spy ace

Chapter 2256 Quarantine Review

Chapter 2256 Quarantine Review
The agent went on to say: "Then let's continue to go out. On the way, we saw at least two cars on the side street, and they rushed to the scene of the accident at a very fast speed. Don't ask, they must be secret agents, and they have been prepared for a long time. Yes. It is not an exaggeration to say that if we were a minute late, we would have been stuck by the follow-up spies."

Several people were talking, and after introducing the situation, they basically finished changing their clothes.The car has gone a long way.There are actually quite a few waterways around Shanghai.There are quite a lot of small river ditches and so on, but again, Shanghai is the economic center after all, so although there are many small river ditches, there are not too few bridges.

Especially in the surrounding areas outside the urban area of ​​SH, it is impossible to say that a small river ditch appeared and stopped the vehicle.At most, go around a little further, find the bridge, and go in the past.

But it won't work if you drive to a farther place.By daybreak, they had already driven a long way.But now after passing through some rivers or something, it may take a long detour to find the bridge or road in the past.

But driving here is actually out of danger.Last night, after the explosion, there was another fire, and the high-level area was boiling very quickly.The mobile squad ambushed in all directions in the high-level area quickly rushed to the accident site.As soon as they arrive at the place, they will know that this time the dishes are going to be bad.

There is nothing wrong with the two fake locations, but the real mansion has become ruins and sunk into the ground.And the whole big pit is spraying flames everywhere.If there are people in this mansion, it can be said that there will be ten deaths and no life.Unless this person has an indestructible body.

After all the mobile teams arrived and communicated with each other, they all knew that no one was held down this time.But they reacted really quickly, and discovered another thing, that is, a group of mobile teams in the west did not show up.

They are all professional spies, so they immediately understand that this mobile team may be the only team that has ever discovered the problem.Otherwise, it is treason.But the latter is unlikely.Because the group that didn't come was from the garrison headquarters.

A group of people contacted Dazhengxiren, those who contacted Dazhengxiren, and those who drove west to find the mobile team that didn't show up.Sure enough, not far away, a burning car was found on a slanted street, along with several burning bodies on both sides of the vehicle.

And the person who contacted Dazhengxiren was tantamount to notifying several Dazhengxiren, who were in the duty office at the train station.Someone from the latter answered the phone and wanted to report it to Da Zhengxiren immediately.But when I came to Dazheng Xiren's room, I didn't find anyone at first.Because there was no sound from inside knocking on the door, and the door was locked.Therefore, at the first moment, it is estimated that Dazheng Xiren was not in the room.

But after inquiring about the sentry at the door downstairs, the officer on duty felt something was wrong.The sentry downstairs reacted and didn't see Da Zhengxiren coming out at all, but they saw Professor Schneider coming out a few hours ago.

Schneider himself is one of the cores of this office, so no one would interrogate or stop him when he came in and out.But it is not ordinary if this information stops in the ears of the duty officer.Reflexively rushed back upstairs again.Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang the door of Dazheng Xiren's room, and then loudly informed the other staff on duty to go to Schneider's room to have a look.

It turned out that Schneider's room door was also locked.Hearing this, it's still a fart, don't think too much, just forcibly broke into the room of Dazheng Xiren and Schneider.

The devils and spies immediately discovered that there was no one in Professor Schneider's room.But Dazheng Xiren was on his own bed with the quilt covering his face.Under the test, the pulse, snort, and heartbeat are gone.

Da Zhengxiren's death made the devils and spies very angry. They highly suspected that it was Professor Schneider who killed Da Zhengxiren and then fled overnight.

Then the contacts of the contacts, the search for the search in the train station.Under such circumstances, Kanyue Hideyoshi, Tegoshi Fumio, Liu Ye Seimei, Shinoda Suisan, and Yan Xingwei all arrived immediately.

The only thing missing is Schneider.Therefore, after grasping the situation, Kanzuki Hideyoshi immediately issued a few orders.First, the Secret Tuning Class immediately sent people out to investigate Schneider's whereabouts throughout the train station, including the surrounding areas.Second, send someone to contact the Manchuria Railway Investigation Bureau, because after all, Da Zhengxiren is the director of the Manchurian Railway Special Intervention Office.Third, Shinoda Suisan, Yan Xingwei, and all the members of the office established by Dazheng Xiren who are on duty tonight, let the Secret Tuning Section be responsible for the isolation review.

In other words, Suisan Xiaotian and Yan Xingwei were very depressed when they heard this again.But they all agreed to cooperate.Shinoda Toshizo asked Kanzuki Hideyoshi to help him contact the head of the Tsuruta Agency, Tsuruta Ichiro.And Yan Xingwei expressed his determination with Guanyue Hideyoshi. Generally speaking, the meaning was similar: "Station Master, you know me well. How many years have I been with you, if I have a problem, would something have happened long ago? Impossible to say, as soon as Dazhengxiren came over, oh, I jumped out. Webmaster, please believe me. But the humble official also understands, after all, the death of Director Dazhengxiren is of great importance, and it cannot be done without a thorough investigation. So please Don't worry, I will cooperate."

In fact, Kanyue Hideyoshi really doesn't doubt Yan Xingwei and Shinoda Suisan. The former, as Yan Xingwei himself said, has been with him for many years.Moreover, it was very clear from the investigation at the beginning that Yan Xingwei's family had no problems at all in the past.Furthermore, over the years, I have handled a lot of secret information, but never had any accidents.Among them, Yan Xingwei has also participated many times, but it has always been done properly.When Dazheng Xiren came over, it wasn't Yan Xingwei who requested to join, but he appointed him to Dazheng Xiren, so the suspicion was really small.

As for Shinoda Toshizo, this person is Japanese.And when he heard that Dazheng Xiren had died, he rushed back immediately.In addition, they didn't ask to come here on their own initiative, they were sent by Ichiro Tsuruta, the head of the Tsuruta Agency, and they came here passively.

However, Kanzuki Hideyoshi had to do the same, because of the temporary office established by Daimasa Kito.The core members are four people, Dazheng Xiren, Schneider, Shinoda Suisan, and Yan Xingwei.Now that Dazheng Xiren is dead, no matter what, he has to investigate rationally.

Fumio Tegoshi, the section chief of the secret training class, took the order.He asked Liu Ye Qingming to ask Shinoda Suisan.Because he knows that Liu Ye Qingming herself...

(End of this chapter)

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