spy ace

Chapter 2281 Breakthrough

Chapter 2281 Breakthrough

No one is a fool, you will definitely not be able to get in simply relying on these.For example, if you are the chief officer of Shangfeng, yes, other people always give you money, come over to give gifts if you have nothing to do, and then lie down and do a little pat on the back.

But if this person is serious, if he can't do it at all, he can't do it.Even if you really want to promote the other party, you dare not, right?Because in the event of an accident, you are afraid that you will be implicated by the other party, so the gift may definitely be accepted, but the other party will have to show a lot of hands, and you can't show it at all. How can you give this person a chance.Unless it is the biggest BOSS, I will be self-willed, and I am willing to promote this person, even if this person is nothing, and involved many people during his actions, I will support him.

But under normal circumstances, this kind of biggest boss would not be so brainless and do such a thing.Because after all, this will gradually lose the support of his subordinates, which is tantamount to cutting off his own way.

Li Yu, who understood this, also began to behave.In the beginning, his internal training did not lag at all, so that his ability to act was improved, and no one would doubt him when he showed it slowly.

This plan was carried out fairly smoothly, and bit by bit, Li Yu began to make progress in his actions.In addition, from time to time, he would sneak up on him, pat a horse or something.The effect is more significant.Because his performance is getting better and better, and the evaluation above is also relatively high.

But at this time, the assassination team needed to replenish their strength.Naturally, Shangfeng, the commander of the military, should give priority to replenishing the assassination team. After all, it is related to the assassination of Wang Zhaohai.Therefore, Li Yu, who performed well, was favored instead, and was directly transferred to the assassination team.

At this time, Li Yu had to go, and instead wanted to express his opinion that he must be resolutely obedient and strive to do something well.In this way, Li Yu started working in the assassination team again.

But this time was different. After arriving in Shanghai, Li Yu slowly discovered that the assassination team might really have a chance to succeed.But he didn't have a specific plan to assassinate the team, so he could only drag it.But one day he got his call.

He is the person in charge of his own team, the order of the ocean assembly.At that time, Li Yu didn't know what was going on, but he just had a feeling that something must have happened, because he had been in Shanghai for a while, and he should take some action.

Sure enough, in a safe house, after the three members of the team gathered, Haiyang immediately announced the order of the drawing.Tonight at a certain time, at a certain place, go to meet up and prepare for action.

In this way, Li Yu couldn't wait any longer.Because there must be something wrong waiting, the task of the assassination team itself is to kill Wang Zhaohai, it is obvious without asking, and this action is definitely the same.Because Wang Zhaohai is now in Shanghai, and the Japanese negotiating delegation is here.A few days ago, Li Yu also carried out an investigation mission, could he not count it?
Under such circumstances, Li Yu's mind turned quickly.The order of Zhang, the secret service of the Gendarmerie Command, is not to expose yourself without important information, and not to contact the secret service of the Gendarmerie Command.But in this case, is it not a big deal?You must know that if Wang Zhaohai is really killed, the negotiation will directly break down, which will undoubtedly make the situation in Japan worse.Li Yu, who is a special agent of the little devil, can he not take action?
After confirming this point in his heart, Li Yu immediately tried to kill both of them.Since he shot suddenly, no one had any defense against Li Yu.Therefore, he was killed by Li Yu on the spot.But when Haiyang was stabbed in the body, he didn't have the ability to resist immediately in the city, and it might be a life-and-death moment. The adrenaline was stimulated. Although he was injured, Li Yu was beaten back with one punch.

But at this time, Haiyang has no weapons around him.Because after lurking, if you always carry a weapon on your body, in case you encounter patrols or something, you will be fine if you are fine.It's like if you bump into a person, if there is nothing wrong with the inspection, you may just be let go.But if you find that the other party is carrying a weapon, no matter how calm this person is, you can't let him go.

So after Haiyang erupted and beat Li Yu back, it was impossible to continue to fight Li Yu even though he was already injured.The main reason is that Li Yu has a knife in his hand. If he fights again at this time, his life may be accounted for here.So Haiyang immediately took advantage of the moment when Li Yu was repelled, and rushed out.

And Li Yu also had scruples at this time, because his action was tantamount to being exposed.You have to hurry up and report the news. In addition, Hai Yang has rushed out, and it is not easy for him to chase him on the street.So Li Yu made a prompt decision, and instead of chasing Haiyang after leaving, he immediately went to the Gendarmerie Headquarters to explain the situation.

Although Li Yu, the devil's spy, was in a hurry, he went to the little devil's gendarmerie headquarters immediately.But what he didn't expect was that when the drawings were arranged, the time of each team was staggered.Li Yu's group did not show up, and it was immediately discovered that there might be a problem.

Therefore, when Li Yu rushed to the meeting place with the little devil's men, he was completely empty.After that, Li Yu brought people back to the previous safe house, and after taking away the member of the assassination team that he had killed, he was immediately questioned by the little devil.

What Li Yu said was well-founded, and there was a corpse to testify. In addition, the little devil also investigated the situation around the safe house, and indeed found out that a person ran out clutching his stomach.So what Li Yu said was true.

The secret service of the Gendarmerie Command immediately contacted Wang Zhaohai to remind him of the security measures.But this is of no use.Because the order under the blueprint did not mean that they should just wait outside Wang Zhaohai's mansion.

Moreover, Li Yu never knew the location of Wang Zhaohai's mansion, so Wang Zhaohai judged that his location should not be exposed.Furthermore, this kind of thing is worse than being silent.If you haven't exposed yourself, if you move, it may make someone who wants to confirm your position.As a result, in the next night, a big explosion happened directly.

As for Li Yu, after being questioned back and forth, it was finally confirmed that there was no problem.It can't be all right.How to find the rest of the assassin team?There was no way, so Li Yu was asked to disguise himself as an ordinary patrol member, followed the devil's plainclothes spies, disguised as normal patrol members, and wandered around Shanghai to see if he could meet other members of the assassination team.

As long as you can catch a living hole, it will be regarded as opening a breakthrough...

(End of this chapter)

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