spy ace

Chapter 2267 Greasy

Chapter 2267 Greasy
At this moment, the tears in Miss Tong's eyes could no longer be controlled. The "sizzling" ones "splashed" out.

With his mouth open, his face is a bit distorted, he doesn't know whether to cry or laugh, just like happy things, the expression that is shown at the top is not much different.That's right, I really can't control it, commonly known as: 阿#嘿#颜.

It can be seen that Fan Keqin's plan was very successful.It made Miss Tong tremble all over, and she was at a loss.In short, the feeling is extremely beautiful and refreshing, which is beyond description.

After pushing the car over, Fan Keqin just sang the last line of wishing you a happy birthday, and the car stopped.After a pause, let the atmosphere be more romantic and romantic.Then he said, "Student Xiaofei, happy birthday."

"Whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow!Anyway, hug and don't let go, as if a drowning person grabbed something.

Seeing this situation, the housekeeper standing at the door smiled and waved his hand, and quietly retreated with a group of servants.Yes, he is also one of the insiders.

Fan Keqin and Miss Tong sat sideways for a long time before they separated and sat on the chairs by the dining table.Miss Tong wiped her tears and said, "Did you do it on purpose?"

"That's right." Fan Keqin said confidently, "Do you like it?"

"I like it." Miss Tong's rambunctious voice came out again, and then she opened her hands and begged for a hug again.Then hug, warm hugs are as much as you want, we never worry about this.

The two of them scribbled for a long time before they began to eat.Fan Keqin flirted with Miss Tong while eating and drinking.When the food was almost finished, he asked, "Where did Uncle Tong go? This one is not in the plan. Uncle Tong and I celebrated your birthday together."

Miss Tong said: "I left in the middle of the night yesterday. Hey, did you hear that noise?"

"No." Fan Keqin said: "I recharged my batteries last night, and today I'm going to prepare for a day of 'fighting' with you. I slept a little dead. What's going on?"

When Miss Tong heard about Fen Zhan, she patted Fan Keqin with a smile, and said, "I don't know what's going on. My dad called in the morning and said there was something wrong. You still treat me like this, and I'm not in the mood to inquire. Who I know, let's talk about it when he comes back tonight. Maybe something happened."

"Well." Fan Keqin said: "This year is not peaceful, and accidents happen every few days. But we don't need to worry about it, we will live together at home today." Speaking of this, Fan Keqin whispered: "Quick Order some food, and we'll go to the room later to celebrate."

Miss Tong smiled, nodded, put down her chopsticks, and said, "I'm full."

Seeing this, Fan Keqin teased her, saying: "Oh, this is more anxious than me."

"Well." Miss Tong said: "I haven't hugged you to sleep for more than a day, two days."

"Yeah, yum, yum!" Fan Keqin said: "I know, the main thing is that I can clearly understand my own charm. Then let's walk and act."

While talking, the two got up and went straight out of the restaurant to Miss Tong's boudoir.

But before the two of them entered the room, the butler walked over quickly and said, "Miss, sir is calling, let you answer it."

"Oh, yes. I'll pick you up in my room." Miss Tong promised, and entered the room with Fan Keqin.Picked up the phone in the outer room of the boudoir and said, "Hello, Dad?" Fan Keqin sat on the side and waited.

"Feifei." Father Tong's voice came out of the receiver, and said, "The voice sounds a lot more cheerful. It seems that Ah Heng has passed away, right?"

"Hey." Miss Tong smiled and said, "Yes, Dad, I didn't expect you to be so fashionable. How could you surprise me with Ah Heng."

Father Tong said: "That is, you think I will fall behind when I get older. But this is A Heng's attention, I have cooperated well."

Although Miss Tong knew that her father could not see her, she still nodded her head and said, "Yes, the cooperation is quite good, which is worthy of praise." After a pause, she continued: "Dad, when are you coming back?"

"I don't know." Father Tong said, "I called you just to talk about it. You and Aheng have fun. I don't know when I will go back, ah."

"I know." Miss Tong said, "What's the matter, I'm so busy."

"Did you hear the movement last night?" Father Tong said, "Let's jump next."

"Yeah." Miss Tong said: "I heard, what's the matter? Does it have something to do with you not going home?"

"It has something to do with it." Tong's father said: "If something happens, just leave it alone. In short, you and Aheng have fun, it's okay."

"Make it so mysterious?" Miss Tong said: "All right, I won't inquire, but... Dad, are you okay? Does it have anything to do with you?"

"Well... how should I put it." Father Tong said: "It's a little bit related, but I'm sure I'm fine. So you can rest assured. It's just that I'm busy with this matter now, and I can't go back for the time being. Don't worry."

"Okay." Miss Tong said: "Then I know, Dad, if you are free, come back early. Do you want to eat at home tonight?"

When Miss Tong asked this, she didn't really care about whether his father would come home for dinner.Of course, there may be a little worry, but the most important thing is to see if I can live a perfect two-person world with Fan Keqin for a day.

Tong's father hesitated a little, and said: "Tonight... I'm not sure, it depends on the situation. I guess it's enough, it's fine, don't worry, it's nothing to do with me, but I have to watch here."

"That's fine." Miss Tong said: "I see, you hang up."

After talking to Tong's father, Miss Tong turned around and threw herself into Fan Keqin's arms, put her arms around Fan Keqin's neck, and said, "My dad doesn't know if he can come back, and he didn't say anything. But listen to his tone, I guess I'll be back in the evening. Don't leave today."

"Aren't you going?" Fan Keqin said, "Then what will you do if your dad comes back at night and puts me in bed again?"

"Go!" Miss Tong cursed with a smile, and said, "If you stop it, just stop it, you're still afraid of him when I'm here."

"Well. I feel too safe by saying that." Fan Keqin said: "Then before your father blocks me, I will block you first."

After hearing this, Miss Tong let out a "huh".He didn't search for his hands, just swayed with Fan Keqin, and started to walk into the back room...

The two of them were called a Moji, and they were too housebound, so they stayed in the house and didn't come out. It was past dinner time, and the housekeeper even knocked on the door once, and the two of them were still bored in the house.

(End of this chapter)

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