spy ace

Chapter 2240 Nonsense

Chapter 2240 Nonsense
As for Fan Keqin, his ability is very high, so he can score two or three goals in every game, and he can output such a stable output in every game.In this way, one can imagine how terrible this is.

Still cautiously crawling to the vent, Fan Keqin took a closer look outside through the gap in the vent.It's okay, the situation on the negative floor has not changed much from when I came up.But there should be an extra car. It seems that when I entered the Haida Hotel, some guests drove over and parked the car below.

As for the security guard, he didn't read the newspaper anymore, but he was still sitting on the other side, smoking a cigarette.Looking at the entrance, he may be admiring the scenery outside.

Fan Keqin carefully considered one more thing, that is, after he went out, should he screw on the grille of the vent.If it is screwed on, the time I spend in parking will definitely be lengthened.In this way, over time, the risk of being discovered will increase accordingly.

But if it is not screwed on... it seems that there are some risks, that is, is there any patrol in Haida Hotel?It is estimated that there must be.So in any case, the screws of the vents are not screwed on, so there is a risk of being discovered.

But Fan Keqin felt that the latter, that is, the risk of not screwing on the screw, should be higher than the risk of screwing on the screw for a long time.After all, if a small screw in the vent is not tightened, the chance of being discovered cannot be said to be zero at all, but it must be very small.

Another possibility is that even if someone saw that the screws at the four corners of the vent grille were not tightened, they might not be suspicious.For example, if a maintenance person sees that there are no screws, he will immediately think that someone crawled in and hid a bomb inside the hotel?Not too possible.There is a high probability that you may not even think about it, or simply think about it in your head, thinking that the vent itself is not screwed on.This is, a normal situation.

Besides, tonight is the time to act.The time is relatively short, which further reduces the chance of being discovered.Therefore, after thinking about it for a while, Fan Keqin decided that he didn't need to twist the screws, and that he should leave immediately after going out. This is what he should do.

Thinking of this, Fan Keqin looked at the security guard on the other side of the negative floor.Probably out of boredom, he put the cigarette in his mouth and flipped through the newspaper again, ready to entertain himself.

So Fan Keqin didn't hesitate anymore, grabbed the fence with both hands, and pushed it out slowly with soft strength.Almost silently, the grille of the vent was pushed away by him again.Another point, when Fan Keqin pushed again, he felt a certain amount of resistance in his hand.That is to say, after going down by yourself, after pressing the grille of the vent again, as long as there is no strong wind or man-made damage, the grille window is still very stable.It is impossible to say that it fell for no reason.All in all it's a good sign.

After pushing away the fence, because Fan Keqin had been staring at the security guard on the other side of the negative first floor, the other party didn't notice this side, so Fan Keqin held the fence with one hand, and the outer edge of the vent with the other hand, With force, pull your body straight out of the vent, then turn your wrist to grab the outer edge.In this way, the arms are hung on the vent, so the body goes down with the trend, and becomes the appearance of the head above the feet.

Fan Keqin turned his head and squinted again, looking at another security guard in a funny and indecent gesture.He didn't jump down directly, but with the other hand, he put the fence across his left hand and aimed at the four frames of the vent.Then the left hand suddenly performed a one-handed "pull-up" again. After pulling the body up, by virtue of inertia, let go, so that the body had a small pause in the air.

His hands were like lightning, and he pushed hard, making a click.Then his body fell to the ground.Fan Keqin stood on the ground, squatted down immediately, and waited for a few seconds. Using a car as a cover, he slowly stood up from the side, exposing his eyes, and went to the other side of the lower floor. look sideways.

By the way, can't the security guard at the other end hear the sound of pressing the vent grille window?In fact, this voice can still be heard from a distance.But there is one thing, this sound is not loud, and the wavelength of the sound is very short.It just clicks and it disappears. If it is elongated like "click!~!~", it must be more noticeable.But now there was an extremely short click, and then it disappeared.Another point is that the sound is not loud.After all, Fan Keqin aimed at the four frames of the air vent, so it went in smoothly, and the sound was naturally relatively low.Furthermore, the security guard was sitting at the vehicle entrance and exit at the other end. After a small uphill, it was outside the hotel. It was daytime, and the noise from the outside was also spreading in.In this case, even if he heard it, he couldn't say how much he paid attention to it.

Seeing that it was all right, Fan Keqin turned his head and looked at the vent on the wall behind him again, feeling that it was all right.Even if a normal person takes a look at this kind of vent, it is impossible to pay attention to it.Furthermore, the situation in the negative floor is not very bright. Even if there are lights inside at night, it is impossible to say that it is as bright as the room.Impossible to attract attention.

Fan Keqin, who was relieved, looked at the security guard again, and there was still no problem.So he squatted down, quickly came to the back of another car, and then looked at the water pump room.Still, he first checked the situation of the security guards, and then walked directly into the water pump room next to his body.

After entering, Fan Keqin didn't stop, and looked at the ground to see if he had left any obvious marks.Then he bent down and hooked the manhole cover, pulled it away and walked directly down the metal ladder embedded in the wall.When the top of the head also enters the wellhead, reach out and pull the well cover.After putting it away, he sent his hands and feet away, and he fell into a free fall, and with a whoosh, he fell into the groundwater system again.

Once you get down, you can relax more.But Fan Keqin's eyes and ears didn't relax, and he immediately walked around the ground quickly, and returned to the public water room not far away.

Before Fan Keqin came over completely, he heard the sound of running water from above, and the voices of two authentic local women chatting about household chores: "Look at Xiao Li's house at the entrance of the alley, life is getting more and more prosperous..."

(End of this chapter)

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