spy ace

Chapter 2288 Spit

Chapter 2288 Spit
"Why bother? It's just for a name! Tell me!" Mo Hongfu spoke as if persuading.

Li Yu felt that his big toe was like a pulse, rising and falling.Every time it beats, it brings a piercing pain. This feeling seems to be endless, but it is always drifting within the tolerance limit, but never exceeds it, so it seems that I have lost even the qualification to faint.

With his head down, Li Yu showed a struggling look on his face.Although only a short period of less than a second.But what he struggles with is that he seems to have no choice.He knew that once he opened his mouth, he would definitely not be able to stop it.But if I didn't say anything, I'm afraid I would have to suffer this kind of treatment all the time.But he still chose to compromise, even if there was only a little hope.

Li Yu took a few breaths and said, "Fukada Qibin, I think what you are asking is my name. Actually, this name is just my Japanese name. And Li Yucai has been my name since I was born. name. So in a sense, what I answered before was not a lie."

Mo Hongfu nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Isn't this very good? If you answer correctly, you won't have to suffer. And I won't suffer." Having said this, he paused, and continued: "The second question , you now we bring here, how many people do you think the gendarmerie will come to you?"

After hearing this, Li Yu said, "Actually, I'm also in this business. I understand the purpose of your question. It's just to assess the risks in the future through my answer. You can actually ask me directly. And I also know that since I have opened my mouth, it is impossible for me to give up halfway. Therefore, I will honestly and directly explain it."

When Li Yu said this, pain appeared on his face again, because he felt that his toes started to hurt again.However, he could barely bear it, and then said: "It is simply that I am missing alone, and the chief of the agency will certainly not turn a blind eye to it, but he will not pay much attention to it. Because I am out all the year round, undercover military commander. Therefore, I am not He didn't know some secrets of the gendarmerie secret service. But he certainly couldn't help but respond.

But now, a team of gendarmerie and a team of patrolling brigades have all been killed by you.And even on the street, this can be said to be a very serious act of provocation.Therefore, the Gendarmerie Secret Service and the Gendarmerie Command will definitely take action.Even if it is a face project, it will definitely be done in earnest.So I judge that they have already started to act now, but your process is too fast, so I don't think they will be able to find here in a short time.Trust me, what I say is true. "

Mo Hongfu and the raiders were quite satisfied with what Li Yu said.And just like what Li Yu said, once you open your mouth about this kind of thing, it is impossible to give up halfway.There is no possibility of saying that I use fake news and lies to pass the test temporarily.Of course, there must be cases of lying or something, but there must be very few people who can really get away with it.Because fake things, even if they are heavily disguised, will definitely not stand up to investigation.

Mo Hongfu suddenly said, "Half man, are you familiar with him?"

Hearing the word Haiyang, Li Yu raised his head and looked at Mo Hongfu.He frowned and said, "You... are from the assassination team?"

Mo Hongfu neither admitted nor denied, saying: "You just need to answer the question."

"Familiar." Li Yu hesitated for a moment, as if he was recalling something, but he didn't hide it, and said, "It was the blueprint that asked you to come. I know that I am an insider and a spy to the whole group. But after all, it has been a period of time. The communication and emotions during this period cannot be said to be all fake. So, can you look at this point and give me a happy ending at the end. Of course, I will definitely tell the truth Honestly."

Mo Hongfu said: "Whether you are happy or not, or even whether you will be let go, depends on your final performance. This is not directly related to the blueprints you mentioned, and the existence of emotions in the process of getting along. Relationship. Well, the heart is answering me, the question of the ocean."

Li Yu nodded and said, "Very familiar. Haiyang, Gao Xin and I are part of an action team. Although I was the last to join, it's been ten months, almost a year. So we They are really familiar with each other.”

"Hmm." Mo Hongfu said, "Where did Haiyang and Gao Xin go?"

Hearing this question, Li Yu was silent for a while. At this moment, he even doubted whether Mo Hongfu was a member of the assassination team.Doesn't that mean that Li Yu is from the assassination team?He didn't know the rest of the assassination team?

know a part.But this kind of assassination team, which exists for the purpose of assassinating Wang Zhaohai, has a very high degree of secrecy.So the blueprint broke down the assassination team into small teams, just like Li Yu's team, with only three people.Then, once an accident happened, it was actually only a small team that had an accident. It would not be said that an accident by one person would immediately implicate the entire assassination team.

Therefore, Li Yu knew that there were many teams in the assassination team, but who actually had no horizontal connection, so he naturally didn't know.

Li Yu was silent for a moment, then said: "Hang Hai escaped, and Gao Xin died. I did it."

"Oh?" Mo Hongfu seemed to have just heard the news, of course, it wasn't an act.Because it is impossible for Bai Fengtai to explain everything clearly to him, unless it is necessary.Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain everything clearly.

Mo Hongfu let out a puzzled "Oh?" Then asked: "What is the specific situation, please explain clearly!"

Li Yu nodded and said: "After we came to Shanghai, Haiyang, Gao Xin and I, although we are in a small team, we are usually separated. Only when we take specific actions, we will gather together. So We have a safe house and use it when we gather.

And that day... oh, after I entered Shanghai, I was lurking as the Three Hands.And it's the relatively powerful three-handed, my technique is actually not bad.So the place I rented was a single room.This is more private and more free.

I was at home that day when I heard the phone ring in the phone booth across the street.A unique rhythm, so I know that this is the signal that calls us together.So I immediately went to the safe house.The ocean was first when I went in...”

(End of this chapter)

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