spy ace

Chapter 2272 Letter

Chapter 2272 Letter
Qian Jinxun joked: "But don't let my sister-in-law know, I will blame you later."

Sun Guoxin said: "How could she know, unless your boy reported to her."

"Oh, I dare not." Qian Jinxun said with a smile, "Isn't that just looking for scolding..."

After finishing their business, the two relaxed slightly.But after a while, Liao Wangkun, Sun Guoxin's secretary, came in. Although he knew that Qian Jinxun was one of his own, he still didn't say it directly, but said politely: "Boss, there is something I want to report to you alone."

Seeing this, Qian Jinxun stood up and said, "I'll go back for the next session. I've made up my mind after seeing you, so I won't stay any longer."

Sun Guoxin didn't hide it from him on purpose, because without rules, there is no such thing as a circle.Therefore, he said: "Okay, then go back, if there is any situation, we can contact you at any time."

After Qian Jinxun walked out, Sun Guoxin asked, "What's going on?"

Liao Wangkun said: "The special telecommunications team just contacted me and just received a secret telegram from Shanghai..."

It is said that Fan Keqin stayed at home with Miss Tong for a few days, how can the two of them spend these days, anyway, Miss Tong is very satisfied.However, the wind in Shanghai is indeed very tight. In the past few days, almost every major street has fixed clips.It's not that no one will be allowed to pass, but that you have to queue up to pass the card, and then show your ID and other materials to let you pass, otherwise, where will you go.

However, yesterday, this severe situation was alleviated, and the cards were basically removed.After all, this is an economic metropolis, and neither the little devil nor the puppet Wang can afford it.In addition, the relationship inside is intricate and the pressure is too great. Martial law will be over in a few days.It's not good for anyone to keep going.So yesterday, except for key places such as docks and train stations, all the cards in the urban area were basically removed.

Although Fan Keqin lives here, the news is not broken.Because he can still learn something from Father Tong every day.Today, the rumors outside have subsided, at least on the bright side.Therefore, Miss Tong and Fan Keqin, who stayed at home continuously, planned to visit the company.

Father Tong agreed to this point, after all, where is his relationship?And it's been several days, and there should be nothing more.

After the two of them had breakfast, they arrived at the company by car. Miss Tong returned to her office to deal with business.Fan Keqin went directly to Bai Fengtai's office.

In fact, the business of this entertainment company is basically managed by Bai Fengtai. Although Fan Keqin is the boss, most of the time, he is only in charge of art.After all, he is the director of the art department.

Therefore, Bai Fengtai made the company well-organized, and it really made a lot of money.After closing the door, Fan Keqin sat on the sofa and first listened to what Bai Fengtai had said about the past few days.It feels like the wind is almost over.

Of course, this rumor has passed, not to say that it has really passed.Instead, it was transferred to the interior of the Japanese puppet, or it was transferred to a more secretive water surface.Because for several days in a row, there was no gain on the bright side, and it was almost the same to continue to get stuck and the like.So it's better to put it on the bright side and work hard in the dark.

After Bai Fengtai's introduction, Fan Keqin asked: "The contact team can send a report to the headquarters. There is only one content. There is a high probability that Wang Zhaohai is dead."

After hearing this, Bai Fengtai smiled and said, "Brother Heng, can you confirm this news?"

Fan Keqin said: "Almost. But if there is any evidence, there is definitely no. I just made a conjecture based on a few words revealed by Tong's father, and he is very busy these days. You let the contact team When sending the report, add this point and send it back to the headquarters objectively. As for what the headquarters thinks, that is the headquarters’ business.”

Bai Fengtai said: "Understood." After replying, he paused, and then said: "The dead mailbox you sent to me before has a reply, the leader of the assassination team, requesting to connect with you. Because you It’s inconvenient. Also, he asked for a meeting, and didn’t set a specific time. I thought the street was too strict, so I didn’t report it to you right away.”

Fan Keqin thought for a while, and said: "Okay, I see, I have been living with Miss Tong at his house for the past few days, you really can't say. But he asked for a meeting, and he hasn't set a specific time yet, that is He wants me to go directly to him. I just want to ask Wang Zhaohai about Wang Zhaohai."

"I think so too." Bai Fengtai said: "Brother Heng, otherwise, don't go. You show up more times now, which means that you will increase the risk virtually. Why don't we use dead mailboxes and just tell them? .”

Fan Keqin didn't answer immediately, but thought for a while.In fact, he could think that one of the purposes of the leader of the assassination team asking to see him must be to ask about the assassination of Wang Zhaohai.However, Fan Keqin, the leader of the assassination team, met him twice. Those two times gave Fan Keqin the feeling that the other party was a very calm person with a sense of sacrifice.There are also higher levels.

And this kind of person, looking for him, is really just because he did their thing, and then came to Xingshi to ask the crime?Is it useful for him to ask questions?To put it bluntly, the assassination team was responsible for the assassination of Wang Zhaohai. He must have a higher status than some other secret service organizations.But that's all, what can he do to himself?No matter how dissatisfied he was holding back.

It's okay not to hold back, and ask yourself to blame the teacher, it's sick, just screaming for a while.So Fan Keqin felt that since this was the case, the leader of the assassination team, who was very good at himself, actually took the initiative to find himself for a connection.And after such a big commotion happened, Wang Zhaohai might have died, so looking for a connection with himself might not really be a vent, it's as simple as raising a teacher to ask a crime.Because it is really useless, so there is something else.

The first thing Fan Keqin thought of was his own safety.Of course, he didn't think the assassination team wanted to do anything to him.That's bragging, because if this is the case, it will be tantamount to attracting a war between the military command and the security bureau.This is what Sun Guoxin and Boss Dai are unwilling to see at this stage.

So what Fan Keqin was thinking about was whether he would be noticed by the Japanese puppets after he went out.He had to have an excuse, and if he didn't go, let someone else take his place... Fan Keqin was really worried.This is like, you say you want to kill a person, but you let someone else go, will this person show up after killing the target?On the contrary, what should I do if I hurt myself?
(End of this chapter)

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