spy ace

Chapter 2248 Staggered

Chapter 2248 Staggered
After the agent behind who started the water pump ran back to the cab, within a few seconds, the car started moving immediately.Drive around the edge of the pit.

After starting in this way, the spraying area of ​​the automatic water sprayer will be more uniform.Within a minute, the car had already reached the other side of the pit.This is like a small building, but it is only sprayed on one side, and there may be places that cannot be taken care of on the other side.But spray on the other side as well, so that the whole will be sprayed.

The mansion where Wang Zhaohai lives is really not small, even if there is a place in the middle that has not been sprayed with oil, it is of no use.Because once a fire is ignited, the middle piece is not burned. If a person happens to be in the middle of the fire, the chance of survival will also drop suddenly.

After spraying continuously for about three minutes, the agent on the roof yelled: "Stop!" Then he slammed the top of the car twice with his hand.Look at the agent who controlled the water spray gun and immediately closed the valve.

The agent who shouted before immediately lit a Molotov cocktail in his hand with the lighter. He was very careful not to throw it, but to throw it, throwing the already lit Molotov cocktail into the big pit.Because what he was in now was an oil truck, if he was not careful, he and others would be burned to death.So he deliberately stopped the fuel injection when he ignited.

The Molotov cocktail drew an arc in the air very steadily, and landed in the pit, followed by a second, a whirring sound, and a chain reaction started directly.

As soon as I saw the fire, it immediately spread to the entire pit!Come on, don't do it anymore.What was prepared before was prepared in vain.These bags of Molotov cocktails, so be it.It doesn't make much sense to throw it in or not.But at this moment, the fire started, and they didn't dare to inject fuel, and they didn't even dare to wait longer, for fear that a spark would float over and land on the oil stains that were sprinkled on the car when the fuel was injected just now. Burned into a fireball.

So the agent who threw the Molotov cocktail immediately reached out, slammed the roof of the car twice, and said, "Hurry up!"

They haven't released it yet, because the next one is a waste of time, what should I do if a spark actually floats over?Therefore, it is safest to evacuate first and keep a distance from the fire scene.

The agent driving the car also understood this truth. Hearing the two bang bang bangs, he knew that his companions were ready.Immediately step on the accelerator, start the car, turn the steering wheel, and go away from the fire.

Just when they drove a few streets, stopped the car, and wanted the people in the trunk to get out and go again.A black car drove quickly in front of the street.

The words "Police Department" and "City Defense" were painted on the left and right sides of the car.By the way, is the city defense department of the police in this car?Really not.But the car is!
This is part of a trap designed by Dazheng Xiren and Wang Zhaohai's chief of internal security, Hong Kangping: the high-speed mobile team.And this high-speed mobile team is not just this car, but vehicles from various departments such as police, city defense, and patrol, disguised as these departments, and then formed.

Dazheng Xiren and the others also know that ghosts are very difficult to deal with. If these mobile forces hang around in the high-level area all day long, ghosts are likely to cause high vigilance.Therefore, to be on the safe side, let these mobile forces be on the edge of the high-level area.Then distribute in all directions.In this way, as long as there is any situation, use high mobility to rush over immediately. As long as one team meets, just try to delay the opponent, and then the other team will definitely arrive, and then the delay will be deeper, and then the latter team will arrive again.

In this way, ghosts, or people who are ghosts, will be stuck like glue.In the end, Dazheng Xiren and Hong Kangping, relying on their advantages, will grind each other to death.

There is also a possibility that as long as one car sticks to the other side, then the mobile team is not a fool. With such a fast speed, a siege may be formed in a short period of time.You can take down the opponent directly.Therefore, no matter which possibility it is, there is a great probability of taking down the ghost, or the person who is the ghost.

The car that came here at this time was a person borrowed by Dazheng Xiren, who used his connections to work in the little devil's garrison headquarters.The five little devils in the car are really dedicated, they are normal during the day, and the others rest at night.Leave one person to be vigilant, and then sleep in turn, without even taking off your clothes.

As a result, in the middle of the night, the vigilant person was actually not used, because there was a muffled bang, which kept the little devils alert while sleeping, and got up with a whoosh.

He quickly ran out of the house, got into the car and turned on the ignition, and drove towards this side.As the distance got closer, they suddenly saw fire and thick smoke coming from the direction of the incident.

Although the thick smoke is not so obvious at night, the sky in that direction seems to be sealed by the thick smoke.Makes the stars in the seal area invisible.

So they speeded up and tried their best to rush to the accident site.But just as they drove through another intersection, they saw an automatic sprinkler truck turn out from the intersection diagonally ahead and stop on the side of the road.The two cars then staggered past...

The sprinkler stopped before to let the two people on it get off.But within three or four seconds of stopping, a car with the words City Defense written on its side drove past, letting the two agents who just jumped off know that they couldn't stay longer and had to speed up.There must be a reason why the other party was able to react so quickly.

But at this moment, a person in the seat behind the driver in the police city defense vehicle suddenly increased his business and said, "Stop! There is a problem with the water sprayer just now!"

It turned out that in an emergency, the two sides crossed each other.At the very beginning, no one found out who was wrong.The first point is that because of the darkness, although there are headlights in front of the car, in people's normal cognition, the appearance of a fire sprinkler near the fire will be subconsciously regarded as "very normal."

Even if the fire engine appeared just after the fire broke out, people would subconsciously think that it was normal.Because there may be fires in other places, and they have been burning for a long time, it's just that I don't see it because of my location.People in other places have already called the police... So the appearance of fire trucks will still be subconsciously considered to be very normal.

This is caused by people's normal cognitive thinking.But this devil is different. When he passed by just now, he suddenly realized that he suddenly felt in his mind...

(End of this chapter)

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