spy ace

Chapter 2231 Sewers

Chapter 2231 Sewers

Therefore, Wang Zhaohai and the negotiator of the little devil, the two sides are seeing-saw.It's commonly known as wrangling. After a lot of grinding, a balance between the two parties is reached, and the negotiation is over.In fact, some people in later generations feel that there is no use in talking about it, but you actually act.

In fact, such a person is just talking.It is impossible to really think that wrangling is useless.Only a small group of people think that wrangling is useless.

Otherwise, why do all countries in later generations have diplomatic departments?Do you really think it's useless?Even if you don't know the simplest truth, you start to feel that it's useless to just talk, but you should act.Then I'm going to ask, for those who really think so, those who don't understand this truth, will what he thinks be correct?People still need to learn to think.And you have to have the right stance.

As long as you have a correct standpoint and have your own independent thinking ability.will do the right thing.And this kind of people often don't say nonsense, "You are acting, what's the use of just talking."

Everything has a process, it is certain.Now the little devil and Wang Zhaohai are in the stage of wrangling.But Fan Keqin couldn't wait, what if it was over?Who can guarantee it.So on his side, naturally he has to pay close attention.

Fan Keqin even went to the high-end residential area where Wang Zhaohai was located.Not on the ground, but underground.It is said that this underground sewer system is really good, and people can walk upright in it.But just like the previous report, the inside is very empty, so as long as Wang Zhaohai's people come to check it, it may not be possible to hide anything.

However, Fan Keqin's plan now is not to drop the bomb first.It is to figure out the situation inside, and prepare the TNT, which can be placed at any time on the key points that Jiang Bin and others have obtained after research.

Fan Keqin walked back and forth twice in the sewer.Very good, this is consistent with the situation reported by the subordinates, there are several openings that can lead to Wang Zhaohai's mansion nearby.How to go inside and where it will arrive, Fan Keqin silently checked it all during the few laps he walked around.Didn't find anything wrong.

But in this sewer, Wang Zhaohai's people don't know whether Fan Keqin and others have checked it.Because every time Fan Keqin and Bai Fengtai's subordinates were investigating in the sewer, it didn't mean that a large number of people went in.Instead, three or two people went in to investigate, and when they walked inside, they were all cautious.

And this kind of small-scale investigation, the chance of meeting people is very small.Just to prevent Wang Zhaohai's people from coming down to check the sewer.Therefore, the two sides did not meet, nor did they hear the sound of anyone moving below.But this does not mean that Wang Zhaohai's people never came down.

In addition, Schneider did not respond that Wang Zhaohai's people had come down to investigate.Because the Chief of Internal Guard Hong Kangping is in a cooperative relationship with Dazheng Xiren.From any words, it can be heard directly or indirectly that Hong Kangping once sent people to investigate under the sewer.But this still doesn't mean that they really didn't send anyone down.What if people just don't tell you, they think it's their own business, but they don't tell you, this is also a normal situation.

After checking the sewer, Fan Keqin immediately changed his clothes, and then took a bath in the bathroom outside before going back to see Miss Tong.

The next day, Schneider's news came back again.This time, judging from the countermeasures that Hong Kangping discussed with Dazheng Xiren and the others, Wang Zhaohai seemed to have reached agreement on some conditions with the little devil's negotiator.

Because Hong Kangping was the first to ask Dazheng Xiren and Schneider to make some moves on the two false targets.It is very simple, the movement of the team coming out and going in.Another point is that Hongkangping asked the railway station, the dock, and the airport, these three places, to take actions to secretly raise the security level again.

Schneider judged that this was Hong Kangping trying to force the ghost out.I thought these two actions he explained.Its purpose seems to be to make people feel that Wang Zhaohai may leave at any time.Even the feeling of leaving soon.

This action is actually not very complicated, but it is very, very practical.If there is really a group of people staring at the sidelines.It seems that the master is going to leave, how do you judge?Do you want to do it right away, or keep it still?If you don't move, will people really leave?Are you stupid?

But if you really moved, and the real master just feigned a shot, what would you do?Are you not afraid to expose your intentions?

This is an extremely practical strategy of making the false and the real, the real and the false, and the false and the real.Do you really think that the ancestor's art of war was invented thousands of years ago, and it doesn't work now?That's because you don't know how to use it and don't know how to use it.

To be honest, if Fan Keqin had detected this situation by himself, he might have to increase the investigation in a short time.Others don't move.Because this matter is too uncertain.But fortunately, there are Schneider, Shinoda Suisan, and Yan Xingwei.The three people around Dazheng Xiren are all his people.Having said that, Dazheng Xiren really didn't notice it.

It's like, if there is a problem with someone around you, you may react after a period of time, anyway.Unless this person's ability is too high, you will not be able to react.

But, on the other hand, if everyone around you is an inner ghost.Then can you still judge who is the ghost?The cover of mutual words, the thoughts of each other, and even your own thoughts.At this time, the chances of you discovering it will be greatly reduced.

After a whole night of thinking, Fan Keqin finally decided that he could do it now.The next night, a bomb was planted and detonated immediately.

Of course, what I'm talking about here is the person in charge of Wang Zhaohai's side.They could only carry the bomb in quickly at night, and then detonate it immediately after evacuating.

But during the day, that's when it's time to act on your own.In the past few days, it can indeed be seen that Wang Zhaohai is talking well with the little devil's negotiating delegation.Because it has been three days in a row, and they have been negotiating.Didn't say it was time for a day off.

Therefore, when Fan Keqin arrived at the company the next morning, he immediately called Bai Fengtai and asked him to prepare immediately. Today, only Wang Zhaohai...

(End of this chapter)

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