spy ace

Chapter 2234 Secret Infiltration

Chapter 2234 Secret Infiltration
Fan Keqin looked at the corner, and sure enough, there was an old canvas bag thrown on the ground.After bending down and reaching out to open it, there is a TNT that is already in a state of being activated.The TNT is in the shape of a tube, and the outside has been wrapped in a layer of balls.

The balls are the kind used on bicycles. They are not big, and they are densely glued to the TNT, and the outermost layer is protected by tape.The timer detonator is already installed, just set the time, press start and you're all set.

Fan Keqin was not in a hurry to take it away, but adjusted the time of the TNT and the detonation timer in the large canvas bag.

They agreed that as long as the little devil's negotiating delegation set off to negotiate with Wang Zhaohai, the time for the explosion tonight would be at [-] o'clock in the middle of the night.

Therefore, Fan Keqin first calculated how long it would take to explode based on the current time, then quickly adjusted all the timing devices at the same time, and started them all.

In this way, he doesn't need to adjust the time now after he goes up.Just put the things away, and it's all alive.In addition, TNT itself is a relatively safe explosive, so there is basically no need to worry about this problem unless you are unlucky to a certain extent.

But if it happened, Fan Keqin would not be afraid, because the explosion of TNT close to his body would make him feel no pain, and he would die instantly, even if his physical fitness was the limit of the human body, it would be useless.So if you can't feel any pain, why should you be afraid?Another possibility is that there are no accidents normally, and since there are no accidents, it is even less likely for me to be afraid.So in summary, there is no need for Fan Keqin to worry about these two possibilities.

After everything was done, Fan Keqin took the big bag and walked to another corner, after coming here.On the wall next to him, Fan Keqin once again saw the metal ladder embedded in the wall.With a big bag, the hands swished to the top after a while.

The top is also a manhole cover, which is round.There are two small holes on the left and right, which should be a relatively authentic maintenance wellhead.It's not the kind that has more holes for dirty water.

Fan Keqin listened to the movement above quietly for a while, but he couldn't quite hear if there was anyone there.It's this very close noise of the machine running "Hmm!~!~".

Fan Keqin knew this sound was the sound of the machines in the pump room of a building when they were running normally.After all, this is an independent building, and other surrounding communities, although they also have buildings, also have running water.But this is a big hotel after all, if the water is always cut off in the hotel, will this hotel still be a high-end hotel?Therefore, at the beginning of the construction of the Shanghai Grand Hotel, various facilities were very complete.Sure enough, within a short period of time after opening, it became well-known and became one of the top hotels in Shanghai.

But now, the machines in the pump room are running normally, so Fan Keqin can't hear the situation.You know, his hearing is also at the limit of human beings, but this situation is like, you are far away from the noise, and others are talking to you deep in the center of the noise, you can clearly understand it.But on the other hand, when you talk to someone who is deep in the center of the noise, it is not easy for the other party to understand what you are saying.

Fan Keqin already had a countermeasure, and took out a tube from the large canvas bag.That's right, this is a homemade periscope.It is very thin, with two oblique mirrors affixed up and down.In later generations, paper art classes in some elementary schools were still called handicraft classes, and they were taught there.After all, everyone understands the principle of this thing, as long as they have a little hands-on ability, elementary school students can do it very well.

Fan Keqin took the periscope and carefully inserted it into the upper hole.Then he immediately moved his eyes to the observation hole below, looked back and forth twice, and he probably saw clearly the appearance of the water pump room above.

It was very dark outside as a whole, only some light shone in through the gap from the half-open door.But this brightness is only relative, so Fan Keqin judged that the negative floor outside the pump room is also darker.

The rest is a water tank. According to the current standard of water, it should not be small, and it can have a scale of about fifteen cubic meters.In front of the water tank, there are two water pumps, one of which is working.The other should be on standby.May be spare.Of course, Fan Keqin doesn't know much about this, so this is just his guess.

The most important thing is that there is no one in the pump room.But this is also normal, the pump room cannot be left with people [-] hours a day.A few normal inspections a day are enough, and this is also the information provided by the worker who was taken down.

As for the inspection time is not too fixed, usually twice, once in the morning, once in the afternoon to evening.There is no precise fixed time, because some maintenance technicians may happen to encounter other things and perform maintenance and repairs in other places. Therefore, it is good to master this thing by yourself.

Fan Keqin put away the periscope, and now he needs to speed up. If he is slow, it will increase the chance of the other party coming.Therefore, he quickly pushed up, opened the manhole cover, threw the bag up, and then put his hands on the edge, struggling with his arms, and kicked off the ladder with his feet.The body "flyed" up directly.

Then when Fan Keqin got up, he picked up his backpack and kicked the manhole cover next to him to reset it.At this time, he had observed for four weeks, and there was indeed no one in the computer room.And it was dark indeed.Fortunately, when he was walking in the groundwater system, it was also relatively dark.Therefore, the eyes have become more accustomed to the darkness.You can still see the situation in the pump room clearly.

Two strides came to the door, stopped and looked outside.Slowly opened the door, and as the door opened wider and wider, Fan Keqin was also attentively observing the situation outside.Very good, there is no one on the negative floor.

The basement floor is an underground parking lot. In fact, an underground parking lot is not a rare thing these days.There may be relatively few in China, but many high-end places in Shanghai already have underground parking lots.

According to the situation provided by the information, Fan Keqin glanced at the front right position.Well, there should be a hotel security guard watching the underground parking lot.However, this underground parking lot is quite large and far away, and there are not a few cars parked there. There are cars in most of the parking spaces, and there are several pillars in the field, so the line of sight is blocked, so I didn't see the security guard.

(End of this chapter)

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