spy ace

Chapter 2230 Negotiations

Chapter 2230 Negotiations
Fan Keqin considered very completely, including the safety after the operation is also very important.This is why Fan Keqin's subordinates are very supportive of him, so that the execution is more efficient.And some of the leaders are not good, all he thinks about is how to complete the task.As for the safety of the subordinates after the completion, after the execution, I don't think much about it.He doesn't care whether he is dead or not, as long as he can achieve his goal.

Such a head, at some point, can really succeed.But they don't actually know that their style of work, in fact, at some point, will have a huge risk.If the frequency of accidents among subordinates is too high, it will also affect their own danger level.However, there are people like this who just can't see the long-term.In fact, you might as well look at the people you can come into contact with. It is not difficult to find that there are really many such people.That's why there is that sentence: short-sighted.

Baifengtai's execution ability is still very high. The first one is to ensure the supply of TNT.Inviting Wang Zhaohai to make the earth plane itself requires a lot of explosives, and now the Shanghai Grand Hotel also needs some, so Bai Fengtai still attaches great importance to this aspect.

Fortunately, when Fan Keqin came to Shanghai, all kinds of equipment came in concealment, and so did TNT.It's just secretly hiding outside the SH urban area, or in a secret safe house within the urban area.Now slowly mobilize, that is.

At the headquarters in Chongqing, Jiang Bin and the bomb experts from the Security Bureau began to calculate the dosage in detail.These things are not something that can be imagined out of thin air.Fortunately, when Bai Fengtai's men were investigating, they got all the information they found.Otherwise, even if Jiang Bin and the others are masters at playing bombs, they can't calculate it.

Now we have the information that has been detected, such as how high the groundwater system under Wang Zhaohai's mansion is.What is the material of the four walls, the ceiling of the underground waterway system, how thick it is from the ground, how big is the entire mask, etc.These things are all there, so Jiang Bin and the others finally came up with a plan after nearly [-] hours of continuous calculation.After repeated inspections several times, it was confirmed that there was no problem, and it was handed over to Sun Guoxin, who personally sent the report to Shanghai.

After Fan Keqin received the telegram, he saw that it was very detailed, how many TNT explosives were needed in total.How many places need to be buried, and how many TNTs are needed for the places where the explosives are buried.How to connect the TNTs in each place, in short, etc., is really very detailed.

Fan Keqin was very satisfied after reading the telegram. At the end of the telegram, Sun Guoxin asked him if there was enough TNT. If not, he could secretly dispatch some from Beiping, Tianjin and other places.

The total amount, in fact, is really not enough, less than half of the dose.Therefore, Fan Keqin also immediately sent another report to Sun Guoxin, asking him to dispatch as soon as possible, and write down the minimum number of dispatches.In addition, after being dispatched, where to hide is also written in detail.In addition, Fan Keqin told the headquarters that it would be better to slow down than to go fast, which would cause safety problems.

After Sun Guoxin received the telegram, he naturally attached great importance to it.After all, this was the assassination of Wang Zhaohai, so he personally began to direct and dispatch TNT.

In fact, he knew that in Shanghai, apart from Fan Keqin, there was also a military assassination team.But Sun Guoxin didn't care, because what he believed most was not the assassination team, but Fan Keqin.

In fact, based on Sun Guoxin's ability, after he saw Fan Keqin's telegram, he knew that Fan Keqin was about to take action.As for whether Wang Zhaohai can be successfully killed, I will not mention it for the time being.But after killing Wang Zhaohai, Sun Guoxin still thought carefully about whether he would offend the military commander.

But in the end, Sun Guoxin felt that he still had to support Fan Keqin's actions.Because he first felt that the first priority must be whether or not he could get rid of Wang Zhaohai.After all, this guy is the No. [-] traitor in Tianzi, and it would be the most wasteful to use this opportunity.If I were Fan Keqin, I would definitely do the same.

The second is that he believes in Fan Keqin. After all, Fan Keqin's missions so far have never failed.In this way, in Sun Guoxin's heart, it can be said that the trust in Fan Keqin is higher than that of everyone, and it is truly higher than that of everyone. There is no such thing as one.

Furthermore, after Wang Zhaohai died, even the military commander was furious, feeling that his security bureau was taking credit.But Wang Zhaohai's death was the key point. Even if Boss Dai was extremely dissatisfied, he didn't dare to say anything about him.Because when Wang Zhaohai died, the credit was so great that even Boss Dai didn't dare to do anything about it.

What's more, it is impossible for Sun Guoxin to say that he has taken all the credit, and that the military has no credit at all.In the later report, don’t you write it as you want? Although the main credit must be from the Security Bureau, the secondary credit is that Boss Dai has indeed ordered Fan Keqin to help the assassination team in Shanghai.Isn't this the credit of the military command?

After a comprehensive consideration, Sun Guoxin felt that Fan Keqin had to support Fan Keqin [-]%.Therefore, he personally commanded and dispatched various equipment and so on.

With the personal command of Sun Guoxin, the big boss of the Security Bureau, the efficiency is naturally improving.About five days later.When Wang Zhaohai and the little devil's negotiator were negotiating for the second time.Fan Keqin received a telegram that the TNT explosives had been delivered.

This is Fan Keqin telling them, let them just ship somewhere.Then I will send someone to pick it up.People at both ends don't meet each other.

After calling Bai Fengtai to give such instructions, Bai Fengtai immediately dispatched his men to fetch TNT, and secretly transported it to the city, where he had already found several hidden locations.

After Fan Keqin received the telegram from Jiang Bin and others, he had already handed over their bomb planting to Bai Fengtai.The latter naturally begins to communicate immediately.

Now that there is enough TNT, Fan Keqin calculated the time, and the little devil and Wang Zhaohai had already conducted the second negotiation.Who knows when the two sides will reach an agreement.

Even if Fan Keqin is a layman for this kind of negotiation, he can also judge that Wang Zhaohai will eventually agree to the little devil's request and declare war on Yinggualan, Meidijia and other countries.Negotiating now is nothing more than trying to get more benefits for myself.

As for the little devil, it is impossible for Wang Zhaohai to give whatever he wants. After all, Wang Zhaohai is supported by them, so it is reasonable to give him what he wants!

(End of this chapter)

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