spy ace

Chapter 2259 Confirmation

Chapter 2259 Confirmation
Judging from the current situation, hunting down ghosts...is not hopeless!After all, if the opponent moved his hand, as long as he moved his hand, it would inevitably leave traces.The existence of Schneider at this time, his disappearance, is itself one of the clues.

So Fumio Tegoshi immediately asked: "Yan Sang, please recall, when you went out with Schneider, Schneider, did you meet anyone?"

Yan Xingwei heard the words, frowned and thought about it for a while, and said: "The contact must be the contact. We went to the bar, took a rickshaw, and went to the restaurant to eat... There must be contacts in these places. .But... I'm right next to him...there's nothing wrong with these contacts."

"Yeah!" Fumio Tegoshi nodded, and asked again: "Have you never left Schneider? Think about it for yourself, even for a moment? For example, when you go to the toilet... when you are working as a rickshaw, do it well." Think about it."

"That's right." Yan Xingwei frowned and recalled again, and said: "When we took the rickshaw, we were two cars, I was in front, and he was in the back, so does it count as leaving my sight?"

Fumio Tegoshi did not answer, but asked again, "Except for taking a rickshaw. Have you ever left your sight at other times?"

Yan Xingwei said: "The other thing is that as you said before, it's time for us to eat, drink in the bar, and go to the toilet. But... these two places are all I'm looking for, and Schneider didn't designate me to take me there. Ah. I didn’t know where I was going to eat or drink, I just strolled, no matter where I went, there was no set goal, and it was even more impossible for Schneider to know.”

Fumio Tegoshi frowned and thought for a while, and then said: "Let's talk about the rickshaw again, where did you ride the rickshaw one by one? What does the person pulling the rickshaw look like, do you remember? That's the situation, Yan Sang, please tell me more in detail. Besides, have you only taken a rickshaw once? Tell me about it.”

"Yes, I just took a rickshaw once." Yan Xingwei said: "For a walk, we went out around noon. Just the specific time... It's been a while, and I didn't pay much attention to the sign at that time. We went out from the entrance and exit of the train station platform. Then we took a rickshaw on the road before the war... As for the driver of the rickshaw, I didn't find any problems anyway.

Dress normally... In my impression, she is quite thin, about [-] meters tall?About [-] meters... Oh, that's about it, a coachman, who can remember it on purpose.But...how about going to see it in front of the station at dawn?Maybe I'll recognize it when I see it. "

Fumio Tegoshi was disappointed, but his spy thinking was rational in itself.It would be weird if Yan Xingwei remembered everything.A cart puller, indeed, who can remember it on purpose.

In this way, after one question and one answer, after more than an hour, almost all the questions were clear.Finally, Yan Xingwei replied: "No, Schneider has actually gone out a few times since then, and a few times alone. I really can't be sure. I know what Section Chief Tegoshi means, but who I can see it. Even if Schneider really secretly contacted someone outside, really, maybe it was that contact."

Guanyue Hideyoshi was quite satisfied when she finished answering, because he really didn't hear any flaws from Yan Xingwei.Furthermore, the death of Da Zhengxiren must have nothing to do with Yan Xingwei.And Schneider was really missing, which can also be confirmed from the mouth of the sentry at the entrance of the office building, Schneider did go out last night.Therefore, Yan Xingwei is still credible in his heart.

So Kanzuki Hideyoshi stood up and said, "Okay, Section Chief Tegoshi, go check with Liu Ye-kun, I guess his interview with Shinoda-san is almost over."

"Hiichi." Fumio Tegoshi also judged similarly to Hideyoshi Kanzuki.After all, no matter how you look at it, it has nothing to do with Yan Xingwei.It's just that he couldn't find any clues to catch the ghost from it, and he felt a pity in his heart.

After everyone has gone out, Yan Xingwei can't get all the freedom yet, and can only move around in one room.But this is really not a prison, there is everything in the room, bed, coffee table, sofa, desk, bookcase and so on.In addition, Guanyue Hideyoshi also explained that Yan Xingwei can satisfy whatever Yan Xingwei wants.Like eating and drinking.

Liu Yeqingming had also finished interrogating Shinoda Suisan at this time, and Shinoda Suisan was treated the same as Yan Xingwei.However, Liu Ye Qingming took the transcript and read it twice, and found nothing wrong.This is not surprising, after all, Shinoda Toshizo is a member of the Tsuruta Agency, and was sent by Tsuruta Ichiro, not on his own initiative.So even if you want to contact him hard with Schneider, you can't get in touch.

After Fumio Tegoshi came out, he and Seimei Liuye quickly began to check the transcripts, and there were many things that could be compared horizontally.After the comparison is over, indeed, many rhetoric can be compared.Then the two began to inquire about the investigation office established by their subordinates in Dazheng Xiren.

Although the other people in this office are not core members, but comparing the situation reported by multiple people, it can still confirm the transcripts of Yan Xingwei and Shinoda Suisan.Finally, it can be confirmed that there is nothing wrong with these two people.

So at nine o'clock in the morning, Yan Xingwei and Shinoda Suisan were released from the house, but a period of observation was still needed.But this is basically a routine, and the two of them can't leave the sight of the secret training class at the train station for the time being.So the two of them stayed in the secret tuning class.

It was at this time that Tsuruta Ichiro arrived. When he received the report from his subordinates last night, he had been leading people to work on Wang Zhaohai's side, but the gains were very limited.But in the end, he found something, that is, during the investigation, a witness got up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet and saw an automatic sprinkler.

So Tsuruta Ichiro followed this clue, found Kang Fuming's fire brigade, and immediately arrested Kang Fuming.It is said that Kang Fuming is the fire brigade of the concession, but now the little devil is strong.Don't look at it before, after the little devil took over the concession, he reached an agreement with Wang puppet and returned the concession to the other party.But in the current situation, I am very embarrassed, and if I say I will arrest you, I will arrest you.

I'm not so polite to Kang Fuming, but Kang Fuming is very straightforward...

(End of this chapter)

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