spy ace

Chapter 2277 Magician

Chapter 2277 Magician

The drawing continued: "He once told another subordinate of mine that he has relatives in Shanghai, does that count? But it was just a normal chat at the time, and it was impossible for my subordinate to directly ask who the other party's relatives in Shanghai are. And they are all in this line of work, and they all know the rules, so it is impossible to inquire about each other's family details."

Fan Keqin said: "Forget it, but it's useless. Let me ask you, didn't Li Yu show anything wrong before?"

"No." Drawing said: "In normal contact, Li Yu is not the kind of person who likes to talk very much. Of course, I'm not saying that he is simply an introvert who doesn't like to talk. Normally, he can still talk, but except for work. Outside of the situation, I don’t talk much, giving people a very honest feeling.”

Fan Keqin nodded and said, "Very honest. If he was sent by the Japanese puppets or a traitor, honesty might be his disguise, because honest people don't attract attention."

After saying this, Fan Keqin paused, and asked again: "After you found out what happened, did you leave anyone behind to observe? Did the Japanese and puppets go to encircle and suppress you?"

The blueprint said: "Of course people are kept. Observe from the outside. There are indeed Japanese and puppet people coming. It is at the meeting point of the notification."

"Hmm." Fan Keqin said, "Is there no picture of him?"

The drawing said: "I don't have a photo, but I can draw it for you." As he spoke, he took out a pen and paper from a nearby desk and started to draw.

His drawing is very simple, a bit like a stick figure, he just outlines the face of the person with lines, so it didn't take long to finish.After pushing the piece of paper in front of Fan Keqin, he picked up the pen and started to draw the second piece.

Fan Keqin took it and looked at it, and found that the blueprints were painted with craftsmanship.The painting is not bad, but it must not have been professionally studied.But the people in the portraits can still be said to be pretty good.He looks less than [-] years old, with a relatively square head and a large nose, which is a bit like a snub nose.The lips are relatively thin, and there are two slightly lighter eyebrows above the round eyes.

This kind of appearance can only be said to be an ordinary person, not a handsome guy.But it can't be said to be ugly, but it is a bit like the entertainer named Xiaotian from the bend island in later generations.If you put on fashionable clothes and tidy them up, they will look neat, barely able to catch up with the good reviews.But if you don't tidy up and wear ordinary clothes, it's just an ordinary appearance.

After remembering it in his heart, Fan Keqin took out the cigarette, put one on the table, took one in his mouth, took out the match but did not light it.

After a while, the second drawing was finished, and the drawing handed the paper to Fan Keqin, saying: "This is what the ocean looks like. I didn't draw it very well this time. The face is a bit big. When you look at it, put Look at the face." After speaking, he reached out to pick up the cigarette that Fan Keqin put on the table, and put it in his mouth as well, but did not light it.

Fan Keqin said: "Got it." He took a look at the second picture. Generally speaking, this person has an egg face, wide at the top and narrow at the bottom.The eyes are quite large, giving people a feeling that the eyes are very fast.With a small nose and a moderate mouth, he is a handsome guy.Fan Keqin pressed the cheeks on both sides with his hands, shrank the opponent's face a little, and said, "Is this so?"

Drawing looked down, and said, "Well, this is almost the case. The chin is not so sharp, you can relax."

Fan Keqin moved his fingers, looked at the drawing again, and the latter nodded immediately, and said, "Yes, that's it. Haiyang is handsome and young. He is thirty-eight this year, but he said He is not yet thirty, and most people will believe it when they look at his face. The main thing is that his eyes are very clean, just like a student. Did you work hard on your eyes if you didn’t see this picture of mine? ? The painting is not bad, right?"

"Yeah." Fan Keqin said: "Among the amateurs, the drawing is really good. Now I finally know why you are called a drawing."

The drawing was noncommittal and did not justify, saying: "I really hope that Haiyang is not a traitor or a spy. Based on my previous understanding and contact with him, I feel that Haiyang really doesn't look like a spy. Of course, before the accident, at that time Li Yu, I didn't feel that something was wrong with him."

Fan Keqin took out the match, struck it, lit the two portraits, and threw them into the ashtray.Then he helped the other party and himself lit the cigarettes and took a puff.Said: "This Haiyang should be very popular in your assassination team, right?"

"Well, yes." The blueprint was slightly surprised, and said, "How did you see it?"

Fan Keqin said: "You just said that you hope Haiyang is not a spy. This shows that your impression of him is still very good. The same applies to other members of the assassination team. So I said that Haiyang's popularity should be good. . Let me introduce him again."

"Okay." The drawing said: "As I told you before, Haiyang is the old man who was there at the very beginning of the assassination team. He has made great achievements in battle and participated in most of our team's operations. When he sneaked into Shanghai, he covered The identity is a magician. He knows a few tricks, and the reason is the same. If you don’t ask in depth, the review is from the headquarters, so it’s not clear how he did it.”

Fan Keqin asked: "Then do you know that he really works? I mean, does he work as a magician?"

"It's working." Tutu said: "But he's the kind of performer who runs around the venue, and he doesn't have a fixed time to perform in a few nights."

"Yeah." Fan Keqin said, "I also have more free time. The choice is good, so how many places does he run?"

"Great World Nightclub." The blueprint said: "There is a place called Medusa in the southern area. It seems to be a bar or a club. But it must be called Medusa, and it has performed there before. When I investigated, I knew He has performed in these two arenas. There is no fixed performance time.

Of course, he doesn't need it either, as long as he has a job to earn his living as a magician, he should be fine.So I feel that it is impossible for him to go to too many places to work. "

"Great Shanghai Nightclub, Medusa Club or bar." Fan Keqin repeated, "You continue."

"Okay." The blueprint continued: "Yang Hai is in the same team as Li Yu and the brother who has died. From my understanding, when they received my order, the first thing they knew about the order should be Hai Yang. Because only he has the right to know the location of the dead mailbox where I placed the order. This is also me..."

(End of this chapter)

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