spy ace

Chapter 2265 Ghost's Tail

Chapter 2265 Ghost's Tail
From the point of view of the method, it is almost certain that such a big commotion tonight was done by ghosts.In other words, it is highly suspicious that it was done by ghosts.After all, before the results come out, anything can happen, and no one can guarantee [-]%.

The second inference is: people who act have a certain understanding of the Shanghai Hotel.But this matter is likely to be related to a hotel maintenance master who has already asked for leave but disappeared.

The last point, Choji Akimichi, agreed with Ichiro Tsuruta that the automatic sprinkler car may be the only key clue at this stage, and finding this car may further help the case.

However, the manpower has already been distributed, and it is really uncertain when they will be found.Although the automatic fire truck is a truck, it is much larger than ordinary cars.Such a big thing should not be easy to hide.But if you think about it the other way around, Shanghai itself is a metropolis, needless to say, if this car parks in any yard, it will be difficult for you to find it.

So in this case, it can only be said that the staff will be thrown out, and then the letter will be completed.As for when to wait, no one is sure.

After the two of them made some arrangements at the Shanghai Grand Hotel, they planned to go to the headquarters first to see if they could issue a city-wide arrest warrant or something. If the reward was higher, it would probably shorten the time to find the automatic sprinkler. time.

But before the two left, a phone call came, and it was indeed a call from the train station.Only then did the two know.It turned out that Chang Zhengxi, director of the Special Investigation Department of the Manchurian Railway Investigation Bureau working at the railway station, had died.The murderer is probably the missing German intelligence expert, Schneider.

The two of them immediately reported to the garrison headquarters again, reflected their idea of ​​issuing a wanted warrant, and then rushed to the train station without stopping.

The first thing to do at the train station is still to exchange information.Then he began to analyze the situation comprehensively again, not to mention, in the end, he really drew several important inferences.

Fumio Tegoshi first put forward a point of view, saying: "Everyone, I have an idea. Schneider has not been found yet, but his disappearance must have happened. Then we can basically conclude that Schneider killed Director Daimasa Yoshihito The real murderer."

Several people looked at each other and agreed with this inference.Seeing this, Fumio Tegoshi went on to say: "In this case, it is very intriguing why Schneider killed Director Daimasa Yoshihito. I judge that he must have no intention of killing Director Daimasa Yoshito before. Because he has already come Not in a short time, if he really has the intention to kill, in fact, there must have been a chance before.

The question is, why did he come to kill at this point in time.The details we have now are still not enough, but there is one thing worth noting. According to Yan Xingwei, Shinoda Suizan, and other people in the investigation office, since Schneider arrived in Shanghai, he basically didn't go out at first.

However, Director Dazhengxiren thought that Schneider was a German expert who traveled thousands of miles to help, so he began to suggest that Schneider go out.Here, I personally think that it is normal for Director Dazheng Xiren to let Schneider go out and visit Shanghai.However, since then, Schneider can't say that he has tried to go out, but he has gone out several times.I feel that some things that we don't know must have happened these few times when we went out.

It is very likely that someone secretly contacted Schneider, which made Schneider want to kill Director Dazheng Xiren.So who would let Schneider do this?It is impossible to say that just anyone can say something and help me kill so-and-so. As an intelligence expert, Schneider directly agrees and puts it into practice.So this person must be someone who can make Schneider very concerned.Someone who can make Schneider willing to kill Director Dazheng Xiren for him. "

Having said that, Fumio Tegoshi looked around, and continued: "The head of the Tsuruta agency, Akido-san, may not know the head of the Daimasa Yoshito. He used to..."

Next, Tegoshi Fumio briefly introduced some relevant information about Daimasa Yoshito, and then said: "In this way, Director Daimasa Yoshito, a situation that I once suspected may be true. Then It’s the ghost, who was trained in Germany. Thinking about it now, combined with Schneider’s movements, is there a possibility that the ghost, in Germany, once dealt with Schneider. Even, it was a person taught by Schneider Where's one of the students?"

After he finished speaking, Tsuruta Ichiro frowned and said, "I personally think that Tegoshi's analysis is logical and makes sense. Then, should we contact the consulate immediately and ask the German side to cooperate and provide Schneider with all the information?" , including which schools he has worked at and a list of all the students."

After saying this, Kanzuki Hideyoshi said: "I don't think it will be possible...Of course, we still have to contact the consulate. Whether it can be done or not, we have to try it." Then he said, Germany once rejected Japan and said it again about providing this information.

Hearing this, Fumio Tegoshi, Ichiro Tsuruta, Choji Akimichi and the others were a little silent.In fact, they knew in their hearts that even if they waited for others to ask Germany to provide information on the basis that Schneider was the murderer of Da Zhengxiren, the latter would probably not agree.

But just like Kanzuki Hideyoshi said, you don't care whether the other party agrees or not, there are some things that must be done.So Guanyue Hideyoshi said: "In this regard, I will contact Chief Kitano of the headquarters and Consul General Aiba of the consulate, and ask them to come forward to coordinate with Germany at this time."

Qiudao Dingji said: "Ghost, it stands to reason that it is the common enemy of the Empire and Germany, Schneider... Will Germany really not provide the list?"

Fumio Tegoshi glanced at him and said, "I feel... I won't provide it. You know, at the end of the previous period of Sino-German cooperation, the Empire had already begun to attack the hinterland of the Central Plains. Many German military experts had not yet withdrawn to Germany. They still They are helping Chiang Kai-shek to formulate a strategy to resist the empire's attack. These people have actually caused a lot of trouble to the empire.

At that time, someone proposed sanctions in this regard to Germany, but Germany still refused.You know, Germany is... stubborn in this regard. "

In fact, Fumio Tegoshi said so, but the devils here are all human spirits, who can't understand the truth?
(End of this chapter)

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