spy ace

Chapter 2260 Serial Big Bang

Chapter 2260 Serial Big Bang

Before he could be tortured, Kang Fuming explained the matter of the automatic water sprinkler in a chattering voice.Tsuruta Ichiro asked quickly, and Kang Fuming also gave out the address in a hurry.

When Tsuruta Ichiro heard it, he waved his arms immediately, and said, "Take him back, and the rest of you will follow me immediately." After finishing speaking, he turned back to the car, led people to kill Kang Fuming and reported it. new address for .

After arriving, Tsuruta Ichiro immediately ordered to encircle first, and then began to attack directly.But after a while, his subordinates came back and reported that the whole mansion was only in a few rooms on the second floor, and four people who were tied up tightly were found one after another.The rest of the place is completely empty.

After listening, Tsuruta Ichiro also walked into the mansion and wandered around.Seeing the two hostages whose coats had been stripped off, Tsuruta Ichiro knew in his heart: "This must be Kang Fuming's subordinates, and their clothes were stripped off. You don't need to ask. They must have been replaced by someone from the enemy. It can be seen that the automatic sprinkler may be the only tracking clue."

Tsuruta Ichiro asked his men to release all four people, and then asked his men to interrogate on the spot, and personally interrogated the captain of the automatic sprinkler.

Through his mouth, Tsuruta Ichiro learned that four people controlled them at that time.The other party didn't speak much, but one of them seemed to have a Cantonese accent.But the others are not clear.

But this information is basically useless, because if the other party is the military command, the central government, the underground party and other forces, in fact, there are people from all regions, so it is impossible to find out just by knowing a Cantonese accent.

However, Ichiro Tsuruta still asked carefully from the beginning to the end, and found that these people acted meticulously and quickly, so they must be professionals.And it's well planned.Some time ago, a person named Yong Yuanju and Ying Xiaqing were sent to the fire brigade to pave the way for this matter.Then today, these people were taken down in one fell swoop, and the automatic sprinkler was hijacked.

Of course, as for Yong Yuanju and Ying Xiaqing, there is no need to check these two names, they are [-]% fake.This mansion is all a bait to lure the sprinkler over, so how could those two people use their real names.

Finally, Ichiro Tsuruta thought in his heart: "From the current situation, we still need to find the automatic sprinkler. Only this car is the only sure clue. But...it was midnight at midnight, and there must be people on the road Very few. Occasionally encounter people or cars walking at night, so you may not be able to pay attention. Besides, when the car drives out of the surrounding area, Shanghai is very big. If you turn a few corners at will, you will not look for them even if there are witnesses OK."

Ichiro Tsuruta thought about the countermeasures, and finally made up his mind: "It's hard to find, but you have to find it. After all, it's a fire sprinkler, and it can't just disappear like this."

With a wave of his hand, Tsuruta Ichiro called his subordinates and issued several orders in succession.Then he got in the car directly and started to rush to the Tsuruta office.

In fact, Tsuruta Ichiro missed a piece of information at this time, that is the explosion of the Shanghai Grand Hotel.After all, his Hetian agency was the closest to the high-level area, so he rushed to the high-level area immediately, and personally led people back and forth for investigation.

But as soon as he returned to the Hetian office, he immediately knew about the explosion at the Shanghai Hotel.When I heard the news, I felt a "thud" in my heart.He couldn't even sit still, so he brought a group of spies from the agency and rushed to the Shanghai Hotel.

It turned out that at two o'clock in the morning, the Shanghai Grand Hotel was no different from usual.Although no one can go to the third floor, after the third floor is automatically booked down, no matter the waiter goes up to deliver some towels, slippers, drinks, food, etc., they can only take the elevator to the third floor, and they can't even get out of the elevator door. It was taken over by the people guarding here from the little devils delegation.

The same is true for the stairway, where there are also people guarding it.No matter who it is, the hotel staff, or other guests, they are not allowed to enter the third floor at all.Even because of this, a customer went to the wrong place and felt ashamed after being stopped by the other party. He just refuted a few words and was robbed on the head.

When the delegation goes out to negotiate, they will also keep people. After all, if you want to reach the third floor, there are only stairwells and elevators.Therefore, when the delegation goes out, these two places are also guarded.

But such a level of defense, so strict, just made them ignore one situation.That is to instinctively think that no one can come up. With such a mentality, when the delegation goes out, the vigilance is the most lax.Fan Keqin seized the opportunity to plant time bombs in the air vents of each room on the third floor.

The bomb was set at two o'clock in the middle of the night.Before setting it up, Fan Keqin checked the watch on purpose, so the explosion happened almost immediately.

The air vents in each room exploded at the same time.How could the shutters of the vents stop the power of the TNT explosion?After such an explosion, the densely packed steel balls fixed on the surface of TNT, in a scattered state, erupted from the vent.

Although the vent is in one wall, the explosive itself is next to the vent.If there are people outside, if you want to avoid the angle of the steel ball flying, unless you are standing under this wall, or in the four corners of the room.Otherwise it will definitely be affected.

People who are on the bed are covered with a quilt, or those who are too hot and unwilling to cover the quilt.After a bang, dense steel balls were shot into every part of the body almost simultaneously.

Each of the steel balls enhanced with TNT's explosive power is no less powerful than a single bullet.Therefore, being hit on the body densely, the person will be turned into a sieve in an instant.Wanting to survive is almost an extravagant wish.

This is not the case in one room, but in every room on the third floor.The time Fan Keqin chose was also very ingenious, it was when people were sleeping, so almost everyone in the little devil's delegation was sleeping on the beds in the bedroom.

The explosion had already happened, and these people probably didn't even know what happened, and they were killed by dense steel balls in an instant.

Only a limited number of people, such as the security personnel guarding the stairs and the elevator, are considered to be free from death or injury.

Naturally, it was impossible for the explosion to sound throughout the third floor without alarming someone.In fact, even if the little devil's negotiating delegation is dead, some people will react immediately.

This is not referring to the hotel staff downstairs.But the little devil.who?People stationed at the local garrison headquarters.

(End of this chapter)

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