spy ace

Chapter 2278 Patrol Captain

Chapter 2278 Patrol Captain

The drawing went on to say: "This is also one of the reasons why I feel that Haiyang is a traitor, and I am more suspicious. Because if it is Haiyang, he can report to the Japanese and puppet immediately after receiving the message from the dead mailbox. How could there be a later Yes, a brother died and then disappeared."

Fan Keqin agreed with him. After a person gets the information from the dead mailbox, if there is any problem, he will immediately report to the enemy. In the end, it will not be said whether the entire assassination team will be wiped out.But at least it can come at a heavy price.

Following the narration of the drawing, the two missing persons, Hai Yang and Li Yu, became three-dimensional in Fan Keqin's mind.However, it took a long time. When the drawing was finished, Fan Keqin said without delay, "I will help you find Haiyang and Li Yu. What about you, you have to leave Shanghai."

Tutu nodded and said, "That's right, I will notify everyone to leave, and we will start implementing it after returning. Wang Zhaohai's mansion has already exploded, and whether he is dead or not, it is impossible for him to act again, so we have to leave. Maybe after I leave, I will conduct a more detailed appraisal of the interior."

"En." Fan Keqin said: "It's right to leave. Before there are traitors, it is quite dangerous until the team is thoroughly cleaned. Do you need my help?"

"No need." The blueprint said: "I can't let you take risks too. We will leave in batches and at different times. So it is not difficult to evacuate Shanghai."

"Okay." Fan Keqin said: "That's it, I'm leaving too."

The drawing said: "I'll see you off." Then, the two walked from the house to the yard, and the drawing helped Fan Keqin look at the situation outside.After realizing that there was no one outside, he stood in the gap on the side of the door and waved his hand without looking.

Fan Keqin immediately opened the door and walked out.It's still the same, don't do any anti-tracking actions, but use your own ability to observe the situation behind you.Therefore, Fan Keqin wandered around.Then he drove the car to another venue, signed a contract, and then returned to the company.

Holding the signed contract with the letter, Fan Keqin walked into the office of General Manager Bai Fengtai.After putting the contract on his desktop, Fan Keqin first whispered to him about the situation of the joint with him about the drawings, mainly talking about the fact that the assassination team was highly suspected of being a traitor or a spy of the Japanese puppet, Then they want to leave, but they need to help find the two missing people.

Of course, as the leader, Fan Keqin couldn't tell Bai Fengtai as detailed as when the blueprint told him.Just let him know what's going on.But for Haiyang and Li Yu, the two missing persons, Fan Keqin still talked emphatically.

After hearing this, Bai Fengtai said, "Brother Heng, the houses of these two people are a clue. Besides, can you draw them again and again what they look like? If not, our company has people from the arts and crafts department. You describe it slowly, and it can be restored after a long time. I need to convey the looks of these two guys."

"That's not necessary." Fan Keqin took the pen and paper, and imprinted the two people in his mind, restoring them.To be honest, Fan Keqin's drawing skills are really not good, so after modifying and modifying, it has been a long time since it finally coincided with the image in his mind, and said: "Take a picture, it will be faster. But what you said I personally suggest not to check the addresses of these two people.

If these two people are traitors, then there must be eyes guarding near their house. If the brothers appear, they may be discovered by these eyes guarding there. "

Bai Fengtai said: "It seems that the appearance of these two people and some known physical characteristics are useless. We must not have enough manpower, and Shanghai is big. It is almost like finding a needle in a haystack."

Fan Keqin smiled and said: "You're thinking badly. Don't let our disposable brothers do it. Many of the people in our intelligence network work in the Japanese and puppet agencies. Think about it, Haiyang, or Li If these two people are really traitors or spies, where will these two people appear after they disappear? At the very least, they will definitely contact the Japanese and puppet secret agencies. If this is the case, the people on our intelligence network will be There is a possibility of knowing."

Bai Fengtai nodded and said, "Yes, I didn't realize it all at once. Brother, then I will inform you tonight and contact the people who work in the secret service on the intelligence network. Tell them to pay attention to Haiyang and Li Yu."

Fan Keqin said: "Okay, when contacting, make a special point, let them pay attention to their faces, or pay attention to whether there is any special situation inside the agency. I am afraid that Haiyang and Li Yu contacted the Japanese puppet agency, but the Japanese puppet agency The previous actions were in vain after all, so...in this regard, it may not be on the bright side. This means, understand."

"Understood." Bai Fengtai said: "Perhaps the Japanese and puppet agencies will blame these two people, and it is possible to deal with them in some way."

"En." Fan Keqin said: "Okay, I'm going back." After finishing speaking, he got up and walked out of the general manager's office...

Chao Yingzhen is [-] years old this year, but he has been working in Shanghai for [-] years.At the beginning, he was just an ordinary patrol member of the patrol brigade, only seventeen years old.It does not belong to the concession, so he works for the government.But later, after the fall of Shanghai, the Wang Puppet Government was established, and he became a member of Wang Puppet.

However, before the fall of Shanghai, he had already become the patrol captain of the patrol brigade by virtue of his more than ten years of experience, as well as his popularity and ability.After the little devils invaded Shanghai, the patrol brigade was subordinated to the gendarmerie of the garrison headquarters.

Chao Ying really knew that he was not a traitor. Although he now felt that he was working under the authority of the little devil, he still didn't think he was a traitor.Because he knows that he has never done anything immoral to bully the common people.Moreover, he is a native of Shanghai, and the ground of the patrol brigade is the whole of Shanghai, including his family, friends, and neighbors.He thinks that if he bullies the common people, his family, friends and neighbors will poke his back.

But he did not resign either. He believed that, like some people in Northeast China, not all those who worked in Manchukuo were traitors.Therefore, when Chao Yingzhen is on patrol, or when he is in joint operations with the police station...

(End of this chapter)

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