spy ace

Chapter 2282 Raid

Chapter 2282 Raid
Although this method is less efficient, it is definitely the most preferred method so far.

But the little devil didn't expect that Chao Yingzhen would recognize Li Yu immediately after he dressed up as an ordinary patrol member.

After Fan Keqin received the message, he immediately approached Bai Fengtai.After sitting down, Fan Keqin said, "We should act quickly. After Li Yu appears, he may disappear again."

Bai Fengtai nodded and said, "I feel the same way, but what should we do?"

Fan Keqin said: "This guy is now with the gendarmerie, which already shows that he must be a traitor, or he is a spy of the Japanese and puppet soldiers who broke into the military. We can just kill him."

Bai Fengtai nodded, and said: "Brother Heng, I'll take care of this. The difficulty is to find him. Now that he is a husband, it's not difficult to kill him. It's just that I don't know where the ocean is."

Fan Keqin said: "Yeah, and we don't know whether Haiyang is a spy or not. We really need to find him. But killing Li Yu seems to cut off this clue."

Bai Fengtai said: "I have asked a few brothers to investigate secretly around the incident." Seeing Fan Keqin looking at him, Bai Fengtai explained: "Brother Heng, don't worry, I told them not to ask anything, but to be passive. to receive information, nor to take the initiative to inquire and expose yourself.”

"En." Fan Keqin said: "Yes. Then we will make two preparations to see if there is a chance to capture Li Yu alive. If there is no chance...kill him directly. This matter can't be dragged on. It needs to be improvised."

Bai Fengtai nodded, and said: "Understood, I will make two-handed preparations, what do you think of a surprise attack. It is best to catch him alive in a surprise attack, but if you can't catch him alive, just kill Li Yu on the spot."

After hearing this, Fan Keqin thought about it.I simulated it in my mind, now that Li Yu is wandering around the street with the devil's plainclothes patrol team and the patrol team, it must be that the devil is not reconciled and wants Li Yu to continue to play a role.So what role does he play?Combined with wandering around the street, Li Yu must be able to find a few members of the assassination team. Although there is an element of luck in this, as long as he really finds one, it is tantamount to opening a gap.

But the little devil must not be clear, in fact, they have already begun to evacuate the blueprints in batches.By now, even if the members of the Assassin team have not completely left, they must have almost left.Under such circumstances, the possibility of Li Yu wandering around the street to find the fish that slipped through the net is very low.

But Fan Keqin also knew that Li Yu must have provided the little devil with the physical characteristics of the members of the assassination team.At this time, there must be devil's spies guarding places like docks, highways, or train stations.

Blueprint's ability is still there, and they haven't heard any movement during this time, so it proves that Blueprint and their evacuation is actually quite smooth.After all, Shanghai is a big city, even if the little devil wants to guard the exits of the entire Shanghai, it is impossible.There is always a place to leave.

It's like a jungle, and there are many paths stepped on by the predecessors.But do you really have nowhere else to go if you don't take these roads?There must be. As long as the gap between trees is not so dense that a person cannot pass through, then a person may take a little effort, but he will definitely be able to pass through.

After going through all these things in his head, Fan Keqin said: "Yes, but the raider must be decisive and quick. In addition, the preliminary investigation must be done well, and only after making sure that Li Yu is not a trap can he act. At that time, use absolute firepower to instantly deal with the Japanese puppet, bring Li Yu out or kill him, and then evacuate immediately without hesitation."

"Understood." Bai Fengtai listened to the general idea given by Fan Keqin. He is an expert in action, so he immediately understood Fan Keqin's meaning in his heart and thought it was feasible.

In fact, to put it bluntly, this idea is Bai Fengtai's raid tactics.It's just that Fan Keqin added a little bit to the idea, that is, fast!very very fast!Accurate, extremely accurate.With one hit, it disappears instantly.

Doesn't it sound like nothing special.But on the battlefield, sorry.It's not that it's special, whether it's gorgeous or not is awesome.On the battlefield, only pragmatists can survive in the end.Therefore, the most practical is the best.

After Fan Keqin left, Bai Fengtai immediately refined the plan again.He only needs to avoid Chao Yingzhen himself, because Chao Yingzhen is a member of the intelligence network, and his safety must be considered.Therefore, Bai Fengtai also assessed the situation to see how the raid could prevent Chao Yingzhen from being blackmailed.

In the end, Bai Fengtai determined that Chao Yingzhen should be fine and safe.Because this kid Li Yu appeared in the patrol team at this time, it means that he must have contacted other people before, such as the Gendarmerie of the little devil, such as some secret agencies of the Gendarmerie Command, and so on.

Moreover, the blueprint indicated that Li Yu had brought Japanese and puppet spies to the meeting point to block the assassination team that day.These are the trajectory of Li Yu's actions.These trajectories of actions, after Li Yu was raided, were the openings for "leaking secrets".

When the little devil is investigating, he will find that there are too many leaks.Therefore, this cannot be locked on Chao Yingzhen.Because every opening may expose Li Yu's existence.

For example, when he rushed to the scene of the accident with the Japanese and puppet spies that day, why didn't he block anyone?And will the other party set eyes in the dark?Maybe Li Yu was targeted at that time, it's all possible, that's why this raid happened.

After considering these things, Bai Fengtai passed on the news when he went out to "entertain" some of the company's business.The raid team consisted of seven short and sharp people.

A small team leader, used as a sniper during a surprise attack, and at the same time also has the duties of a scout and an action observer.The other six were three raid groups, two by two cover tactics.Of course, there is no definite number for the specific raid.Because of the raid planning this time, Fan Keqin and Bai Fengtai did not plan too carefully.

Because Li Yu's patrol team didn't necessarily go that way, so to determine the location and opportunity of the raid, the leader of the raid team was required to have excellent observation and judgment skills.He will quickly assign the raid team how to raid based on the path, environment and other factors at the time.

After the task was handed over, about two days later, Chao Yingzhen was out of work...

(End of this chapter)

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