spy ace

Chapter 2273

Chapter 2273
Furthermore, the existence of the assassination team itself is a secret, and letting others go is breaking the rules.Thinking about it the other way around, I wanted to invite someone over, but that person didn't come, someone else came. Although the passwords are all right, can you trust this person?Unless it is the most urgent situation, if you really can't go, then you can let other people go there.Otherwise, in this case, you really have to come forward yourself.

But after showing up, it depends on the purpose of the other party contacting me.If it's the kind of thing where the other party conveys a message, Fan Keqin will let the other party pay attention to the evacuation, because the other party has seen him.If something happens to the other party at this time, then there is a risk of exposure.Although the other party doesn't know what his disguised identity is, what his name is, and where he lives.But after all, he saw his own face.

That’s a lot of novels. Didn’t it say in film and television works that you can make up?After putting on make-up, that root seemed to be a different person.How should I put it, makeup can really change a person's appearance, Fan Keqin definitely does.But you have to remember that it depends on the environment in which it is used.

For example, if you pass the level, if you put on makeup, you will find yourself dead.People will become more suspicious when they see that you have glanced at your eyebrows or put on powder on your face.And as long as you put on makeup, you will definitely need to draw eyebrows, powder or something, which is inevitable.So, you say makeup is useful?Really useless in this case.

As it is now, Fan Keqin was going to meet the leader of the assassination team, wearing makeup, for example, on the way, he suddenly encountered a random inspection, surrounded a street of people, and interrogated them one by one.If you don't wear makeup, you might really be able to go out this time.But if you wear makeup, fuck it, you're not calling yourself out.You must have a problem, otherwise, what are you doing with makeup?

This is the same as the anti-tracking action that Fan Keqin mentioned in his lecture.You were fine, but owed and sick.Do anti-tracking actions as soon as you go out, and do it as soon as you go out.At this time, if someone from the enemy sees it, fuck it, you actually do anti-tracking actions, don't ask, you must be a professional agent.But if you don’t do it, you’ll just walk down a street normally.In this case, even if an enemy sees it, he may not doubt you.Therefore, the principle of anti-tracking is the same as that of makeup, and it can only be used under suitable circumstances.Otherwise, you will seek death by yourself instead.

Therefore, this is also the reason why Fan Keqin almost never wears makeup.What he wants is to avoid as much as possible the moment when makeup is required.Because when you do need makeup, it's almost always a last resort.For example, when you want to run away, you have no choice. At this time, you may use makeup to change yourself, so as to give it a try, you can run out like a fish.

But Fan Keqin still won't use makeup to become another person.Because that method definitely requires extremely careful makeup.When a professional sees that you have eyebrows and powder on your face, no matter how far you are from your original appearance, you will still be the first to suspect.So Fan Keqin's most recognized way to change makeup is very simple.The length of the hair, the shape of the beard.Use these conditions to change, not make-up.

Fan Keqin thought about it again, whether today is over.Finally, it was confirmed that it was really okay to pass today, thinking that I hadn't come to the company for several days.Therefore, the company has several performance contracts that need to be signed by itself. One of them is called the address of Qimeng Song and Dance Hall, which is near the restaurant opened by the leader of the assassination team.Of course, the neighborhood is not really close together, but separated by several streets.

But this is an excuse to go out.Therefore, Fan Keqin took all the contracts, said hello to Miss Tong, and went out directly.

After Fan Keqin went out, he didn't go to Qimeng Song and Dance Hall immediately, but went to several other venues.Most of the venues also understand that Fan Keqin has only come to sign the contract now, because everyone knows that there is martial law on the street a few days ago.Therefore, this is an irresistible factor of manpower, and it is impossible to blame you for taking so long to come.

But the boss of one of them pretended to be B, and Fan Keqin began to complain when he came, why did you come here.It was agreed that the contract was signed two days ago, but it turned out to be here now, why is it so dishonest?

Fan Keqin didn't pay much attention to it at first, and just explained normally.But with this explanation, the boss is even more energetic, and his mouth is even more ugly. It's not that he is cursing, but that he is very fucking on the line.

Fan Keqin turned against him directly, and told him on the spot: If he wants to sign the contract, he can sign it, and if he doesn't want to leave him, BB.What happened on the street two days ago, you stupid B don't know.Or are you blind, deaf, or disabled? If you were disabled, I would have to apologize to you. Unfortunately, you are not.Do you pretend to be you with me again!
How some people put it, they are willing to show off their sense of superiority, making them a source of happiness for them.Or there is no reason at all, because some evils are pure evils without reason.He was such a person, so seeing Fan Keqin so disrespectful and in his own territory, he immediately hired someone to block the door.

Seeing this, Fan Keqin thought about how to escape.Killing this group of people is a bit too loud.But if I don't kill them, if these people fight against me, if I don't fight back, I will be injured for no reason... So I should kill them all?But how to deal with the corpse, so as not to let the Japanese puppets discover any clues...

While thinking about these things, one of the other party's secretary hurriedly came to the other party's boss, and said a few words in the other party's ear.As a result, the other party's complexion changed continuously after hearing this, and then he laughed very disgustingly, and began to lie down and act small.

It may feel inexplicable to change another person, but Fan Keqin's hearing power is also the limit of human beings.The scene was chaotic, and although the secretary-like person was talking with his ears, his voice was still relatively loud.As a result, Fan Keqin heard some of the words.It turned out that the secretary knew that he was Miss Tong's fiancé.The negotiation a few days ago was conducted by this secretary with Bai Fengtai.So I have been to the company and know the existence of Miss Tong.

Don't tell me, in Shanghai Bund, Miss Tong is really easy to use.In this way, since the other party was low-key and low-key, Fan Keqin was unwilling to talk to the other party, and left directly after signing the contract.

(End of this chapter)

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