spy ace

Chapter 2249 Crossfire

Chapter 2249 Crossfire
The little devil in this car is an agent after all, and his way of thinking is somewhat different from that of ordinary people.Among them, the little devil behind the driver's seat had the fastest reaction time.Because when the two cars passed by each other, he suddenly discovered a huge problem: that is, it was normal for the fire truck to appear, but there was a huge error in the direction of the front of the car.

And this mistake just appeared in his mind, which directly caused a chain reaction.The fire truck appeared so quickly, it became abnormal.Yi immediately yelled: "Stop! There is a problem with the water sprayer just now!"

In fact, the other ghosts were not fools either. The time that passed just now was a bit short after all, and they didn't react immediately.But when the devil just yelled, he felt something was wrong.Now I heard my companion yelling again, so the devil who was driving instantly tapped the brakes, turned the rudder and turned the car around...

The agent who got off the roof of the sprinkler did not expect a car to suddenly turn out of the intersection on the side, and quickly crisscross the side.But for a split second, the people who had just finished arson remained vigilant in their hearts.So I instinctively felt that the passing car was wrong, because it was driving very fast, as if it was going to the accident site.

But the two agents are not rookies, no matter what they think in their hearts, they calmly headed to the front of the car.It would be best if the other party just passed by like this.

But after taking a few steps, the two of them heard the sound of brakes behind them, and there was a sharp sound of wheels rubbing against the ground.broken!The other party reacted.He must have realized that it was wrong for him and others to appear here.

So when the devil was driving around, an agent of the Security Bureau looked back and said quickly: "It's a spy, it was discovered!"

How could the other agent not know the situation.He reached into the canvas bag he was carrying to feel for the gun, thinking that if he killed the opponent immediately, he and others would still have a chance to escape.But when I touched it in the handbag, the first thing I touched was a bunch of unused burning bottles.He immediately changed his mind... and found one by chance.At the same time, the left hand has already taken out the kerosene lighter.A little against the mouth of the bottle.

At this time, the devil's car had already turned around and stopped directly about ten meters away.The devil in the back seat immediately yelled: "Get out of the car! Stay alert and don't turn off the engine!"

The rest of the devils opened the doors one after another, and they were about to get out of the car.But they themselves, the car turned around again before, so how could their speed compare to the speed of the two agents of the Security Bureau turning around directly.

Therefore, the car door was just opened, before they got out of the car.The agent who had lit the Molotov cocktail had already turned around, aimed at the devil's vehicle, and swung his arm violently.The Molotov cocktail flew through the air and hit the front of the car with a bang.Then the flames sprang up.

"Throw it again!" The agent who threw the Molotov cocktail yelled, and took out the Molotov cocktail from his bag again.This time there is no need to ignite the bottle.Just hit the car on the opposite side.As long as the bottle is broken, the kerosene inside will be ignited by the previously burning flame.

When the other agent got out of the car, it was impossible to say that all the bags should be carried by his companions, so he was also carrying bags at this time.But his first reaction was different. He didn't have such things as matches and lighters.After all, the previous plan was for him to inject fuel, so for safety, he must not carry these things with him.

Therefore, when the agent reacted, he didn't take the Molotov cocktail right away, but took out the gun from his bag: a Colt.In fact, when Sun Guoxin and Qian Jinxun opened up the air channel, most of the agents of the Security Bureau and the Intelligence Department used Colt's pistols.The first is that the bullets of the Colt Luzi and the bullets of the Thomson submachine gun can be used in common.

The fact that bullets are universal is very important.In this way, when performing any mission, in case the ammunition runs out, and the accomplice asks for a magazine or the like, he can shoot again immediately.

The second reason is that the Colt has a muffler.Don't look at the sound of gunshots after the silencer is installed, but it can definitely be used in some occasions. At least the gunshots won't spread so far and so clearly.

Therefore, after Colt held the stick in his hand, it happened that his accomplice also smashed a Molotov cocktail.He didn't care about anything, and moved the muzzle of the gun to the car window and other parts, and it was a series of shots.Immediately a magazine was emptied.Colt's standard magazine is seven rounds, but adding one in the chamber makes eight rounds.Therefore, when the eight bullets almost exploded with the incendiary bomb, they were fired together.

A series of bullets still achieved quite good results. The driver and co-pilot of the Devil's spy vehicle were shot three times and twice.He was killed on the spot.

How long does it take to empty a seven plus one magazine? If ordinary people pull the trigger desperately and don't pursue accuracy, they can fire all of them in three seconds.What's more, it was a well-trained agent, so eight bullets were fired in just over two seconds.

And in two seconds, there are still many things that people can do.Such was the case with his associates.After throwing the incendiary bomb, the detective took out one from his bag, and smashed it on the car again.

The continuous shooting and the smashing of two incendiary bombs happened in just a few seconds.The devils in the car are also well-trained spies, but the disadvantage is that they are in the car, and they are a step slower when they slow down and turn around.So take it slow.If the two sides had fought head-on in normal times, these devils and spies would not have been in such a miserable situation. At least, the skills of both sides were at the same level.In addition, there were only two agents of the Security Bureau outside the car at this time, but there were five of them.With the advantage of numbers, it can be said that it is almost certain which side will win.

But the battlefield is like this, not necessarily how good your skills are, you must be the winner.Factors such as weather, location, harmony, etc. all affect the final outcome of the battle.

At this time, before they could wait to go out, they were confronted by Molotov cocktails and accompanied by gunshots.I was stunned all of a sudden.The three people sitting in the back row reacted quite quickly. When they opened the door and were already heading out, they knew something was wrong when they saw the Molotov cocktail shattered, so they hurriedly put their legs away and closed the door.Otherwise, if you go out, the bottle will be broken...

(End of this chapter)

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