spy ace

Chapter 2266

Chapter 2266
Conversely, for example, the little devils committed something in Germany and then ran away. Germany asked them to provide information, and they were also impossible to provide.Therefore, everyone understands, but doesn't this matter mean that you know that the other party will not follow your request, and you don't even have the request?So what should be mentioned should be raised.

However, this feeling is indeed quite uncomfortable.Obviously knowing that the ghost is probably on some list, but I just can't get it.It's annoying to hold back.

While they were researching, in another high-end bungalow area in SH City, one of the mansions was being decorated happily.But Miss Tong didn't feel happy at all.That's right, what happened last night had a great impact on her.

The explosion last night made Miss Tong's father go out overnight, but he called home this morning and told the housekeeper to arrange the room from the morning.But he himself was a little unsure if he could come back, so he could only say happy birthday to Miss Tong on the phone.

In Miss Tong's eyes, this birthday was like the end of the world.Well, it was a bit exaggerated, but it did make her feel that this birthday was meaningless, even a little disturbing and sad.My father actually left in the middle of the night yesterday, and it was all over with a phone call and a blessing in the morning.The same is true for Miss Tong's future husband, who has already gone to the pier.Why is it such a bad birthday?

Miss Tong stayed on the bed and didn't get up, but she couldn't fall asleep after lying on it for a while, and it was boring to lie down, so she could only get up and start washing her face and brushing her teeth, and then walked around the room.In the end, looking at the house furnished by the butler and others, he still felt very boring, so he went to bed again.

This cycle went back and forth twice, and the time was finally marked by her ink until noon, and all the meals were poured onto the tables in the restaurant.The housekeeper acted like a gentleman, and invited Miss Tong to the restaurant for dinner.

Miss Tong is so troublesome, okay, have some food, and you can kill time again.So she got up and came to the restaurant.After sitting down, Miss Tong asked, "When will my dad come back? Didn't say?"

"No." The butler still acted like a gentleman, and said: "Sir, he just called in the morning and asked us to decorate the room, and then cook some favorite dishes for the eldest lady. Maybe he will come back at night, and then I will give it to you." Miss, celebrate well."

"Oh." Miss Tong sighed, picked up the chopsticks, but looked at the food on the table but didn't know which one to eat, so she stopped and asked again: "Then...Ah Heng didn't call?"

The butler smiled and said, "No, Mr. Wan hasn't called. The boat ticket is at eleven o'clock. I think the boat has already left."

Miss Tong took a deep breath, wanting to complain a few words, well let out the negative factors.In the end, she suddenly didn't know what to complain about, so she casually picked up a mouthful of green vegetables, put a bite into her mouth, and said, "Who is coming tonight?"

The housekeeper said: "It's my relatives. Some time ago, the eldest lady said that she didn't plan to invite too many people for this birthday, so none of us informed."

What do you know?I want to live a two-person world with Aheng.Miss Tong thought so.This really can't be blamed on her, because women, as long as they have a lover, whether it's a boyfriend or a married husband.Whether it is any holiday, or a birthday celebration or something, this kind of day will be regarded as Valentine's Day.I just want to enjoy the two-person world with my other half.

Withered, Miss Tong was completely wilted.Just when she took a bite of the food and vented her dissatisfaction, the lights in the room went out.

It is said that it is noon, and the sun is actually full.But the place she took was the dining room, and there were also windows facing the sun to let in light.However, Miss Tong's house is very big, which leads to very large rooms.The light from the window can only shine a few meters inside the window at noon. If this is placed in someone else's house, the light must be enough.But the restaurant in Miss Tong's house is not enough.

After all, Tong's restaurant is very big. When buying a house, they bought it for luxury and large area.With the background of Tong's family, if guests come to eat or something, they can't appear stingy and aggrieved.Therefore, the area of ​​the restaurant alone is not small.

But with a large area, the point light source is naturally not enough.When the lights went out, it certainly wasn't as dark as it was at night, but it still looked darker.

Seeing this, the housekeeper said, "Miss, there might be a power outage. I'll go and see what's going on." As he spoke, he turned and walked out of the restaurant.

How should I put it, there is a saying that the leak in the house happens to meet the rain all night, and there is another saying that it is the last straw that breaks the camel's camel.Originally, I wanted to enjoy the two-person world with my lover, but I couldn't enjoy it.Dad is gone, all plans have been disrupted, and on his birthday, nothing goes well.At this time, there was a power outage while eating.

As a result, Miss Tong couldn't bear it any longer.Gritting his teeth, he knocked hard on the table twice.Tears were rolling in his eyes, he grabbed a few mouthfuls of vegetables, stuffed them into his mouth viciously, and then refused vigorously.

I ate several mouthfuls in a row, and the more I ate, the more disturbed I became.If anything goes wrong at this time, Miss Tong probably has to disregard her upbringing and fight with the other party, or else she will get sick.

But, at this moment, all of a sudden.Some light sources emerged from the dining room door.This light source is very warm, like candlelight, flickering slightly, but it has a romantic atmosphere of "Emei Peak, still fucking alone."

The next moment, a familiar male voice who cares a lot rang out, wishing you a happy birthday song on your birthday.And the person who pushed a huge cake trolley into the restaurant made Miss Tong's eyes widen immediately.All the negative emotions disappeared almost instantly.

Miss Tong is not a fool, when she saw Fan Keqin pushing a birthday cake with flickering candles into the restaurant, she didn't understand what it meant.

But to understand is to understand, but the foreshadowing in the early stage was too ingenious. After she understood it in her heart, she still had a huge sense of happiness.It was as if he was used to staying at minus [-] degrees, and when he was about to die, he instantly moved to a room with a temperature of [-] to [-] degrees.The huge temperature difference makes it easy for people to be directly fascinated inside.

At this moment, the tears in Miss Tong's eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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