spy ace

Chapter 2242 2 Power on Chapter

Chapter 2242 Two Phone Calls

Don't ask, Miss Tong is angry.

Fan Keqin pretended not to know anything, walked over as usual, sat on the side sofa, took out the ticket, shook it, and said: "Tomorrow I may leave before noon. Uncle Tong also said."

Miss Tong gritted her teeth and remained silent, looking at the accounts.In fact, at this time, Fan Keqin wanted to solve it very easily, just start coaxing it.As a woman, she just wants you to coax her without saying a word, and then when you coax her, she may complain and blame you.

But these complaints or complaints, the most important thing is to vent your anger, and then you say something nice. After the steps are made, she will be fine.For most women, you basically provoked her. From getting angry to getting better, it's the same process.

Except for the abnormal ones, it's pretty much the same.Of course, the abnormal situation here, I mean, you may have made a principled mistake.Then it is impossible to coax it well in this way.And the principled mistakes are nothing more than those, you sucked white noodles, or you gambled all the house and land outside, or you raised a lot of small ones outside.If you make a principled mistake, there is nothing you can do about it. Fully admit your mistake. As for whether they will forgive you, that is their business.But it doesn't mean that you can be coaxed well by whatever method you use.

But now Fan Keqin can't be coaxed. His plan is: after colluding with Tong's father, he will give Miss Tong a surprise on tomorrow's birthday.If you coax it well, the feeling of surprise will be gone.Suppress first and then raise, you have to get rid of the first restraint, and you can’t do it later.

After finishing speaking, Fan Keqin glanced at her, still didn't seem to be angry, and said, "Go to the French restaurant next to me for dinner later? Then when I get home, I'll tell Uncle Tong about it. Okay, then you are busy, I will go back first. I will wait for you downstairs in the evening." After speaking, Fan Keqin got up and walked outside.

"I don't eat French food." Miss Tong didn't wait for Fan Keqin to coax herself, and seeing Fan Keqin was about to go out, she immediately said something.

Fan Keqin stopped, turned his head and said: "Ah, let's eat something else. It's okay, you are busy, let's study it now." He stretched out his hand to open the door and was about to go out.

At this moment, Miss Tong's face was sullen, and she almost wrote "Hurry up and coax me" on it.Said: "I want to go home and eat."

After Fan Keqin opened the door, he nodded and said, "Okay, then go home and eat. I just told Uncle Tong about my leaving tomorrow." After speaking, he went out and closed the door behind him.

Miss Tong almost didn't roll her eyes, she put the pen on the table vigorously, held the water glass and started to drink water like drinking...

After Fan Keqin came out, he went straight back to the office.Checking the time, he picked up the phone and dialed a number, and when he got through, he said, "Uncle Tong, it's me, are you busy? ... Well, let me tell you, haha. I'll call Feifei It seems to be angry, um, I came back to find her after buying the ticket, she was very angry and didn't talk to me, but I held back and didn't coax her... Yes, yes, that's what I mean, when I go home at night , I have to ask you to help me stabilize the situation... Yes, please. Um, okay, that's it, hahaha! Um, okay, that's okay, Uncle Tong, that's the matter, you are busy, I hung up .”

Speaking of which, Fan Keqin's plan went smoothly, and Bai Fengtai's plan went smoothly.Last time, Yong Yuanju and Ying Xiaqing pretended to be rich and had a housewarming, entertained relatives and friends, and held a big ladder.Then ask the automatic sprinkler truck of the fire brigade to come over and help support the venue.

It was naturally the same now, Yong Yuanju and Ying Xiaqing were needed to come forward.But you don't have to go, just contact me on the phone.As the "owner of the house", Yong Yuanju must be very busy during this "housewarming" feast for guests and friends, so he needs to answer Xia Qing to make phone calls.

Bai Fengtai has arrived, and he personally directs in the prepared house, and after preparing everything for the situation, he points to Ying Xiaqing's phone.The latter nodded, picked up the receiver, and dialed the number Kang Fuming provided last time.

After a while, after the transfer was completed, Ying Xiaqing said with a smile: "Is it Captain Kang Fu Mingkang? ... Hello, Captain Kang, I visited the fire brigade with our boss last time and met you It's Ying Xiaqing. Haha, you still remember me. Our boss should have called you personally, but you also know that there are too many friends and relatives here for the housewarming, and the boss is really busy. , so let me call you, and I hope you will forgive me."

Bai Fengtai, Yong Yuanju and others listened quietly.Only Kang Fuming's voice came out of the receiver, and said: "Haha, brother Xia Qing is being polite, and the boss is being polite. Haha, is it today, right? When you need it, tell me, how many brothers will be dispatched, tell me , I will arrange it now, and I must not delay the matter of Boss Yong."

"Captain Kang Gao Yi." Ying Xiaqing said: "It's today, but don't worry too much. It's at night. I guess it will be lively until midnight. We don't need many people, so we don't dare to delay our team's affairs." .Just an automatic sprinkler truck. I don’t know if it’s inconvenient for Captain Kang.”

"What's the inconvenience?" Kang Fuming said with a smile: "No problem, I don't think it's too late, I let them eat early, and drive the automatic sprinkler to go there after eating. It's not too late , don't delay the matter of Boss Yong is the real thing."

"Oh, no, no need." Ying Xiaqing said: "Then you can tell the brothers to go and not even entertain a meal, that is really rude. Come and eat, just come and eat, we have everything ready-made Yes... By the way, our boss asked me to ask if you are free? If you are not busy, Captain Kang will come along with the automatic water sprinkler? Our boss is still thinking about toasting you. "

"Hahaha. Boss Yong is polite, too polite." Kang Fuming said with a smile: "I don't want to go there today, brother Xia Qing, and tell Boss Yong for me that I have to watch on the team. Today is my Night watch, everyone at Shangfeng knows it. So in the team, anyone can move, but I really can’t move today. I hope Boss Yong Haihan.”

"Oh, it's really hard work." Ying Xiaqing said, "I'll definitely bring it with you. In this case..."

(End of this chapter)

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