spy ace

Chapter 2291

Chapter 2291

Bai Fengtai unscrewed the pen, took out the paper stick, unfolded it and read it.After reading everything, he took a new song score from the desk and walked out of the office.Soon came to Fan Keqin's room and knocked on the door.

"Come in." Fan Keqin was sitting in the office, beside Miss Tong.That's right, from this morning until now, the eldest lady has concentrated on making arrangements for her company's affairs.So here comes Slimy Fan Keqin again.

Seeing that Miss Tong was also there, Bai Fengtai greeted with a smile and called Miss Tong.Then he handed the sheet music to Fan Keqin and said, "Boss, take a look. This is a new song composed by Wang Bishan himself and written by Zhang Xinyue. I listened to him sing it, and it feels really good. Please take a look."

As he spoke, he handed the score to Fan Keqin.Fan Keqin took it with his hand, and began to look at it with a professional look on his face.What does he say about this thing, it's just a staff notation, do-re-mi-fashao-laxi-duo, anyone who has taken music classes in elementary school, as long as he listens carefully, who wouldn't know the staff notation.Not to mention that in his previous life, Fan Keqin learned piano when he was young.

While looking at the score, like a great musician, humming in his mouth while beating the time.After humming everything, Fan Keqin began to comment paragraph by paragraph. Sometimes he commented on the lyrics, and sometimes he improvised how to arrange a paragraph better.For example: "In the first line, sing in a low voice, so it's best to add some clean, ding-dong sounds, but not too much. Make it look like a light rain that just fell all night has just stopped. The sun will show up, but A hazy beauty that has not yet appeared..."

Anyway, it’s just talking about it, as long as this thing can be edited.Then when you say it, be more confident, a little artistic, and you can bluff people.

And you don't have to worry at all, because even if you meet a professional person, you may not be able to stun him.Because art is, really, pretty much anything you can say.

You just say what you feel, and then use an uncertain tone, as if you are discussing a feeling of art with yourself, which can be very special in this era.

In fact, the same is true for later generations. It seems that there are some music variety shows on TV, and there are many instructors. It was during the rainy season, a boy and a girl were walking on a clear road. The small flowers on the side of the road were covered with rain and dew, reflecting the light and pure love between the two, the hazy beauty made me..."Edit chant!Who can't.

As long as you can connect the song sung by the other party with what you say, it will do.Even if you can only connect a little bit, what you said is by no means wrong.

For example, you only need to add a sentence at the end: "There is a line in the lyrics: This is our youth... let me enter this scene all at once..." Hey, does it sound like there is a connection?Actually?What is there!It's nothing more than talking about one's own feelings. It's just that some people are not good at expressing. As long as they can express themselves, there is really no difference between professional and non-professional people.

So why?Because in a thousand people, there are a thousand Hamlets.These are the N possibilities of art.It's not like mathematics, where one is one and two is two.As long as you can get in touch, you can say whatever you want if you really have a mouth, and as long as you speak in a moderate way, you can still get in touch with the work itself, no matter how you get in touch.Then no one can tell that you are wrong, after all, this is the particularity of art.

Hearing what Fan Keqin was rambling about, if it was someone else, he might not feel the same, and it would be boring.But Miss Tong liked Fan Keqin too much, so she was a little obsessed with it.

Seeing this scene from the corner of his eye, Fan Keqin felt very helpless.Unexpectedly, this had the opposite effect.Fan Keqin put on a show, babbled for a while, looked at Bai Fengtai across the desk and said: "There are several places in the lyrics, I want to discuss it with Zhang Xinyue, is he there?"

Bai Fengtai said: "It should be there, but I didn't notice that."

"Okay." Fan Keqin stood up and said, "Let's go and have a look." After finishing speaking, he turned to look at Miss Tong, and said, "Honey, if you can't, you can go back first, or are you waiting for me here?"

After hearing this, Miss Tong glanced at her watch and said, "I'll wait for you for a while."

"I'm afraid you're hungry." Fan Keqin said, "No, wait until six o'clock, I guess it's almost there, and then let's go to the French restaurant next door for a drink or two?"

"Okay." Miss Tong agreed with a smile.

"Okay." Fan Keqin said to Bai Fengtai: "Let's go."

While talking, the two came out of the office.It happened that there was no one in the corridor, so Bai Fengtai handed Fan Keqin the small paper stick that had been hidden in his pocket all the time.After the latter took it, he turned around and went in when he passed the toilet.

I came to the inner compartment, closed the door, unfolded the note and began to read it.When he finished reading it all, he frowned a little.Because in Li Yu's confession, there are really no clues worth noting.But what about that guess... The ocean, the safe house that doesn't necessarily exist, can you make some articles.

Thinking of this, Fan Keqin lit a cigarette.Then I lit the note, and threw it in the toilet when only a small corner was left.Dumped into the water and walked out.

Instead of looking for Zhang Xinyue, the two went directly to Bai Fengtai's office.After entering the room and taking a seat, Fan Keqin said: "The clues that can be provided here are almost useless. The reason why I said almost gave me an idea, whether the safe house can be used."

Bai Fengtai said: "Brother Heng, you are talking about the safe house where Haiyang may exist." After getting Fan Keqin's affirmation, Bai Fengtai continued: "You must know that this Li Yu is the special agent of the Gendarmerie Command The agency has reacted, and it is impossible for him to hide this from the little devil's secret service. So whether the safe house exists or not, whether it is Li Yu's guess, I feel that the little devil's Gendarmerie Command secret service must also know of.

And after finding out, can the little devil not investigate?Li Yu is still patrolling the streets today, representing the Gendarmerie Headquarters, and may not gain much. "

"I know that." Fan Keqin said: "However, Li Yu's confession revealed a situation. That is the special agency directly under the military police headquarters of the little devil..."

(End of this chapter)

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