spy ace

Chapter 2257 Answers

Chapter 2257 Answers
Fumio Tegoshi knew that Liuye Qingming and Yan Xingwei had a good relationship, and Yan Xingwei had found the house they lived in.So he decided to interrogate Yan Xingwei himself.

Of course, Fumio Tegoshi himself had a good relationship with Yan Xingwei.And he didn't quite believe that there was something wrong with Yan Xingwei.But he knew that if this matter were to be blamed, if there was no Schneider, then he would definitely blame Yan Xingwei.But the key is that Schneider is gone, and a pot is naturally formed, and there is no need to shake it, and the pot has already been carried by Schneider.Therefore, there is no need to frame Yan Xingwei.Just in case, it's better to inquire in person.

Calling it an interrogation is a nice way of saying it.Actually, it's an interrogation.But now there is Schneider, who is highly suspected, so if Yan Xingwei has no doubts, it is definitely impossible to say that he will be sentenced directly.

In the interrogation room of the Secret Tuning Class, Yan Xingwei sat on a chair in the middle of the floor.In front is Fumio Tegoshi and a clerk.In addition, Kanyue Hideyoshi also personally attended the interrogation process.The reason why he didn't go to Shinoda Toshizo was because Shinoda Toshizo himself was Japanese.In addition, Kanzuki Hideyoshi also needs to take precautions.After all, Yan Xingwei is his confidant, and Shinoda Suisan is still a member of the Tsuruta Agency, and has no direct relationship with him.He had to take precautions just in case.

"Station Master." Fumio Tegoshi glanced at Tsukihideyoshi.

Kanzuki Hideyoshi nodded, and said, "Tegoshi-kun don't worry about me, you just ask me normally."

"Hiichi." Fumio Tegoshi agreed, looked at Yan Xingwei and said, "Yan Sang, let's get straight to the point. Please tell me what happened after you got off work yesterday. Please remember that the more detailed the better."

Yan Xingwei nodded after hearing this, and said: "No problem... I got off work yesterday, and Dazheng Xiren was on the night shift in person. I just went out after get off work normally. Then I went to a sushi restaurant, bought some sushi, and then went back... My daughter friend's house."

When he started to speak, the clerk began to record little by little.Tegoshi Fumio waited for him to finish speaking, paused, and then said: "Yan Sang, what I said is, as detailed as possible, you went to a sushi restaurant, what kind of sushi restaurant is it? Where is this sushi restaurant? Then your daughter Where is your friend's house, and what is your girlfriend's name, tell me in detail."

"Oh. I understand." Yan Xingwei said: "The name of the sushi restaurant is Ono Sushi Restaurant. It's on Fanghui Street in Hongkou District. I don't know what date it is. When I went, I didn't look at the watch. I don't know the details. , but... It was probably after six o'clock, at most it was less than half past six. Then, I bought two pieces of sushi and left. Well, the owner of Ono Sushi, Yoshi Ono, sold me the sushi at that time .

I'm a regular customer, and Yoshi Ono knows me too.So you can confirm it as soon as you inquire.Then I left and went straight back to Nakadai Mio's house.It is my girlfriend, her home is also in Hongkou District, and she lives not too far from Ono Sushi Restaurant.It may take only a few minutes to walk there, on Guangshan Street... I don't remember what time I got home, but I guess it will be half past six, maybe more.Then I stayed with Mio all the time. "

After he finished answering, Tegoshi Fumio, including Kanzuki Hideyoshi who was listening.In my heart, I feel that what Yan Xingwei said is still true, because what he said is actually really easy to find out.It doesn't take much, just send someone to go one by one, ask a little, and you will be able to understand clearly.So after get off work, going to the sushi restaurant, until entering Nakadai Mio's house, there should be no problem.

Fumio Tegoshi nodded, and said, "What about after that? Tell me about what happened after entering Nakadai Mio's house."

At this time, Yan Xingwei can't show "I'm so stupid, we have a man and a woman at home, why do you still ask me to tell?" If he behaves like this, he will be suspected instead.Although he is not a professional agent in the eyes of others, such a performance is tantamount to superfluous.Because in this case, interrogation, or interrogation, did people really inquire about the details of your relationship with your girlfriend?It's impossible even if you think stupidly.

So Yan Xingwei said seriously: "After I entered Mio's house, I didn't go anywhere. I stayed at Mio's house all the time. The two of us ate sushi, drank some sake during the dinner, and chatted for a while. I'm asleep. Then I came over right away when the phone rang."

"En." Tegoshi Fumio said: "That is to say, after you entered Miss Nakadai Mio's house, until you answered the phone, you never left Miss Nakadai Mio's house, is that so?"

"That's right." Yan Xingwei said, "That's it."

Regarding this question, Fumio Tegoshi and Hideyoshi Kanzuki didn't think there was any problem with Yan Xingwei's answer.Because Yan Xingwei usually likes to enjoy himself and is quite flirtatious.Although he has a wife and children, he still has a little love in Japan outside.This fact has long been known.

And for this age, it's normal for men to be flirtatious.It's really not a big deal for those who have taken seven or eight aunts and still have several little secretaries outside.

In addition, what Yan Xingwei answered can be easily verified.Although Nakadai Mio is his girlfriend, if she talks to her, she will definitely turn to Yan Xingwei, and may even help him hide some things.But then again, no matter how much Nakadai Mio concealed it, she was just an ordinary Japanese expatriate.If professional agents want to question and deal with an ordinary woman, there are still many ways.Therefore, even if Nakadai Mio wanted to help Yan Xingwei hide it, it would be impossible.

Fumio Tegoshi paused, still looking at Yan Xingwei, and then asked, "Yan Sang, where did Schneider go, do you know?"

Yan Xingwei shook his head lightly, and said, "I don't know about that." Then he frowned and thought about it, and said, "Schneider... didn't see anything wrong before. We were still together during the day yesterday, and we heard the feedback from various eyes. information, and jointly…”

Having said that, Yan Xingwei narrowed his eyes and began to think carefully.Seeing this, Fumio Tegoshi immediately asked: "Yan Sang, what did you remember?"

Yan Xingwei looked at Fumio Tegoshi, and said, "Schneider... Yesterday, when we were studying the next test together, he said in advance. He first analyzed the current situation, and then suggested that it has been arranged..."

(End of this chapter)

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