spy ace

Chapter 2243 Encountered Encirclement

Chapter 2243 Encountered Encirclement
Then I will invite Captain Kang alone some other day, then I must offer a few more drinks to a firefighting hero like Captain Kang... Hey, by the way, Captain Kang, this brother who came with the car is your closest subordinate, right?That's it, our boss, we can't let the brothers run away for nothing. In addition, I have prepared a small gift for you, so that the brothers who come over can bring it to you directly. You can't see it. "

"Oh, look at this... Boss Yong is too polite." Kang Fuming said, "Don't worry, brother Xia Qing, the chauffeur brother I sent over is definitely a good hand, whether it is ability or character, absolutely I can trust it. I will tell them again in a while, and make sure that there will be no accidents in Boss Yong's house."

Look, who said that Kang Fuming did not understand the art of speaking.Ying Xiaqing spoke politely to him again, and after telling Kang Fuming the address, he hung up the phone and said, "I'll be here in a while."

In fact, these days the receivers are louder and the room is quieter, so Bai Fengtai and Yong Yuanju have actually heard what's going on.

Yong Yuanju said: "Boss, do you have any orders?"

In fact, he is much older than Bai Fengtai, so he is called Bai Fengtai's boss, not Brother Tai like Ying Xiaqing and others.Bai Fengtai said: "It's all ready before, just follow the plan. As soon as you come in, make sure that everyone on the automatic sprinkler is off, and immediately control everyone. Then let the brothers waterproof and change the oil. But be careful Ah, don't give them a chance to yell when you're in control."

Yong Yuanju nodded and said, "Understood. Then Xia Qing and I will go down and get ready."

Seeing Bai Fengtai nodding, Yong Yuanju and Ying Xiaqing turned around and went down to prepare.This mansion was rented, but this was no problem, because the plan afterwards was that the arsonist team would evacuate immediately after setting fire, so, when it was rented, it would not be a big problem to show up.

Of course, even if it really failed in the end, it would be all right. After all, the result of the arson team that failed might be miserable, but at that time, it doesn't matter if you don't show your face.

Any plan has risks, so this kind of thing, this plan, since the risk has been minimized, and it is indeed possible to fully implement it, the arson team is naturally conscious.It cannot be said that there is no risk at all, and I will carry out the task only after [-]% guarantee of safety.I am afraid that there is no one hundred percent safe thing in the world.

The mansion is relatively luxurious, because it is on the edge of the high-end area, but the side is also within the range of the high-end area.It's just that in comparison, it's far away from the mansion where Wang Zhaohai lives.So if you pay attention to keeping it secret, even if Wang Zhaohai's inner guard wants to monitor the entire high-level area, let's not say that the other party will definitely not be able to find it.So it's safe for now.

The entire mansion is also quite luxurious, and because it is on the edge of the high-end area, the area is actually larger than the center of the high-end area.A compound with a two-story villa inside.The French architecture looks very exotic.

There is a driveway in the courtyard, a small garden, and even a small independent parking lot.The landlord thought about maintaining the house well, and when you walk in, you will feel like: "Well, this is indeed a rich family."

But at this time, there were already some people in the yard, all wearing suits and leather shoes, pretending to be the subordinates of the boss of "Yongyuanju", servants or something, pretending to be gentlemen, welcoming guests.Like Yinggualan's pretentious aristocratic butlers, they all stood upright in suits and raised their foreheads slightly.There was a proud yet polite pretense on his face.

Probably after the phone call, Kang Fuming was very looking forward to the income this time, so it didn't take long, maybe more than half an hour, less than forty minutes, and the automatic sprinkler truck drove to the door.Ying Xiaqing was waiting at the door.Seeing the car approaching, he immediately smiled and opened the opposite door of the mansion.Ying Xiaqing smiled and waved inside, motioning for the other party to drive in.

In fact, when Kang Fuming sent the four people on the automatic sprinkler, they had already made it clear.These four people are also Kang Fuming's confidantes, so there is no need to hide it.Tell them directly: "This time there is "foreign fishing". If you guys cooperate well with Boss Yong and save face for Boss Yong, then all the brothers in the whole team will benefit. In addition, look at me For the sake of my face, I will definitely treat you to eat and drink, but remember, you can eat, but drink less, or don’t drink. Otherwise, I will lose my face! Understand."

Given Kang Changming's order, the people on the automatic water sprinkler must cooperate fully.Seeing that Xia Qing waved his hand to signal to drive in, then drive in.Especially when the captain also said that the other party will definitely treat you with delicious food and drink for his own sake, so I look forward to it even more.

After driving in, the driver followed Ying Xiaqing's command and drove the automatic sprinkler all the way to the side of the mansion.Seeing that Xia Qing signaled to stop here, the driver saw that there were many things beside him, all of which were covered with canvas, so he just drove the car to the side, so as not to touch it, he hit the brakes and stopped here .

Opening the door, after a few people got off the car, Ying Xiaqing also came over and said with a smile: "Brothers have worked hard, you haven't eaten yet. Hurry up, come in with me and have a bite. We have prepared a separate meal for you brothers. At the table. By the way, it’s your four brothers who are here this time, right?”

The driver was the driver of their car. Hearing this, he immediately replied with a smile: "Yes, there are four of us. I'm really embarrassed to trouble you to entertain me."

"Hahaha, look, you are as polite as your captain Kang." Ying Xiaqing led them into the door of the mansion, which is a hall.In fact, if you are a master, you will almost feel a little alert when you see this.

Because it was talking about a housewarming banquet for guests, but now this hall is basically full of young and middle-aged men in suits with a serious "pretentious" atmosphere.But it's useless to be a master, because as soon as people came in, these people rushed up from all around with a whoosh.There are at least two people hanging on each person, and there is another one with a gun...

(End of this chapter)

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