye on them."

Fan Keqin gave a "hmm" and said: "Send this news back to the headquarters, and ask the headquarters to send people. Let them enter the Tong family's business, at least in this line of business, even if it is impossible to immediately Get into the core of this business, but you can also keep a reasonable eye on the normal situation of these Tong family members.

In addition, I believe that there are not too many people who actually know about this kind of business.Miss Tong is not brainless in this regard, in fact she is very smart.Those who hold the goods and those who transport the goods must be those people. It is impossible for everyone in the Tongjia business to know. As long as they can figure out who these people are, they can keep an eye on them.In addition, I can also be by Miss Tong's side, know some rumors in time, and make some risk assessments, so nothing will happen. "

"Okay." Bai Fengtai said: "Then Brother Wan, I'll find a suitable brother to play the role of white gloves first, eat the goods that are three days later, and then talk about it, and wait until the time comes to see the specific situation."

"Okay." Fan Keqin said: "If there is any news from my side, I will communicate with you in time."

"Understood, then I'll go." Bai Fengtai got up and walked out of Fan Keqin's office.

After he went out, Fan Keqin thought about it again. The most important thing was his own safety, but it should be fine.In fact, this matter involves the interests of the Tong family. As long as the Tong family is fine, then I must be fine.And if there are some disasters in the Tong family, then it's not necessarily that something will happen to him.After all, Fan Keqin is very flexible now, if he can't keep up with this line, then let's go.

As for what to do with Miss Tong, Fan Keqin definitely couldn't make such a mess, just give up and run away.He is capable of keeping Miss Tong. After all, Miss Tong really loves him [-]%. Based on this alone, Fan Keqin must give her a way out.For example, if an accident is really going to happen, the little devil is going to attack Tong's house, Fan Keqin can...

(End of this chapter)

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