spy ace

Chapter 2286 Spitting Fragrance

Chapter 2286 Spitting Fragrance
But from the shooting to the last man's ceasefire.In fact, it didn't take five seconds in total.A submachine gun has an extremely fast rate of fire.For an ordinary [-]-round magazine, if you hold the trigger and don't let go, it may take two or three seconds, and all the bullets will be gone.

Mo Hongfu and the others basically used seventy-five-round drums and one-hundred-round drums.So the continuity of firepower is very strong.Attack on three sides, with two men on each side, that is six guns.Therefore, once the fire is fired, it takes five seconds, that is, hundreds of bullets are poured out.The distance is close, and the shooting is accurate.Therefore, after a few seconds, the devil gendarmes and patrol brigade in the middle were basically all brought down.

Mo Hongfu and a group of team members deliberately controlled the direction of the guns when they fired.So this time their target, Li Yu, code-named Mu, was unscathed.

Speaking of which, Li Yu is also a professional spy, but being a professional spy doesn't mean that his hand must be awesome.Of course, ah, the weaknesses mentioned here must also be stronger than ordinary people.But Li Yu, who was in the middle of the three firepower points, really had nothing to do.

First of all, he was arranged by the Gendarmerie Command to patrol the streets for the purpose of seeing if he could find members of the Assassin team.And they were wearing plain clothes, so they definitely didn't have long guns on them.Coupled with the sudden attack, Li Yu immediately chose to lie down.

If you do this, it can be said to be correct.Because lying down can be said to be the most effective means of avoidance under the circumstances at that time.Of course, the most effective means of evasion does not mean that it is effective.It can only be said that it is not a solution.Because after you get down, you may avoid the bullet that attacks you the first time, but you may not be able to dodge it.

And even if you dodged the bullet that attacked you in the first place, but because you fell down, you lost your flexibility.The three points arranged by Mo Hongfu are close in distance and fierce in firepower.The second time is also enough to be fatal.

Therefore, under such circumstances, when Li Yu lay down on the ground, he heard intensive gunshots from all around.That's why he didn't even dare to draw his gun, because it would expose the fact that he wasn't dead.If someone sees that he is still moving after lying down, maybe a shuttle will sweep him over, and he will definitely be finished.

Anyway, this kid is actually quite smart.However, Mo Hongfu and the others had no intention of letting him go.After sweeping away all the devil's military police and patrol brigade, the other two directions, a total of four people, began to quickly shoot at the corpses on the ground. Are you fucked up?Therefore, the four people moved forward while moving their guns, and quickly fired a second round of more accurate shots at the corpses of the devil military police and the patrol brigade on the ground.

At the same time, Mo Hongfu and Lai Xiaoning, nicknamed Shar Pei, rushed to Li Yu with their guns in hand.Mo Hongfu said: "Don't move, I will kill you if you move!"

Lai Xiaoning on the other side directly squatted down, knelt on Li Yu's body, and began to search the opponent's body. Soon, he pulled out a pistol from the opponent's waist.Then use the handcuffs prepared in advance to directly handcuff the other party's hands behind their backs.Then press the left hand on the back of the opponent's neck, and press the opponent's side face to the ground.Right fist, slam down, two bang bang punches, directly knocked Li Yu unconscious.

It is said that the moment Shi Mengshan heard the gunshot, he started to turn the steering wheel, lightly tapped the accelerator, and drove towards the middle of the intersection.After the gunfire stopped, he stepped up the accelerator and quickly drove to the middle of the intersection.

The four members of the raid team were around the car, with their backs to the car, and their guns pointed outwards and began to guard.Mo Hongfu and Lai Xiaoning worked together, carried Li Yu, who had passed out, to the trunk of the car, and threw it inside.Mo Hongfu stretched out his hand and moved the opponent's leg inward, so as not to get stuck on the trunk lid.Then he closed the lid with a bang, and said, "Get in the car! Get in the car!"

When the car got out of the driver's cab, the three doors were all opened, and everyone quickly squeezed into the car.Mo Hongfu came up last, and when he closed the car door with a slam, he said, "Go! Go!"

Needless to say, Shi Mengshan stepped on the accelerator and drove quickly towards this street.That is to say, in less than [-] seconds, he had already driven out of this street and came to another intersection.Shi Mengshan turned the steering wheel, turned the car directly to the left, then stepped up the accelerator again, and drove forward quickly.

At another intersection again, Shi Mengshan turned the car to the intersection on the right and turned around.Mo Hongfu looked back and forth through the car window, rolled up the stockings on his head, and said, "Okay! You can take this thing off, it makes my delicate skin very tight."

After everyone listened, there was a chuckle immediately, and they all took off their stockings.Mo Hongfu said: "I've helped Lao Shi look around, but it's not time to relax yet."

"Yeah." Jing Lvzhu sat on the other side of the car door and said, "This time it was really fun, the operation went very smoothly, did we have a minute in the process?"

"One minute of fart!" Fu Qinghua was thinner, and was squeezed into the front passenger seat with another thinner Shi Yintian.Said: "Let's start with shooting. In a few seconds, I don't think there are five numbers, and we wiped out all the devils' military police and the second devil's patrol team. Then the boss started a body search and knocked out Codename Boy, let’s start the roll call on both sides, and this process may only take about ten seconds, at most twenty seconds. If Lao Shi’s driving skills are not too bad, he can go faster.”

"You can't talk, so just close your eyes." Shi Mengshan, who was driving, said, "I don't know that the driver is the one who can't offend the person in the car. Besides, I've delayed you so much." How accurate my time card is. The boss didn't mention me, so why are you talking about me?"

"Hey." Mo Hongfu opened his mouth, and said, "Old Shi is right. Those of us who ride in the car should not offend the driver, brake suddenly and shoot you out." After a pause, he continued: "Looks good. You are not as fat as a smart#, and dare to talk to Lao Shi like that."

"Hahaha!" Everyone laughed again.In fact, are they really scolding each other with their companions?Of course not, the main reason is that after the operation is over, they can relieve their tense nerves a little bit. They are brothers who have been born and died many times, otherwise they would not be able to talk like this.

The car was speeding on the road, Shi Mengshan turned left again and went around a few blocks...

(End of this chapter)

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