spy ace

Chapter 2283 Reverse mouth cannon

Chapter 2283 Reverse mouth cannon
Mo Hongfu got up very early. After he got into bed, he looked out the window through the window.There is a yard outside this house, but he is on the second floor, so he can still observe a little farther outside.Well, it is still very quiet, so this prepared house is indeed more qualified.Who knows what the situation was like?If you really want to bring the target back, this should be a good place for interrogation.

But Mo Hongfu was not careless, he walked to the windows of several other rooms, looked at the situation in different directions, and then went downstairs and walked out of the house without leaving the yard.After observing the situation in several directions through hearing, door cracks and other places, I finally determined that this place is really good, and it is definitely a very secluded place in the metropolis of Shanghai.

Mo Hongfu checked again, a car parked in the yard.This was last night, a member of their raiding team, a relatively popular car stolen by Shi Mengshan, Ford.Seventy percent of it is new, and there is still more than half a tank of fuel inside, which is definitely enough.

Mo Hongfu kicked on the tire with his foot to confirm that the tire was fine.Then he turned around and entered the house again.At this time, there were already two more people in the hall on the first floor of the house.Lai Xiaoning was rattling to check the condition of the weapons - Thomson submachine guns and drums.

Another member of the raiding team, Fu Qinghua, was coming out of a door on the side, holding several food paper bags in his hand.He came to the side of the coffee table next to the sofa and placed the bag on the coffee table.

Seeing Mo Hongfu coming back, Fu Qinghua said: "Boss, come on, you eat first, I'll go to the room and ask my brother to come over for dinner."

"No need." At this time, four more people came down from the upstairs, and the talking one yawned and said, "I couldn't sleep when the boss was running around on the second floor just now."

"That's it." A person behind boasted: "What kind of energy is the boss, can we be comparable."

"Crack." Mo Hongfu cursed with a smile, and said, "Don't bullshit me, hurry up and eat. It might be your last meal."

"Look at it." A man with a mustache said, "Boss has sent us his blessing again. Don't ask for this mission, it must be won."

"Yeah." Shi Mengshan said with a smile: "Every time the boss's mouth is really opened up before the mission. Really, if the boss is transferred to the frontal battlefield, facing our own troops, I will say this in frustration. Hey, little The devil has already finished playing."

"Fart." The man named Shi Yintian next to him grabbed a sausage and gnawed it into his mouth, and said slightly vaguely: "Who knows that the boss is the most open-minded in the frontal battlefield? After talking, it is called discouragement, and it is called disturbance." Military spirit. Before the boss finished speaking, Shangfeng will definitely have to shoot him dead. I think you are hoping that something will happen to the boss, and you want to usurp the throne so much, and replace the boss as soon as possible, right? "

Mo Hongfu watched a group of his subordinates bickering and smiled, he knew them well.They were just relaxing in this way. As for the irony they said, it seemed to have become an auspicious ritual before every action.

Taking his own food and stuffing it into his mouth, while watching his subordinates babbling, Mo Hongfu felt his mood relax.After eating everything, Mo Hongfu asked the youngest Jing Lvzhu to go upstairs to watch.Then the men were called together.

Mo Hongfu glanced at his watch, and said: "There are still two hours, we will act. Let me remind you again, I will observe very carefully. When I launch the attack order, I have confirmed that it is the best When you do it, you just have to follow my orders."

"En." Shi Mengshan said: "Boss, what about the action steps? Are we also adapting to the situation?"

"Before I act, I will issue simple orders." Mo Hongfu said: "Because I need to observe before, when the boss conveys the order, he reminds us to pay attention to whether the appearance of the target person is a trap. So I need to observe after Give the order. Understood? Once I give the order, I will tell you about the direction of the assault and which group is responsible for how to attack. You just need to follow my order."

Speaking of this, Mo Hongfu paused, looked around, and continued: "But you have to adapt to the situation in the end, that is to judge the target's situation. Because the boss said when delivering the order, the target is also a professional person. If the The situation does not allow us to take him away, so let's kill him... Now who has a problem?"

Shi Yintian said: "Boss, what about the evacuated vehicle? There has always been a brother in charge of driving the vehicle? If you follow the target, it will be bad if you attract attention."

"Well." Mo Hongfu said: "The target is mixed with the patrol team. Although their patrol route is not fixed, it must be predictable in a small area. For example, if you enter a street and go forward, then they It’s impossible to climb over the wall halfway and run to the next door, right? So let’s take advantage of this. Before we act, I just need to give an order. Old Shi, you are in charge of driving, drive the car to the intersection ahead and wait. If that’s the case, We do a quick raid, a quick retreat back to the car. And then back here."

Seeing that the group of subordinates stopped talking, Mo Hongfu said again: "We haven't received an order to retreat this time. So I guess as long as we don't get exposed, then we will continue to stay in Shanghai. Xiaoning, are the hoods ready? "

"It's done." Lai Xiaoning said: "This thing is not complicated. I originally wanted to buy some woolen hats, but later found that the effect of silk stockings is the same. When a merchant was not paying attention, he stole a few pairs back. I also tried the effect, and the outside is very clear and will not affect the vision, but I can’t see it at all when I look at myself in the mirror.”

Mo Hongfu nodded and said: "Very well, our safety is the most important thing. You know the style of the boss, safety has always been the first. But we also have a backup plan. That is, the boss will be in the western suburbs of the city, hidden There is a car, if we are exposed, then don’t worry about other things, kill the target, rush out of the city, then change cars and leave Shanghai immediately.”

Seeing that all the subordinates nodded to show their understanding, Mo Hongfu glanced at his watch again, and said, "Now, hurry up to remove those who have excrement, and urinate immediately to make them clean, and then change their clothes. Then gather here and distribute weapons." As he spoke, he got up from the sofa and said, "Let's act."

After receiving the instructions, everyone spread...

(End of this chapter)

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