spy ace

Chapter 2239 Be cautious

Chapter 2239 Be cautious
However, Fan Keqin didn't care about the possibility, anyway, he just pressed and dropped the bomb all the way.As long as the little devil's negotiating delegation comes back, don't run away suddenly, causing your plan to be useless, and you will win.

After Fan Keqin placed the TNT ball bomb in the last room on this side, Fan Keqin touched the big bag at a corner in the pipe.At this time, the big bag was relatively dry, and there were only three bombs left in it.

Fan Keqin thought about it, don't take it back, so he turned around and put the three bombs in the two senior suites, all in the living room of the two suites that were not installed before, and in the entertainment room of one of the senior suites. put one.

This time, the survival rate of the people in the high-end suite on this side became even lower.After all the bombs were planted, Fan Keqin returned to the elevator shaft the same way.Fan Keqin's luck this time was not very good, but not bad either.The reason was that when he reached the elevator shaft, the elevator stopped at the third floor.

In other words, the vent is actually above the elevator car.It can be said that once Fan Keqin goes out, he can step on the top of the elevator car to the other side.But just now Fan Keqin threw himself out carefully, stepped on the ceiling of the elevator car carefully, and when he was about to pass to the other side, the elevator suddenly moved.go up.

This time Fan Keqin didn't dare to move, it didn't mean that he didn't have the confidence to get directly into the vent on the opposite side in such a short time.Rather, it is enough to take one step in a short period of time, but it requires explosive power.As soon as the explosive force under my feet opened, the elevators of this year did not have any protective function in later generations.As long as there is any deviation, if you get stuck there with a "crack" sound, it's not because you are making yourself uncomfortable.

So Fan Keqin quickly got down, but his feet stood still, he just squatted down and looked up.On the one hand, lower the center of gravity, on the other hand, he wants to see if he is a hotel guest on the top floor, and then calls the elevator.If the elevator really ascended to the top floor, then if I stood up straight and smashed my head on the quilt, wouldn't the gain outweigh the loss.

After waiting quietly for a while, the elevator stopped on the fourth floor, there is still a little more space from the top.As soon as the elevator stopped, Fan Keqin immediately walked carefully to the other side.He leaned forward, supported the inner wall of the ventilation duct with his hands, retracted his legs, moved his arms and body a few times, and got into the ventilation duct on the other side.

Once you get in with your whole body, you don't have to worry about the elevator behind you. You can go to as many floors as you want, and it doesn't matter to you.So Fan Keqin concentrated on crawling forward.

In other words, the building is like this, the pattern of each floor, in fact, the change is not too big.Except for some big villas where rich people live, big houses may pursue the unique pattern design of each floor.For the rest of the hotels, residential buildings and so on, in fact, most of the floors have basically the same upper and lower layouts.

It is impossible to say that the ventilation ducts on the third floor are in the shape of a square, but it turns out that the fourth floor is not. It has to be unique, and it has a five-pointed star, which is really sick.

It was the same reason at this time, he was on the third floor before coming here, but at this time the elevator went up by accident, allowing him to catch up and reach the fourth floor.But it's okay, the internal layout is the same.You climbed up the vertical pipes on the third floor. It is impossible to say that the vertical ventilation pipes on the fourth floor are sealed.

That's meaningless, what you're doing is ventilation ducts, for ventilation, and it's not like making you a maze.You sealed off that shitty wind.

So the position is the same, find the vertical vent, put Fan Keqin's feet on his head, support his sides with his hands and feet, and slide down.But this is the choice of ordinary people, and Fan Keqin does not allow this, because there will be sounds when sliding against the inner wall along the way.Although in this position, no one should hear it.But Fan Keqin's rigorous attitude still did not allow him to do so.

Therefore, Fan Keqin is still using the method of supporting the inner wall with both hands and feet, and circling down and down.In this way, there is almost no sound, and it descends.It's just that it's on the fourth floor now, which is one more floor than when we came here.But don't worry about it, the negative floor is the bottom floor of the Shanghai Hotel, just go down to the end.

Going down, no trouble climbing up.The speed will also be a little faster, which is determined by the laws of the earth.So it didn't take long for Fan Keqin to reach the bottom floor.Here you can go back the same way.

We always say that we must be cautious about the beginning and the end, and start cautiously, but we must also remain cautious before the end.I remember that Fan Keqin read a statistic in his previous life, saying that it was on some battlefield in World War II. In short, it was a fighter jet, and the losses caused by the return flight were even comparable to the losses caused by fighting the enemy in the air.Fan Keqin forgot the specific figures, and he didn't know if the statistics were fake.

But Fan Keqin knew that at the last moment when the aircraft carrier returned and landed on Class A, the chances of accidents were really very high.Because often some pilots, after the battle, return to the flight smoothly, and as soon as they see their own door.The mentality is relaxed, and the error rate suddenly rises under such a mentality.

So it went smoothly in the air, and it was fine when fighting the enemy in the air, but instead, when it arrived at the door for the last time, something happened directly.And this phenomenon, on the aircraft carrier of the Meidi family, is really not a special case at any level.Although it is not a common phenomenon, it is really not rare.

Therefore, the ancients often said that they should be cautious at the beginning and the end. Why is it a wise saying?It really makes sense.What Fan Keqin has is that he can have a tolerant heart. As long as it is really reasonable, he thinks it is right, and it is beneficial to himself, he will absorb it.So in Fan Keqin, if you want to find some so-called "Oh, I was careless this time." Or very low-level mistakes, it is simply impossible.In other words, it was Fan Keqin's state, which was so stable that it almost made people feel terrible.

Just like some football players, there are some people who can even complete a hat-trick with one goal in a single game.But for some people, he may not have the so-called number of goals scored in a single game.But, he scores goals in almost every game.Which type of person is more terrifying?It must be the latter.Continuous and stable output is the best.

(End of this chapter)

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