spy ace

Chapter 222

Chapter 222 When it breaks, it breaks (3K for subscription)
To say that Shi Baoguo still has the ability.As soon as he arrived in Guangzhou, he expanded the scale of the local intelligence station to the limit and established a more complete skeleton than the old station in the past.But after all, this guy came from a logistics background, so he was a little confused when he encountered such a difficult case.You know, Boss Dai's rules are very strict. If you really exceed the time limit and you haven't made any progress, you may really collapse.

After reading the cause of the incident, Fan Keqin continued to look down.The following is the investigation of the case, including the telegram deciphered by Jiang Yuying.Because she was able to decipher the telegram through the rules formed by the cipherbooks captured by Fan Keqin and others based on the conclusions of the cryptography experts.Therefore, Fan Keqin can already be sure that the person who sent the report must be a spy.

According to the report below, Fan Keqin carefully reviewed the investigations of the past two days, and found that this freighter was called Xiaoniao, which belonged to Xinghuo Trading Company, and the owner of the company was Song Danxin.

Of course, the Xinghuo Trading Company and this Song Danxin were just a disguise of the Nationalist Government, specially used to secretly transport some urgently needed domestic materials by sea.Song Danxin was nothing more than a white glove, working for the government.

After Shi Baoguo received the order, he immediately began to investigate the Xinghuo Trading Company. He also understood that this kind of ship that transported materials, although it had a radio station and a telegram to facilitate contact with the company at any time, was disguised to reveal what was being transported. It is impossible for everyone to know.Immediately thereafter, an investigation was started, and it was finally discovered that apart from the company's boss Song Danxin, the general manager Wang Zhiqian, and a dispatcher appointed by the government, no one else knew about it.

And these three people have done it no less than a dozen times since they established the Spark Company and transported materials back from the United States in this way.If it was these three people who had problems, something would have happened long ago, and we can't wait until now.Therefore, Shi Baoguo's intelligence station almost reached a stalemate in the investigation here.And he didn't want to sit still, so he began to ask his old boss Sun Guoxin for help.

Fan Keqin reckoned that, after all, he was Sun Guoxin's old subordinate, so it would be a bit unreasonable not to push him at this time.And pull one, no matter what the result is, there is nothing to lose.With Boss Dai, he can leave an impression of actively helping the bureau to share their worries.As for the people below, they will also feel that their Virgo is very affectionate.

Now that Sun Guoxin showed himself the case, the meaning was self-evident, probably to help solve the case.Fan Keqin, who knows the history, understands that the present Guangzhou is not far from the Japanese occupation day, but overall it is still safe.

After reading the dossier, Fan Keqin put it back in the file bag and was about to go out.There was a sudden knock on the door.So he put the file bag beside him and said, "Come in."

As soon as the door opened, Huazhang walked in. After closing the door behind her back, she came to her and said, "Section Chief, Lian Mingli and Wende have returned from Peiping."

Fan Keqin looked up at her, flicked a cigarette over, and said, "Sit down and talk about it in detail." After that, he lit one himself.

Huazhang took a puff of cigarette, and said: "Section chief, I found a teacher from Gu Xijun's girls' school and two classmates in a short time, and specially sent Lian Mingli and Wende to Beiping, and brought this back. "Speaking, put a photo on the desktop.

Fan Keqin picked it up and looked at it, but it was a group photo, probably a graduation photo.I saw that there were only about twenty people in total, standing in two rows of high and low, all looking at the camera and smiling, all girls.

In the second row, that is, the taller row, fourth from the left, is Gu Xijun with a charming face.It's just that this is a photo of her from several years ago, which is more immature and purer.

After reading it, Fan Keqin put down the photo and said, "What did her teacher and classmates say?"

Huazhang said: "Her teacher reported that Gu Xijun was both good in character and academics, and learned from one example, and completed the three-year course in only one year. Lian Mingli reported that this photo was given to us by her teacher." Followed. After flicking the cigarette ash, he said again: "The two of her classmates are this and this." He pointed to the two female students in the photo with his finger.Then continued: "These two students had a good relationship with Gu Xijun back then, sometimes they often went to Gu Xijun's house to play, and Gu Xijun's father was also very kind, and often cooked some meals for them himself."

Fan Keqin nodded, and said: "Well, I have seen his father, and he often cooks for their juniors to eat, which means that the possibility of her being a spy is greatly reduced." Then he took a puff of cigarette and let out a long puff. The smoke came, and continued: "A few days ago, you reported that during the special agent training class, during the Shanghai station work period, and the headquarters work period, there was very little information on Gu Xijun in these periods, and many of them were classified. We can't do anything for the time being. Check the information. It’s just that she has never disappeared for a long time, which shows that she is still herself. This time you sent someone to Beiping to bring back the news, which proves it even more.” Followed him and paused, Looking at Huazhang, he said, "Okay, we can stop investigating her now."

Huazhang stood up and said, "Yes!"

Fan Keqin stubbed out the cigarette butt, and said, "There's nothing else to do. You go back and let Lian Mingli and Wende have a good rest today. After all, it was very hard to go to the Japanese war zone."

Seeing Huazhang leaving the house, Fan Keqin knew it well, just as he judged before, Gu Xijun could only have three identities: Japanese spy, military commander, and Red Party.Now that the possibility of her being a spy has been ruled out, then Fan Keqin is not interested in who she is, which is why he suddenly asked Huazhang to stop the investigation.

Fan Keqin believes that as long as she is not a spy, it really doesn't matter who she is.Because she contributes to the cause of the War of Resistance, this is perfectly fine.

As for why not sure?Fan Keqin felt that this was a kind of protection for Gu Xijun, and it was also a kind of protection for himself.Even if it is finally found out that the other party is the Red Party, Fan Keqin will kill Huazhang and they will silence him?Or kill Gu Xijun?Uncle Zhao of later generations told us the answer early on in the Spring Festival Evening—on this question, it won’t work if you kill everyone first.

Therefore, since it is determined that the possibility of her being a spy is very low, it is the most perfect answer not to pursue the final answer.Fan Keqin got up and picked up the file bag, went out and went up to the second floor again. Seeing that Gu Xijun still looked normal, he asked, "Where is the seat?"

Gu Xijun smiled and said, "Officer Fan, wait a moment." Then he pressed the buzzer, said a few words to Sun Guoxin, waved his hand, and said, "Officer Fan, please come in."

Fan Keqin nodded to her, opened the door and walked in.At this time, Qian Jinxun was no longer there.So he went to the desk, put down the file bag, and said, "Virgin, I've finished reading it."

Sun Guoxin pointed to the chair and asked, "Then tell me, what do you think?"

Fan Keqin said: "This file is the investigation report of the Guangzhou Station, which is of little help to the humble official. However, the humble official thought that the ship was fine when it set off, but when it came back, the spies suddenly sent a report, and it was An unfamiliar radio station means that the spy did not know the situation when the ship went out to sea. He only learned the information when the ship came back. This is a clue in time. Others, Not sure at all."

After hearing this, Sun Guoxin said, "Well, the time has been determined, and the scope is quite large."

Hearing what he said, Fan Keqin thought to himself: Come on, take the initiative.So he said: "Virgin, how about going to Guangzhou for a business trip? It's really difficult to track down the spies here just by looking at the files."

Sun Guoxin glanced at him, a little hesitant.He really wanted to send Fan Keqin there before, but once Boss Dai issued a military order with the old man, it was his own initiative to help the boss solve the problem, and the other party would definitely have a better impression of him.Secondly, I can also help my old subordinates.

But the current situation in Guangzhou is really a bit dangerous.There are various indications that the Japanese army is bound to win Guangzhou, an important coastal city.Once Fan Keqin got there, just in time for the Japanese army to break through the defense line and attack Guangzhou, Fan Keqin would be easily trapped in it.Because of this, I will lose a confidant general, and I am really reluctant.So he spoke hesitantly, and said: "Keqin, our army's situation on the front line is not very good. Guangzhou is a strategic location that the Japanese army must win. Once the Japanese army breaks through our army's defense line, you may be trapped." Whole, so... I'm still a little unsure about paying attention."

Fan Keqin, who knew the historical time, didn't really care much, because Guangzhou was indeed occupied by the Japanese army a month later, but he still had plenty of time, so as long as he seized the time, it shouldn't be a big problem.So he said: "Virgin, I think these spies in Guangzhou are very arrogant. They suddenly sent a report at this time, relying on the Japanese army to threaten Guangzhou. Therefore, they must be careless and show their flaws. , must strive to take down the spies as quickly as possible, and then never stop, come back immediately."

Sun Guoxin listened, thought for a while, and said: "Okay, I will inform Shi Baoguo to cooperate with you fully, and you will bring a few more confidantes in the intelligence department, and you must take down the spies as quickly as possible. Keqin, you Remember, once the battle situation changes, you can give up at any time and return to Chongqing immediately, your safety is the first priority, understand?"

Fan Keqin stood up and said: "Thank you for your concern, and remember the humble position."

Sun Guoxin said: "It's not too late, you go to choose your entourage now, bring a few more, and I will personally arrange the route for you."

"Yes!" Fan Keqin said, turned around and went out the door, returning to his office.After he thought about it for a while, he picked up the phone and called the field team.

(End of this chapter)

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