spy ace

Chapter 2287 Let's Talk

Chapter 2287 Let's Talk
Turning left again and turning around again, after passing a few blocks, it can be said that this is basically safe, because there are more cars in Shanghai, and they still drive the most common Ford.After driving several intersections in a row, no one really paid attention to them.

The next journey was very smooth and came to the vicinity of their station.I went around again and found that there was nothing wrong, so I drove into the yard.

Jing Luzhu closed the gate of the yard and did not go in.Just stand here at the courtyard door, continue to pass through the cracks in the door and hear, alert the surroundings.The rest of the people got out of the car and started to open the trunk of the car, helping to lift out Li Yu who was beaten unconscious.In fact, Mo Hongfu and the others made a summary on the way. Their raid this time still had some flaws in arresting people.

For example, what if Li Yu woke up on the way and yelled in the trunk?Although there was the sound of car motors mixed with the voices of other vehicles and people on the road, plus Li Yu was bored inside.So if the voice is shouted out, no one may hear it.But it's always a flaw.

Therefore, Mo Hongfu and the others thought that if there was a similar task of arresting people next time.Then it is best to bring a chew and tie it to the target.This thing is made right away, just stuff it into the mouth with a ball of rags, and then tie a rope on the outside and tie it on the back of the head to prevent the other party from spitting out the rags.In this case, the target can only snort.And the snorting of the nose, compared to shouting directly with the mouth, the sound is much smaller.

But no matter what, their mission must have been successful.He carried the man into the house, found a solid wooden chair, and tied him to it with a rope.

Then put the person in the middle of the living room in the middle of the room.Putting it here is also exquisite.Because if torture is really necessary, or if the kid suddenly yells for help, even if he yells in the middle of the room, the volume will be absorbed by the surrounding rooms and walls.

And they also have a measure, that is, Shi Yintian stands behind the stool where Li Yu is, holding two relatively long handkerchiefs together in his hand, and as soon as he finds that the kid shows signs of shouting, he immediately gags the opponent's mouth.In this way, the yelling was incomplete, and it was suppressed as soon as it happened.

Even if it is really heard by people outside, they may not pay attention to it.It's like you are at home, and suddenly you hear someone shouting outside, or somewhere, you may be disturbed.But because it's just a yell, do you really raise your alert immediately?Impossible.Unless the other party yells in a sentence pattern, such as help!Or murder.This kind of sentence, otherwise, just a "ah", you will hear it when you hear it, there will be no follow-up alert, and you will definitely do what you should do.

After Shi Yintian stood up, Mo Hongfu nodded.Seeing this, Fu Qinghua took a ladle of water and splashed it on Li Yu's face.Shocked by the cold water, the latter shivered immediately, took a breath, blinked his eyes twice, and then slowly opened them.Then the face was pulled out unconsciously, and he opened his mouth: "vomit!", and spit out a mouthful of sour stuff.

Speaking of the previous two punches, Lai Xiaoning was indeed a bit ruthless.The boxing hits the person's head, and the head swings back, which is actually a process of unloading force.Although it is impossible to remove all the strength, it is possible to remove part of it.

But the two punches Lai Xiaoning punched Li Yu were to pin him to the ground.The opponent's head was firmly attached to the ground, and it was two punches that were thrown downwards, which can be said to be very successful.Almost all the strength was applied to the opponent's head.So while being dazed, Li Yu still has a concussion.After waking up, I suddenly felt like vomiting, but I did vomit out some things I ate in the morning.

"It's so disgusting." Fu Qinghua, who was next to Mo Hongfu, disliked it, and said, "Don't vomit, if you vomit again, I'll make you lick it back on the floor."

I don't know if Fu Qinghua's words are too disgusting, or the aftereffects of being beaten by Lai Xiaoning before have not disappeared.As soon as the words fell, Li Yu tilted his head, "vomit!" and vomited again.

Seeing that the other party vomited, Fu Qinghua really couldn't let Li Yu lick that puddle back again.Mo Hongfu and the others looked at him amusedly.After seeing Li Yu vomit twice, Mo Hongfu calmed down.Said: "Look around you, do you know what your situation is? Tell me, what's your name?"

Hearing this, Li Yu looked up at Mo Hongfu, hesitated for a moment and said, "Li Yu."

Mo Hongfu said: "No, what I asked was your real name."

Li Yu frowned and said, "My name is indeed Li Yu. You... are also in the military?"

Mo Hongfu smiled when he heard the words, and said: "At this time, you are still playing tricks. You are also a member of the military command. It is as if we don't know your details." As he spoke, he looked up at Li Xiaoyu who was standing on the ground. Stone Yintian behind the jade.The latter understood immediately and covered the opponent's mouth.

At the same time, Mo Hongfu took out a small wooden square and slammed it down, hitting the opponent's big toe.Li Yu's hands and legs are all tied up now.There was nowhere to hide, and after this life-threatening pain, the heart-wrenching pain was directly brought into his mind.He yelled out with a scream, but his mouth and nose were tightly covered, so he only whined twice.

Mo Hongfu said: "Name! Your real name!"

Seeing that he was almost slowing down, Shi Yintian behind him let go of his hand.Li Yu gasped for a few breaths, with a crying tone on his face, and said, "Really, brother, my name is really Li Yu. Don't think I'm with the devil gendarmes, but I'm actually one of my own. "

"My family? Very good!" Mo Hongfu glanced at Shi Yintian again.The latter covered Li Yu's mouth and nose again.Mo Hongfu's wooden square fell down again with a huh, and it was still the big toe.Suddenly there was a muffled sound.

Li Yu's eyeballs immediately swelled up, and he kept yelling non-stop. Although he was bound, his body trembled for a long time before he finally calmed down.It's not a matter of willpower. Ten fingers connect to your heart. I'm not just talking about your fingers.In a way, the toes may be more painful than the fingers being injured.

Mo Hongfu said: "Last chance, say your name. Otherwise, I will smash slowly this time, very slowly, but keep smashing until your big toe becomes a meat pie. You should know what that means..."

(End of this chapter)

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