spy ace

Chapter 2255 The Graveyard

Chapter 2255 The Graveyard
The same forms an interlocked state.Then he tightened his arms vigorously, and waited quietly for more than three seconds. Although Da Zhengxiren's body was still in a tense struggling state, he didn't move at all.Because the person has completely passed out.

Schneider didn't care, he still kept his locked posture, and folded his arms tightly.In this way, after more than half a minute, he searched his arms and feet.

In fact, Schneider had been listening to the movement outside just now, but there was no sound.This is a very good phenomenon, so after letting go of Da Zhengxiren at this time, it doesn't matter whether he is dead or alive.Turn him over to the side, and finally form a posture lying on the ground.Then turned around, pressed Dazheng Xiren's back with both hands, and put his left leg on Dazhengxiren's head, keeping his head still.Then the right leg was raised, and the knee was smashed down.

With a muffled bang, his knee hit the back of Dazheng Xiren's head squarely.Then Schneider raised his leg again, then slammed down with his knee again.After smashing it for more than ten times in a row, Professor Schneider got up and looked at his pants, it was okay, and he was in a hurry.

Then he bent his elbow and hit the back of Dazheng Xiren's neck fiercely again. After several muffled bangs, Schneider breathed out, um, good, nothing at all.

Schneider picked him up and put him on the bed.Then use the quilt to cover Da Zhengxiren's head completely.Then put on the coat coat.When he came to the door, he put his ear against the door and listened to the sound.

Nothing.But this is not surprising, Schneider's first action is fast, don't look at it so much, but how long does it take to hit ten times.Therefore, from when he came in to now, the total may only be more than one cent.And there was no shouting at all, even the sound of smashing was just muffled.

After Schneider didn't hear anything, he opened a crack in the door and listened again, but he really didn't get any ideas.So he went out directly, locked the door with Da Zhengxiren's key, and went downstairs.

When he reached the corner of the stairs, Schneider looked at his watch again, it was very good, it was very early.He knew it when he heard a few kicks last night.Tonight Fan Keqin will start at [-] o'clock in the middle of the night.It's only past ten o'clock now, and there are still several hours.

So Schneider calmly left the office building.You don't have to take the initiative to explain what you are doing when you meet someone, that's a sign of guilty conscience.Just a generous aisle.

Soon, Schneider came to the normal train station platform, where there are ordinary night trains, and there are still more than [-] minutes to leave.Schneider walked up directly. After he and Dazheng Xiren came here, he had a work permit issued by Kanyue Hideyoshi.So no need to buy a ticket.Even if you meet the ticket inspector, it's fine.Twenty minutes later, the train started, and it didn't take long for it to leave Shanghai...

In other words, because the sound of the explosion was muffled underground and calculated by Jiang Bin and other blasting experts, it was almost inaudible outside the city.

Yong Yuanju and Ying Xiaqing drove a stolen car respectively, waiting quietly near the cemetery behind the chapel outside the city.At around two o'clock, they listened attentively to the situation, but unfortunately, the distance was still a bit far away.So didn't hear anything.

Yong Yuanju lit a cigarette, and covered the end of the cigarette with his hand while smoking.When not smoking, put your hands underneath.In this case, no one will be able to see the light of the cigarette butt.Exhaling smoke, facing the windows of the cars parked side by side, he said, "I don't know if the brothers have made it."

Ying Xiaqing said: "It should be fine, as long as you act strictly according to the time, unless you are too unlucky. Otherwise, there is basically no problem."

The two chatted quietly, but their eyes were looking around, and their ears were collecting information.But by the looks of it, it was already half past two.Ying Xiaqing was a little anxious.What Bai Fengtai told them was to let them wait here for half an hour.If no one came yet, the two of them should strictly follow the plan and evacuate directly.This is to prevent that the wave of people did not come out, and after being caught, there may be traitors.In case a traitor really appeared, someone with Japanese and puppet spies would come to the door.If I had been waiting, wouldn't that mean courting death?

It's not that I don't trust my companions, but that this must be done.

Seeing that it was almost half past two, at this moment, Yong Yuanju tilted his head and said, "There is the sound of a car..."

Ying Xiaqing actually heard it too, and said, "It's a larger model."

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the two of them to finish talking.An automatic sprinkler has stopped not far away.Four people got out of the car, and one of them imitated the cry of an owl.Then several people stopped at the same time and looked around.

Seeing this, Ying Xiaqing turned on the headlights.Those people ran over immediately, they were the previous arson squad.

"Come up quickly." After Yong Yuanju said, he helped open the side door, one sat in the co-pilot and the other sat in the back seat.

Yong Yuanju glanced at the car next to him, and the other two members of the arson squad had already boarded Ying Xiaqing's car.So it started immediately and drove in the predetermined direction along the road.He asked in his mouth, "How is it? Is it going well? Oh, there are clothes in the back seat that you need to change, change them all."

"Okay." The man in the back seat glanced at the side, and he found two bags, handed one of them to the co-pilot, and said while opening the bags, "It's...well. "

"Oh?" Yong Yuanju asked: "It's going well? What happened?"

"I ran into a car with a few devils and spies inside. We were exchanging fire." The co-pilot was taking off his clothes and explained in his mouth: "Fortunately, it was resolved quickly at that time. If there is another minute delay, I will Fuck, you must be glued by the devil."

The people in the back seat were also taking off their own clothes, which were the clothes of the previous hostages.Added: "It didn't take us a few minutes to set the fire, maybe three minutes? That's it at most. But when we were evacuating, we came across a car with the words City Defense written on it. But the people inside A few people shouted the ghost language. Fortunately, we had saved incendiary bombs at the time. Da Zhang threw one over at the beginning and blocked the spy car. If we let them come down, maybe we There were casualties at that time. But after they were sealed off with fire, Dazhang kept throwing incendiary bombs, but the carload of devils and spies was quickly resolved..."

(End of this chapter)

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