spy ace

Chapter 2241

Chapter 2241 The Return
The woman's voice continued: "Xiao Li is really capable. I heard that he works in a foreigner's company and earns a lot of money. I am so envious of him. Unlike my husband, he is just a fool. Mr. Teacher, you are really not motivated at all, you are so mad at me."

"Oh, why are you angry. Let me tell you, I heard that Xiao Li raised Xiao Li outside!"

"Ah? No way, Mrs. Xiao Li looks very handsome. How could Xiao Li?" A pretty old girl came out of the restaurant together, I'm sure that girl is definitely not Mrs. Li's."

Listening to the conversation above, Fan Keqin had an idea, these two knew how to gossip about his wife, gossip about whether the old women in the neighborhood can leave quickly.This frankly seems to be a trend that the more you gossip, the hotter you become.

Fortunately, after a while, maybe the water was full, and the chattering voices of the two people also disappeared, and finally disappeared without a trace.

Fan Keqin listened again for a few seconds and was sure it was quiet up there, so he immediately began to climb up the ladder at night, pushed the manhole cover with his hand, and jumped up immediately.Turn around and kick the manhole cover back to its original position.He stepped inside, took off the overalls in twos and twos, and put on a suit again.As soon as he lifted the bag, he walked out directly.

When he came outside, Fan Keqin passed through several alleys, and while there was no one there for a while, he raised his hand and threw the package on a house of a resident.At the same time, observe that there is really no tail stalking behind you.After turning a corner, he entered the previous residential building.

When passing by the previous car, I saw Bai Fengtai sticking out his hand again and waving it in the sunlight.Fan Keqin knew that this was a signal that the other party had seen him, so he didn't get into the car, walked straight ahead, passed through the courtyard of this residential building, went out from the other end, walked through a few streets, and put Slow down.

After a while, Bai Fengtai caught up from behind and handed a ticket to Fan Keqin with a smile.After the latter took it, he put it in his pocket and asked, "Can you smell my body?" As he spoke, he reached out and took the other bag that Bai Fengtai handed over, and took it into his hand.Here are the clothes he wore when he came.

Bai Fengtai said: "I didn't hear it, but Brother Heng, you moved too fast, is this the end of the matter?"

"It's okay." Fan Keqin said: "I didn't expect it to be so smooth."

Bai Fengtai glanced at his watch, and said: "That's just right, you can go to the bathhouse to take a shower, and then change your clothes, and the smell will disappear completely."

"Well." Fan Keqin said: "Then you go back first, I will go after taking a shower."

"Okay." Bai Fengtai said: "Then I'll go back to the company first." As he spoke, he turned a corner and separated from Fan Keqin.

Carrying his bag, Fan Keqin turned around and found a bathroom.After entering, rinse well.Then he changed into his original clothes, and he put the previous suit in his bag.After coming out, it was thrown into the garbage dump.

I found a rickshaw and went straight back to the company.At this time, Bai Fengtai also came back. After the two met in Bai Fengtai's office, Fan Keqin briefly talked to him, and finally said: "It went very well. The little devil's negotiating delegation went out to negotiate with Wang Zhaohai. I didn't see many people either. It may be that after they went out, the vigilance of the rest dropped. In addition, I was really acting in the dark, so now it's up to the brothers on the other side of the night."

Bai Fengtai said: "Don't worry, I'll be watching this matter personally, and I'll go see my brothers after get off work."

Fan Keqin nodded, and said: "I am assured of you, but you must also pay attention to it. You must follow the plan and advance. Give the brothers time to retreat. As for the fire prevention team, that is the key. But the automatic spray The waterwheel has been going on for such a long time and not going back is the most difficult aspect, so you have to keep an eye on this matter yourself."

Bai Fengtai nodded and said: "That's no problem. The place has been found. After I pass by, I will stare at them. When I come in, I will control them directly according to the plan, keep one person, call the fire brigade, and then let him confuse the fire brigade. Captain, just say that you need to spend more money, and the party will not end until very late. Therefore, it is probably not a problem to keep the vehicle for a while at night, or go back tomorrow."

Fan Keqin nodded and said: "Well, according to the report, as long as the captain of the fire brigade spends enough money, he should be fine. Besides, night is not daytime. Even if there is an inspection, the fire chief will not Maybe tell the story. Besides, we are not so unlucky, but we can't hold on for half the night."

Speaking of this, Fan Keqin said again: "Brothers from the arson team, are you ready for the evacuation?"

"Ready." Bai Fengtai said: "I stole a car and parked it outside the city. There was food, water, money, and a change of clothes in the car. After the arsonist team set the fire, leave the city immediately. As long as you leave the city, change your clothes." Vehicles, and then go in the opposite direction, break up into pieces and leave, there is no problem. The other brothers are working in secret, but there is no need to withdraw."

Bai Fengtai paused, and then said: "Brother, do the brothers in the arsonist group also want to talk? If they move quickly, they may not be able to meet anyone face to face."

Fan Keqin said: "Let's talk nonsense. After all, two brothers went to the fire brigade, and many people there have seen them. If you follow them, you may be able to find the rest of the brothers in the arsonist group. After all, they Before that, in the house that was prepared, some preparations were made, and the trajectories of life crossed. If there is a master to track it down afterwards, there is still a chance of being discovered."

After saying this, Fan Keqin looked at Bai Fengtai and said again: "Remember, you also crossed paths with them. If the arsonist team's evacuation is not smooth, you can't be soft-hearted at this time."

Bai Fengtai nodded, and said: "I understand brother, being soft-hearted at critical times will only hurt more brothers."

"En." Fan Keqin said: "Okay, that's it. I still have to go and see Miss Tong, and I still have to do a full set of acting."

After all, Fan Keqin walked out of Baifengtai's general manager's office.Go upstairs directly, knock on Miss Tong's office door, and walk in.

As soon as she entered, Miss Tong raised her eyes to look at Fan Keqin, said nothing, and lowered her head again to look at the company's accounts.If this was normal, a smile would have been seen on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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