spy ace

Chapter 2290

Chapter 2290
Li Yu went on to say: "Maybe, he is hiding in a room that I don't know. And this room may have been prepared long ago, with some healing medicine or something. He is recuperating, it's all possible."

Mo Hongfu seemed to agree with this statement. For an agent who is active outside, some people are willing to prepare these.Some people don't want to prepare these.It's not that anyone is better than another, it's purely a personal preference.Those who are willing to prepare these, in order to prevent the event from happening, have a good preparation for themselves.As for those who are unwilling to prepare, it is actually for the purpose of preparing these things themselves, which will increase certain risks, so they will not prepare instead.

It's just a matter of personal preference, depending on the circumstances at the time.If we simply talk about these two, it is really impossible to say clearly whether they are good or bad. We can only say that the one that fits the situation at the time is better.For example, Haiyang this time, according to the current situation, if he really prepared such a place before, that would be good, and it would definitely be better than not preparing.

Mo Hongfu gave a "hmm" and asked, "And then, continue."

Li Yu said: "Then there were basically no clues, so I didn't get attention, but the only value I have now is that I have indeed seen some people from the assassination team. Therefore, the chief of the secret service of the Gendarmerie Command asked me to follow the patrol team , see if you can find one or two on the street. If you can find it, then the situation can be opened."

Mo Hongfu said: "Just use this method of trying luck?"

"That's right." Li Yu said, "Please believe what I'm saying, it's all the truth. Originally, my biggest bargaining chip was to lead people to directly surround the meeting place on the day Haiyang notified. But I was late that day. So it was tantamount to After disturbing the assassination team, and I lost the biggest bargaining chip, I can only rely on my eyes to identify other members of the assassination team."

Mo Hongfu also asked more detailed questions. Every time Li Yu answered, there was a special person to record what he said.The interrogation lasted about an hour, less than an hour and a half.

Later, Mo Hongfu asked repeatedly, and sometimes asked some repetitive questions.He even broke his promise, tortured Li Yu again, and then continued to ask.In the end, it turned out that what Li Yu said should be the truth.

At the end of the last question, Mo Hongfu picked up the wooden formula and slammed it down.Li Yu was already very scared in his heart at this time, so his big toe bent involuntarily.But he didn't expect that Mo Hongfu hit it with a wooden square and lifted it so high.And it wasn't his toes that hit him, but his head.

With a bang, the wooden square just landed on Li Yu's top door.Li Yu was directly blinded by this blow, and passed out as soon as he rolled his eyes.

Does that mean that the wooden formula can knock people unconscious?Some anti-strike training on TV, took a bastard and hit him on the head, the stick was broken, and there was nothing wrong with the person.I want to explain here that there are two situations in which it is shown on TV, one is true and the other is false.Needless to say, there is something wrong with the wooden stick, and it will break as soon as it is smashed.

Really?It is still a bit of effort, but it should be noted that the middle part of the stick is always used when hitting people.Under such a smashing blow, although the head still bears some force.But it is definitely lighter than hitting someone with a stick on the head, and the stick is easy to break.

This is not to say: Oh, you said it so easily, then you have one.If you talk like that, it's pure bullshit.Is the principle such a principle?That point is wrong, you should talk about it.

This is not to say that if I understand this truth, I must really come here once.I understand the principle of punching in boxing, and I can analyze why Tyson lost to Holyfield, but do I really have to fight Holyfield to succeed?

At this time, Mo Hongfu's wooden square was thick, and although it was only as long as an arm, he hit it with the square afterwards.This force is very ferocious.In addition, Li Yu had a little concussion before, so he was beaten to death immediately.

Mo Hongfu threw the wooden prescription aside, looked at Shi Yintian who was standing behind the chair, and then made a gesture of cutting his throat.Shi Yintian understood immediately, stretched out his left hand to wrap around Li Yu's neck, held his left hand with his right hand, and contracted his arm vigorously.He kept this posture until Shi Mengshan came over, touched Li Yu's heartbeat, and said, "Okay, the heartbeat is gone." Then he let go of his hand.

Mo Hongfu and a few of his subordinates sat on the sofa, brought over the confession record just now, and studied it.Finally, the text is concise, but it does not affect the original meaning.Written on a piece of paper, rolled into a small paper stick.Mo Hongfu hid it in a pen and put it in his pocket.

Looking at his watch, Mo Hongfu said: "Okay, brothers, it's quite early now, and there should be nothing wrong. Let's all go back, but ah, these days, be more honest and low-key, don't go out all the time when you have nothing to do Ser. Just wait for my call." Then, like chasing flies, he waved his hand and said, "Hurry up, go in batches. Try to be bumped into by little devils, don't fall into the horse gourd. .”

Everyone looked at each other and laughed, and the boss cursed in reverse again.Go in batches, one every few minutes.The last one to leave was Mo Hongfu, the leader of the raid team.He checked Li Yu's situation again, um, very good, he has indeed burped.So he also went out to the door, and looked out from the crack of the door.Picked a time when no one was around, and walked out completely.

The boss, Mo Hongfu, lives in the North District in Shanghai.In fact, it is quite close to Hongkou District, of course relatively speaking.As for this yard, Mo Hongfu just needs to pass by the downtown area when he wants to go home.

So when Mo Hongfu passed by the bustling place in the center, he bought something.When walking along the road, I pretended to drop something.Then bend down to pick it up immediately.So, taking advantage of this time, he took out the pen and inserted it directly into the soil where a tree on the sidewalk was.Then, I picked up things naturally, and started to go home generously.On the road, he felt that the number of patrols on the road increased significantly.But this was expected. After all, not long ago, the little devil had killed a group of military policemen, and a group of people from the patrol brigade had also died.Moreover, he was shot and killed in the street. If the Japanese and puppets didn't respond, something was wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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