spy ace

Chapter 2289 There is no trace

Chapter 2289 There is no trace
Li Yu went on to say: "I knew that something must have happened when we were summoned, so I asked Haiyang what the situation was. Haiyang told me roughly, and only said that the higher-ups were about to start taking action. But he also said, wait for Gao Xin to come. I talked about it in one piece. In fact... at this time, I became murderous.

Because I know that the assassin team has been here for a while, and it was impossible to do nothing before.Now, Haiyang suddenly told us to gather at the safe house, which means that the assassin team must take action.But I can't act immediately, I need to listen to the news from the ocean.

That's it, it didn't take long for Gao Xin to arrive, and Hai Yang immediately began to convey the situation.There is not much content in total, that is, first, at seven o'clock in the evening, arrive on the third street in the high-end area on time, where there is a small park.After we go where, get the equipment.Then just follow the instructions.Second, go back immediately and change into clothes that are easy to move. "

Having said that, Li Yu glanced at Fu Qinghua, who was smoking next to him, and said, "Can you give me one?"

Fu Qinghua didn't move, but looked at Mo Hongfu.Seeing the latter nod his head, Fu Qinghua walked over, took out a cigarette and stuck it into Li Yu's mouth, then helped him light it with a match, and Fu walked back to his original position.

Mo Hongfu said: "The cigarette is already lit, let's continue talking."

With a cigarette dangling from the corner of his mouth, Li Yu continued, "Seeing them turn around and go out again, I knew I couldn't wait any longer. So I immediately pulled out the knife I was carrying, took a step forward and stabbed Gao Xin's vest in front of me." My quick fix, so after one knife, I pulled it out immediately, pushed Gao Xin's body to the side, and rushed towards the ocean in front again.

But Haiyang is very vigilant, maybe it was my first knife. When I stabbed Gao Xin's vest, although he covered his mouth and nose with his left hand, Gao Yi still groaned in pain.Therefore, Haiyang, who was about to open the door and go out, turned around and looked over.

When he saw me rushing towards him with a knife in his hand, he exclaimed in surprise, and instinctively blocked it with his left hand on the side where he turned around.But at that time, I was about to rush in front of him, so he didn't completely block it with this block.In addition, I saw him stretch out his left hand to block, so the stabbed knife slid down halfway. Although it didn't stab his heart, it stabbed him in the stomach.

Just when I was about to draw my knife and stab again, Haiyang's right hand came over, I didn't dodge, I was hit in the face by him, I was hit by him..."

Hearing this, Mo Hongfu looked at Li Yu's face, and there were indeed marks of being beaten on his forehead.And it looks like it was not lightly played at the time.

Then I heard Li Yu continue to say: "Taking advantage of this time, Haiyang turned around and opened the door and ran away. In fact, I was stupefied when I was beaten. He could have taken this time to come and snatch my knife and kill me. But it may be because my stabbing wasn't immediately fatal, but it wasn't too light. Haiyang didn't take me either, so he ran away first. I waited for a while before getting up and going out.

But at that time, I couldn't chase him anymore. I carried a knife on the street and chased a person with a wound on his stomach and blood on his body. If I killed him in the street, it would be too conspicuous.It is likely to alert the assassination team.So at this time, I wanted to rush for time, so I immediately pried open a car next to me and went to the gendarmerie business office to report.

All my passwords were correct, and I was present, so the secret service of the gendarmerie chose to believe me at that time.In addition, the time was urgent, so almost a regular team was dispatched, and under my leadership, they rushed to the meeting point.But we were blown away, no one was there at all.I feel that it may be the letter reported by Haiyang after he went out.He was one step ahead of me, so the assassin team didn't go..."

Li Yu took a puff of cigarette when he said a word, and by the time he got to this point, the cigarette was basically down.So he spit out the cigarette butt and said, "That's it, I'm late."

Mo Hongfu frowned, he knew the order Bai Fengtai gave him.The purpose is to find the ocean through Li Yu.Or is there any other clues.In fact, there is another point that Mo Hongfu doesn't know, that is, Bai Fengtai still needs to see how Haiyang is doing, if he is dead.

But Mo Hongfu couldn't judge Li Yu's narration.In addition, this kid has been in the devil's military police agency for several days. If he really had any clues about Haiyang, he would have told the devil a long time ago, and Haiyang must have been found.So this hope is actually very slim.

But Mo Hongfu still asked: "You, Haiyang, and Gao Xin have been in a team of three for a long time. Should you know something about Haiyang? Didn't you react to the secret service of the Gendarmerie Command?"

Li Yu said: "Of course I responded. I know that Haiyang found another safe house, and I also know that Haiyang should live in the west of the International Settlement, but that's it. Oh, and also, Haiyang once mentioned that he He seems to have a relative or something in Shanghai. At that time, he just said something, and I couldn't ask further, so I don't know what happened. I talked to the Gendarmerie Command about these things. The secret service agency responded, but relying on these two points alone is of no use.

Another safe house, the secret service of the Gendarmerie Command sent people to look for it, but there was no clue at all.The things in the house are still the same.And the sent people have already guarded it, and there has been no movement until now.When Haiyang knew that I knew this place, it was impossible to go back.As for the west side of the International Settlement, it is very large, and there is no gain.The same goes for that relative, the information is too general.There is no way to follow these things to find someone.Furthermore, it is not a question of whether to go to the ocean or not, maybe where to hide. "

"Maybe where did he hide?" Mo Hongfu asked suspiciously: "Are you so sure that Haiyang has gone somewhere? He won't die?"

"I don't think so." Li Yu said, "Although Haiyang got me stabbed, I don't think it's too fatal. The Gendarmerie Command sent people to hospitals, clinics, and even dental clinics. They all checked. , no injured person came to see a doctor at all. As for the people who bought trauma medicine, they were all registered and checked. So far, they have not been found. I analyzed that if Haiyang died outside, it is impossible for there to be no movement at all. .And there is no trace of him in these places, so he should not be dead, maybe he is hiding there..."

(End of this chapter)

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