spy ace

Chapter 2238 Someone

Chapter 2238 Someone
Fan Keqin can also grab the cable, and at worst go up with the elevator.As long as the elevator does not have a falling accident such as the cable breaking, it will not crush him to death even if it rises to the top.Because the elevator is like this, the top and the bottom, it doesn't mean that the elevator is directly next to the top, there is no gap at all, but there is still a distance.As long as you squat down and bend over at this distance, you will not be squeezed to death.

Regardless of whether the elevator goes up or down, the people inside can't see themselves anyway.So Fan Keqin crawled for a while and came to the first room, which was also a "standard room". After placing a bomb in the vent, Fan Keqin then began to crawl in, and the second room was also a standard room.But the third one is not, but a senior suite.

The room on this side is actually not much different from the side where Fan Keqin had placed the bomb just now.There are only two high-end suites, which are closer to the side, but this is just a different location, and there is really no essential difference in the others.

But when Fan Keqin finished installing the first senior suite, placed a bomb in the bedroom vent of the second senior suite, and climbed to the study office of the suite to press and release the bomb.However, it was discovered that there were actually people in this room, and they were talking.

Since the senior suite was very large, and the two people were supposed to be discussing some confidential matter, their voices were very low.In addition, all the doors of this office and study room were closed, so when Fan Keqin came to this vent, he found that there was someone in this room.

It was two little devils who were talking.How do you say Fan Keqin in Japanese?I'm afraid it's almost meaningless to carry out daily communication reluctantly.Based on what these two people said, Fan Keqin listened to half of it.But their conversation attitude, tone, tone, etc., all of these told Fan Keqin that these two little devils must be talking about some confidential matter again.

Seeing this situation, Fan Keqin hesitated slightly.First of all, you have a time limit.Although he was in the ventilation duct, once the little devil's negotiating delegation came back, the vigilance would definitely be greatly strengthened.So leaving as soon as possible is the best policy.

But on the other hand, Fan Keqin still wanted to figure out what kind of confidential event these two were talking about, it would be a pity to miss it.Therefore, it was rare for Fan Keqin to show some hesitation.

However, Fan Keqin only hesitated slightly, and immediately made a judgment in his heart.Listen for a while, and leave immediately if you get nothing.After all, his ghost language is really not very good, but Fan Keqin doesn't think it is necessary for him to learn it.Because today's situation is simply a minority of the minority.

It's like a commodity, such as a piggy bank, with a phone function.Who the hell bought it? They all have mobile phones, so it’s not convenient to carry a piggy bank, and it’s much more expensive than ordinary piggy banks.Why should I buy it for a function that may not be used for many years?Isn't that sick?Even if I really need it, why don't I just buy a real piggy bank?

Fan Keqin listened patiently, but he couldn't understand more than half of what the two of them said.But the words mentioned in it include airplane, Chongqing, and next month.Moreover, these words all appeared in a conversation between these two little devils.

So Fan Keqin, who was about to leave, listened patiently again.This time I heard a few very clear words: military command, awakened, whether to recall.After listening for a while, Fan Keqin really couldn't understand.Judging by the tone, tone, and demeanor, these two devils seem to have come to an end with what they said before.So the tone is no longer as soft as before, but has become a normal volume, and then the expression is very relaxed, as if talking about where to play in the local area.

Fan Keqin first connects these words together, uses his imagination, and reasonably infers various possible information: aircraft, Chongqing, next month, military command, awakened, whether to recall... these few Words, in fact, serious views, are not very close at all.But Fan Keqin used the thinking of an agent to connect them together, and it seems to be different. They said, is there a plane going to Chongqing, and the time is next month?

The military command was awakened. Does that mean that some of their people in the military command were awakened and provided some secret information?The meaning of whether to retrieve seems to confirm Fan Keqin's idea, because whether to retrieve itself is an interrogative sentence, or a sentence pattern for discussion.That means, after being awakened, the spies lurking in the military command provided information, and out of safety considerations, did they want to recall the other party, that is, did they mean to let them retreat?

Fan Keqin doesn't care so much, if these two people really have such intentions, then Fan Keqin judges that these two people must also be professional spies, but their rank is relatively high.This is not surprising, and quite possible.Because the little devil's negotiating delegation came to negotiate with Wang Zhaohai's puppet government this time, the level of negotiation is very high.With a few senior spies, that's normal.

But now is not the time to think about it carefully, but after remembering these words in his heart, Fan Keqin directly erected a cylindrical TNT explosive in the middle of the vent.Since there were two little devils outside, Fan Keqin was more careful when crawling back, lest he really didn't notice and made some noise.

After pressing and releasing bombs in two rooms in succession, Fan Keqin found someone in another room, but the person in this room was reading a book.It's quite quiet, and I'm reading a Chinese book, so I don't know if the person reading the book is a little devil.But now the entire third floor is indeed taken over by the little devil's negotiating delegation, so there is a high chance that this person is a little devil.

That's it, Fan Keqin crawled silently in the pipeline all the way, pressing and releasing bombs all the way without making a sound.The difference was that Fan Keqin didn't see anyone on the other side.But on this side, probably due to the angle, in addition to seeing a few people in the room, I also saw a few ghosts at the vent in the corridor.But there really aren't that many.

Fan Keqin reckoned that the first point might be that the negotiating delegation of the little devils had gone out to negotiate with Wang Zhaohai, so most of them left.But they couldn't ignore the resident, so a very small number of people were left to look after the house.The second point may be that Fan Keqin didn't look out of every vent leading to the corridor, so he only saw these few people.

(End of this chapter)

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