spy ace

Chapter 2279 Discovery

Chapter 2279 Discovery
Whenever he sees bullying men and women, and robbing houses, he will not be soft.Chao Yingzhen has a clear conscience for doing these things.

But Chao Yingzhen felt that it was precisely because he was such a person.On a rainy day some time ago, I was approached by two people.These two people revealed their identities as soon as they came up: from the National Security Bureau.

Chao Yingzhen might be a little scared if Juntong came to him.Because the style of military command is unscrupulous.Most of the time, it's not about who you are or what good things you've done in the past.But as long as there is any hindrance in the action.You will all die.

But although the Security Bureau is also well-known, their acting style is more secretive.There seems to be very little active removal of innocents, except in the case of fratricide.Take the treasury robbery a few years ago as an example. The gold reserves in the entire bank vault were wiped out by the security bureau, but it was miraculous that no one was injured.This is simply impossible, but it is also implemented, which is irrefutable.

In addition, Chao Yingzhen also knew that since the security bureau came to him, since he hadn't killed him immediately, most likely he would not die.Sure enough, after revealing their identities, the two of them directly stated their intentions without any nonsense—letting themselves join the Security Bureau and lurking in the patrol brigade, as secret agents of the Security Bureau, to contribute to the War of Resistance.

Chao Yingzhen did not hesitate, and agreed directly.He also wrote a consent form and provided the information of all officials above the level of the squad leader of the inspection brigade, including some information about the little devil's gendarmerie and the information of the officers.

In this way, Chao Yingzhen became a secret agent of the Security Bureau.He didn't have any panic, but felt that he was motivated.Because the blood in his heart is not yet cold, he knows who is himself and the real enemy of this nation.

Just the night before, when Chao Yingzhen finished handing over the patrol plan for the past few days from the Little Devils Gendarmerie and was about to go home, when he was passing by the dead mailbox mark, he found a "children's graffiti", which was drawn with broken bricks. A thick wavy line of the tail.

This mark appeared elsewhere, maybe it was drawn by that brat casually, but when it appeared here, Chao Ying really knew that there must be a message in the dead mailbox.

So Chao Yingzhen walked out of this street and turned into an alley, bought a catty of liquor at a shop specializing in liquor, then bought a few cubes of tofu and fennel beans, passed through a building area, and returned home .Inside his hat, there was already a small rolled paper stick.

When he gets home, close the door.After taking out the paper stick and reading it, he understood that this was the superior of the Security Bureau, who had given him a task.Let him look for two people.The photos of these two people were also rolled into small paper sticks.It doesn't affect when you unfold it.However, the people in the photos were obviously painted and reproduced.

After Chao Yingzhen looked at the two photos carefully, he threw all the information he brought back into the stove at home.Then drinking wine, eating tofu cubes and fennel beans began to ponder.

From the literal point of view of the mission, these two people are likely to be traitors of the Security Bureau?Although Chao Yingzhen wasn't sure, there was a sentence in the mission statement, pay attention to new colleagues, or the latest prisoners or prisoners who have been detained in secret.Is this a contradiction?There is no contradiction, because if it is a traitor, or a spy sent by the Japanese puppet, after returning, this may really be the case.

But Chao Yingzhen felt that this must have nothing to do with his patrol brigade. As the name suggests, the patrol brigade is responsible for the security situation.Of course, on many occasions, they will also cooperate with the gendarmerie and various Japanese and puppet agencies to perform other tasks.But if these two people judged correctly, they must be spies, and spies...whether they are sent out or come back, they are no match for the inspection team.

At this time, what Chao Yingzhen didn't know was that he was not the only one assigned to this task.But all the people in the intelligence network controlled by Fan Keqin, as long as they work in the Japanese and puppet agencies, will be given this secret task of finding someone.

But Chao Yingzhen, who didn't know these things, thought of something else because of this.That is, although his inspection brigade has nothing to do with sending or receiving spies.But the patrol brigade, the little devil's higher-level unit, and the devil's gendarmerie may not have nothing to do with spies.

Although Chao Yingzhen was not a professional spy, the patrol brigade itself was part of the agency system.Even if he doesn't understand it, he must understand something that ordinary people don't know.

Therefore, Chao Ying really knew clearly that in the Devil's Gendarmerie, there was a special spy organization that belonged to the Gendarmerie.Is holding two people related to the gendarmerie?

With this in mind, Chao Yingzhen made up his mind.Therefore, in the next few days, as long as Chao Yingzhen has the opportunity to go to the Devils Gendarmerie to deliver some materials, or contact the liaison officer of the Gendarmerie, he will pay great attention to the other party's situation and the content of the conversation.

Needless to say, under such circumstances, Chao Yingzhen really discovered something.That is the gendarmerie patrol.This is not talking about Wang Puppet's patrol team, but the devil's gendarmerie also has a patrol team, and launched a joint patrol operation with its own patrol team.

In fact, it was very normal for the devils to launch a joint patrol operation after such a big incident happened a few days ago.But Chao Yingzhen is not the case. He himself is investigating the situation of Haiyang and Li Yu, so he is very concerned about everything.He discovered that during the next patrol, one day, when the devil and his own patrol team joined together to start a joint patrol mission, there was a person in the devil's plainclothes patrol team who looked very similar to the one in the photo. people.

Chao Yingzhen still remembered that it was the goal of weaving it into "wood".He didn't know why it was numbered as wood, but Fan Keqin naturally understood that the ocean was numbered as water, and Li Yu was numbered as wood.

Chao Yingzhen didn't dare to observe more, just glanced at it normally.But there is a complete difference between a deliberate glance and an unintentional glance.After he glanced at it, he found that the devil's plainclothes patrol member who looked like the number wood was surrounded by two other plainclothes.And there seemed to be a slight bruise on his face, and he was wearing a hat.

Such a situation made Chao Yingzhen even more suspicious.In the past, the people who teamed up with the little devils must be polite.So Chao Ying turned her head sincerely, took out a cigarette as well, walked over with a smile, and became polite in half-baked Japanese...

(End of this chapter)

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