spy ace

Chapter 221

Chapter 221 Come and see me (3K for subscription)
Gu Xijun felt that things that had been supported by Boss Dai and Sun Guoxin knew about them, in the eyes of Fan Keqin, still had to be investigated.Is this the instinct of a good agent after all?Or did he want to investigate himself because he noticed something?

If it's the former, Gu Xijun believes that this should just be a normal internal investigation.But if it is the latter, the situation is completely different, and the other party will investigate further.Even before everything is determined, it will never stop.So the question is, how should I dispel the doubts of the other party?
But Gu Xijun thought about it to the end, and still felt that no matter what, he had to be stable first, and after being stable, there was only so much he could do at this stage, and there was no room for her to turn around.Only by Friday, the proprietress of the hair salon will collect some information for herself, and she can make the next step according to the specific situation.

Thinking of this, Gu Xijun completely recovered his usual appearance, went to the kitchen, dug out some vegetables and eggs, and started cooking.In short, let yourself eat first and then talk...

In the morning of the next day, Fan Keqin did not go back to the intelligence office first, but instead met with two members of the Northern Project to reassess the various skills and situations they had mastered.I ate siu mai and mutton soup in an old restaurant before returning to the intelligence office.

Just after noon, Zhao Hongliang approached the door with a stack of documents in his hand, and said, "Section chief, this is the statement of the surprise interrogation. Except for the guy with a broken tongue, all the others have been recruited. Can you take a look?"

Fan Keqin tossed him a cigarette, looked at it, he read about four copies in detail, and compared them with each other in his mind, they were basically the same, so he handed back the confession and said: "Okay, hand it over to me. Internal staff, this case can be closed."

Zhao Hongliang said: "Okay." Then he took it, and said: "The section chief, Fang Long, the leader of the Dragon Gang, let me tell you something, saying that things have not been done well, I hope you can give him one more time." Chance."

Fan Keqin smiled and said: "He is asking for credit. After all, they helped us figure out the identities of some of the dead. If they hadn't directly captured the leader of the poisonous snake team, I'm afraid the Dragon Gang would have to cooperate." , and then look down."

Zhao Hong nodded and said: "Section Chief, I think Fang Long is quite sensible, and he is very familiar with the pier area, so he should be able to use them in the future."

"Well, that's true." Fan Keqin nodded, and said: "The road to Sichuan has been difficult since ancient times. With the flow of people from all over the country, the pier and boat may also be a way to enter and leave the local area. Our military command is very close to the pier. You can't relax, when you see this kid, tell him that my promise still counts, and let his brothers pay attention, if there is anything suspicious, report it to us immediately."

"Understood." Zhao Hongliang said, "Then I'll go to the internal service team first."

After Zhao Hongliang left, it was completely fine. In the afternoon, in the classroom on the second basement, I gave a class to the agents in the department, and I got tired of looking for my girlfriend after get off work.

In this way, half a month passed in a blink of an eye. On this day, Fan Keqin just went to work, and Sun Guoxin called him to the office.After entering the door, I found that Qian Jinxun was also there.

Fan Keqin came to him and said, "Virgin, are you looking for me?"

Sun Guoxin said: "Your brother said that you have re-examined almost everyone on the nine-man list these days. I want to hear from you personally, are these people ready?"

Fan Keqin nodded and said: "I think I'm ready. These people are very accurate in finding their positions. Based on my observations of them these days, these people have almost digested what I taught them. All of them are certain. Progress shows that they are not lazy."

Sun Guoxin said with satisfaction: "That's good. After all, the Northeast is not any other place. I'm afraid it's much more dangerous than the big world of Shanghai. It has been occupied for too long. The Japanese forces operate in the Northeast. The wind and rain are difficult to see through. As long as there is a little bit of carelessness, life will be thrown there."

Qian Jinxun also said on the side: "Yes, our military command used to send many people to the northeast. What happened? Before the Fengtian station was fully established, we let the little devils come and go. The Harbin station is better than the Fengtian station. Not much, just three months after it was established, the station master Tu E almost died. If his brothers hadn't tried their best to cover him, would he have escaped? That's it, they all lost one eyeball, limped It was abducted."

Fan Keqin nodded, and said: "It is pointed out that the model of the intelligence station is not good, it is too rigid. My training for Wei Shan is mostly used to change identities and make overall plans, and the rest of the people are all living normally. When performing tasks, they can Use one person, not two people. After finishing a task, as long as the wind is wrong, change your identity immediately, and never leave any chances."

Sun Guoxin thought for a while, and he affirmed it, saying: "It's a bit conservative, but the situation in the Northeast is too dangerous. We don't know what's really going on there. Let's give them the most space according to Keqin's opinion." Said Then, he turned to Qian Jinxun and said, "When can you send them away?"

Qian Jinxun said: "Anytime is fine, so let me come over and ask if you have any other instructions?"

Sun Guoxin said: "That's it, you can arrange it. We can't wait until this group of people is sent away. I will give you a list of personnel. According to this model, you will still be the commander-in-chief. Keqin will serve as the commander-in-chief." Chief Instructor."

"Understood!" After the two answered, Fan Keqin turned his head and asked, "Have you fixed the transportation channel? Don't make any mistakes in this area."

"Stinky boy, do you still doubt me?" Qian Jinxun patted his arm and said, "Don't worry, my transportation channel is very confidential, and there will never be any problems."

Fan Keqin said: "That's fine. There are no problems with the people, and the transportation channels are no problem. I think the plan of the chief is already halfway done. It depends on whether this kid Wei Shan can stay out of the chain."

Sun Guoxin was also looking forward to it, so he rubbed his hands excitedly, and said: "I have confidence in them, and even more confidence in the two of you. Even if the worst happens, I believe that the nine of them will definitely do it before this." There is a big commotion in the Northeast." As he spoke, he reached out and pulled out a drawer under the desk, took out a file bag from it, put it on the table, and said, "Keqin, this is a document, I need it Take a closer look."

The file bag was quite thick, and there were a lot of files in it at first glance. It was obvious that Sun Guoxin didn't mean to read it here.So Fan Keqin reached out and took it, and said, "What is this about?"

Sun Guoxin said: "Guangzhou station sent me a report on the situation, you will know when you go back and have a look."

Fan Keqin said: "Understood, I will go back to the humble position first."

Sun Guoxin nodded and said, "Top secret, send it back to me after you finish reading it."

With a promise, Fan Keqin took the file bag out of the gate of the director's office, and after going downstairs to his own office, he closed the door.Open the portfolio and start looking.

It turned out that the military command Guangzhou Station was established by Boss Dai at the time when he ordered the Intelligence Department, and Sun Guoxin was responsible for the establishment.But just five days ago, an agent of the Telecommunications Department who was active in Changsha had traveled there on a business trip.But by accident, he caught a very mysterious telegraph signal, so he immediately reported it to the headquarters.

After a lot of comparisons by the Telecommunications Department, looking up previous intelligence data and other work, it was discovered that this mysterious signal appeared for the first time five days ago.

But on the third day after the signal appeared, a Chinese cargo ship disguised as an American merchant ship was hijacked by the Japanese navy.There are a large amount of military materials shipped back from the United States, and all of them have been ticketed in this way. This loss is not insignificant.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Yuying, director of the Translating Office of the Military Command and Telecommunications Department, miraculously deciphered the content of this mysterious signal.Of course, this is also thanks to the several sets of cipher books seized by Fan Keqin these days.

Let a large number of cryptography experts, mathematicians, and translation experts assembled by Boss Dai have a place to use.Otherwise, without any reference, it will never be possible to gain anything by guessing out of thin air.

This group of people is also really hardworking. Ever since they got the spy's first code book, they have been researching without sleep or food.Now they finally understand some rules initially.Seeing this, Fan Keqin still feels very relieved, because there is also a part of his own credit for this.

However, the content of the signal deciphered by Jiang Yuying showed the course and destination of the material cargo ship, which made Boss Dai very angry.It is impossible to hide such a big matter from others. After Lao Jiang knew that one of his few ships was lost, he immediately summoned Dai Yunong and told him that he would give himself a result within half a month.

Boss Dai, who was already bad-tempered, immediately issued a military order to Jiang, and quickly issued a strict order to the Guangzhou Station of the Military Command, without any other conditions. He must catch the spy who sent the report within ten days, otherwise Shi Baoguo, the station master of Guangzhou Station, came to see him.

This time, it was hard for Shi Baoguo, two days passed in the blink of an eye, a large-scale investigation, all hotels, guesthouses, wharf roads, railway stations set up cards at every level, and used all available tricks, but no clues were found .Seeing that his head would fall to the ground in eight days, the panic-stricken Shi Baoguo hurriedly asked his old superior, Sun Guoxin, for help.

At that time, Sun Guoxin was still the chief of the intelligence section of the Secret Service, and Shi Baoguo was under him. Until the establishment of the military command more than half a year ago, Sun Guoxin was appointed as the chief of the intelligence department. , He has made many meritorious deeds, and he has followed suit, and his file is quite excellent.So I went to Guangzhou and became the head of the local intelligence station.

Note: "The second update is coming, brothers, don't forget to read the book and vote! I want all kinds of votes, what does this mean... Do you understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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