spy ace

Chapter 2233 Dark and damp

Chapter 2233 Dark and damp
"Yeah." Fan Keqin said, "It's fine as planned. Is there any problem with this car?"

"No problem." Bai Fengtai said, "I just got it this morning."

While changing his clothes, Fan Keqin asked again: "Where is the controlled worker? How is it?"

"No problem." Bai Fengtai said: "According to reports, this kid's psychological quality is still good. When he called to ask for leave, he didn't have any emotions such as fear, and his tone was normal. Our people were watching from the side. successful."

Fan Keqin said: "Yes, some people's psychological quality is so low that it makes people feel strange. But some people are calm and calm. These people are around, and they can't be found usually. But after encountering things, sometimes they will surprise us. Own."

He moved neatly, quickly changed his clothes, and said, "Room [-]?"

"Yes." Bai Fengtai said, "Twenty-two Gaoyi."

Fan Keqin said: "You wait for me here, no matter what, I can come back here."

Bai Fengtai said: "Okay." Following him, he turned around and said, "Brother Heng, be careful, you can't... Forget it, anyway, we are on the other side, and we have backup."

Fan Keqin said: "Well, I know. Don't worry, nothing will happen." As he spoke, he got out of the car.Then go forward, enter a corridor, go up half a floor, and look out from the window.

The curtains on both sides of the car that Bai Fengtai was in had been drawn.But there is no front row, and it is impossible to have a windshield.Only the back row has the curtains drawn.In this way, it is the same as many cars.In Shanghai, a colorful world, if you park in the courtyard of a residential area, you can't see anything wrong with it.

About half an hour later, Bai Fengtai saw a person carrying a cigarette box walk in through the front door opening, and then go out through another building door opening normally.It's like a small business person who walks through the streets and alleys normally, passing through a community.

But in his eyes, the meaning has become different.So he leaned slightly, stretched out his hand in the direction of the front windshield, and waved in the sunlight.

Fan Keqin was at the window in the corridor, saw Bai Fengtai signaled him in the car, and knew in his heart that the little devil's negotiating delegation had already set off.At this time, the Shanghai Hotel, the negotiating delegation of the little devil, should be the weakest time.So, without further hesitation, come out of the corridor and walk out of the residential buildings.

This place is not far from the Shanghai Grand Hotel, so in just a few minutes, Fan Keqin has arrived at the Shanghai Grand Hotel, which is in a residential area next door.

Shanghai in this year is very distinctive, some places are very luxurious, but there are always some places not far away, which are relatively down-and-out or outdated.This phenomenon is very common in Shanghai at this time.

This residential area is like this, compared to where the Shanghai Hotel is located, it is very old.So old, the water supply in the entire alley has a water room.Even the toilets are public toilets.People nearby, if they drink water or go to the toilet, they have to go to the study and public toilets.

Fan Keqin went straight into the water room and took off his suit jacket.Then, I took out the tooling from the bag and changed it.Put the suit back in the bag.Finally, he took out a stocking from inside and put it on his face.Blinking his eyes, he felt a little tightness on his face, but his eyesight was not affected in any way.

After doing all this, Fan Keqin put the burden directly on the beam above the water house.At this moment, footsteps sounded outside, and Fan Keqin immediately hid in the sluice room inside.Listen to the movement outside.

Sure enough, footsteps came in, first there was the sound of unscrewing the faucet, and then the sound of water pouring on the bottom of the bucket.It may be that there is a nearby house who came to pick up the water.

The water pressure is not low, so it didn’t work for a minute, the faucet was turned off again, and then the people outside, probably because the water was a little full, hummed in their mouths when they lifted the water, and then lifted the water, walking slower and slower. He stepped out of the water room, and gradually disappeared.

Fan Keqin didn't come out right away, but listened to the movement for a while.It was true that there was no sound, and then he came out.In other words, this place was found out by Bai Fengtai's subordinates who threatened the workers of the Shanghai Hotel.

The worker provided a piece of news, that is, the drainage well of the pump room on the first floor of the Shanghai Hotel can lead to the underground water system.Then the underwater of Baifengtai, after entering the groundwater system, explored for almost a whole day before finding the water house in this residential area.

Then how did Baifengtai come down underwater? Isn’t it the same for Fan Keqin using that place?It's really different. Although the Shanghai Hotel is also in a high-end area, it is on the edge.Under the water of Baifengtai, it is impossible to just go into the Shanghai Hotel and investigate anyway.In addition, in order not to show his feet, he can only enter the groundwater system from a relatively far away place.Therefore, Fan Keqin's method will not work.

Fan Keqin came outside, and according to the information provided by Bai Fengtai, he quickly came to a wellhead built with cement on the ground.Use your gloved hand to close the grate gap of the manhole cover.Pull up hard.The mouth of the well was pulled up directly.

Then Fan Keqin did not hesitate, holding the manhole cover with one hand, stepping down on the metal ladder embedded in the wall below.After walking down a few steps, he raised his hand and closed the manhole cover.

Fan Keqin carried the burden behind his back, and walked down step by step with his hands and feet.Sure enough, this place should be the same as the investigation, it is in the high-level area, the edge of the high-level groundwater system.

He estimated that when the groundwater system was being built, the water house was not there yet.Just a normal maintenance wellhead for workers to go down.But later, the residents above built a water house here for convenience.But this was Fan Keqin's guess, so it's not clear what happened.

But it doesn't matter, Fan Keqin came to the bottom, according to the situation below Bai Fengtai said, began to walk quickly in the direction of the Shanghai Hotel.

Because the bottom here is very high, Fan Keqin can fully walk upright.The repairs below are really good. There are highlands on both sides and a low-lying area in the middle. After the water flows down, it all slips away in the low-lying area in the middle.And workers can walk on the high ground on both sides.Now it's convenient for Fan Keqin.

Turn left at an intersection ahead, and it should be the place reported by Bai Fengtai.After Fan Keqin turned left according to the known information in his heart...

(End of this chapter)

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