spy ace

Chapter 2292

Chapter 2292
Fan Keqin said: "So, they don't really recognize Li Yu's value."

"That's true." Bai Fengtai nodded, and said, "Otherwise, Li Yu wouldn't be able to become a street patroller after going undercover alone. Although there are situations where he can identify the members of the assassin team, he really doesn't pay much attention to it. Li Yu."

Fan Keqin said: "So I feel that this is an opportunity for us. According to Li Yu's statement, the secret service of the military police headquarters of the little devil also checked hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies to see if anyone came at that time. It’s for treating trauma. But they probably didn’t think of checking for another thing. This is probably the secret service of the Little Devil’s Gendarmerie Command, which didn’t pay attention to Li Yu’s omission. We can take advantage of this.”

"Yes..." After thinking about it, Bai Fengtai didn't think of any omissions, so he asked, "What omissions?"

"Time clue." Fan Keqin said: "The time clue of the Assassin team coming to Shanghai. It is impossible for the Assassin team to have a spare safe house in Shanghai all year round. The same is true for the ocean. He must have prepared it after he came to Shanghai." These. Similarly, if he really prepared some medical supplies, he must have prepared them after he came. Therefore, although the little devil has checked hospitals, clinics, pharmacies and other places, this is right.

But they didn't figure out the clue of time.Or it is more accurate to say that it is more rigid.They only searched according to the time when Hai Yang was injured.But, if it is us now, we will calculate it according to the time when the assassin team entered Shanghai.Will there be something else to gain? "

After hearing this, Bai Fengtai suddenly realized.But soon he frowned again, and said: "Brother Heng, I'm afraid it won't work. There are... so many black markets in Shanghai. There are probably many scalpers of various drugs, drug dealers, and gangsters. Although you are a little devil This kind of trauma medicine is definitely prohibited, but if you can make a fortune, for these drug dealers, the people who run the single gang are the most energetic. If Haiyang is looking for these people, buy the medicine bottle and keep it in the safe house, then it is true It's hard to find out."

"I feel that there is a high probability that it will not." Fan Keqin said: "How long has it been since the assassin team arrived in Shanghai until today? And Haiyang is preparing a safe house, and then he has to find these black market drug dealers hiding in the dark , can he take the time he needs to spend?

Think about it, if you were the ocean.On the one hand, with some means, you can get it in hospitals, clinics and other places.On the other side is the black market drug dealer hiding in the dark, which takes a lot of time to find.Which one would you choose? "

Bai Fengtai nodded, and said: "Understood, I will definitely choose hospitals, clinics and other places. For example, give two extra money. Or find out where the hospital pharmacy is, and then find a chance to steal a batch. And Or, find out who the doctor who grabs the medicine is, and then use some means to get the medicine directly from him. Or even better, just pretend to be sick, scratch yourself a little bit, or accidentally scratch someone else , you can get some medicines for treating trauma from it. This is much more efficient than directly looking for black market drug dealers in a new place."

"That's right." Fan Keqin said, "I don't know when Haiyang will be able to use it. And assuming he wants to prepare safe houses and medicines, then the sooner the better. Because the longer the matter is dragged on, the more people who care about it may be aroused." Attention. This kind of thing is not as good as a quick knife. In fact, you are right, there are too many ways to obtain medicines. For example, I get a bicycle, and then buy some tools with water chestnuts. Find someone with a good face, pretend to be a bicycle mistake, and bump into him without seeing him, causing trauma to the opponent.

Then pretend to be a very responsible and honest person, willing to spend money on medical treatment and compensation for the other party.The other party will definitely be very angry at the beginning, but he is already injured, and the other party is willing to accompany you to the hospital for treatment, and is willing to compensate you.

In this way, after arriving at the hospital, you can treat it as you want, and then when you prescribe medicine.Haiyang played a responsible person, so he asked the doctor to avoid some drugs, so that he could retain some of them.It's almost an invisible method. "

After Fan Keqin finished speaking, Bai Fengtai suddenly felt that he had learned a new trick from the big boss.In fact, Bai Fengtai's level is really not bad. In the field of secret agents, he is definitely the elite of the elite.But after Fan Keqin finished speaking, he still felt like he had learned something.

You know, this year is not the future.Drugs in later generations, especially prescription drugs, are more strictly controlled.And these days, medicines can be said to be very, very expensive, especially anti-inflammatory drugs, such as penicillin, which exist like liquid gold.It is not an exaggeration at all, if you use gold of equal weight, people may not think that the price you give is appropriate.Because do you want treatment?Want to save your life?Then how much do you think your life is worth?So this thing is really expensive.Ordinary people simply cannot afford it.

It is also because of this situation that, in this year, the strictness of drug management is actually only on paper.For example, if someone from a wealthy family is injured, they are willing to pay more and buy more medicine for later use.You don’t need to find a relationship, as long as you are willing to spend the money in the hospital, then the hospital pharmacy also has it.If you are willing to spend more money, I can open it for you.So, these days, there are also drug controls, but basically they all stay on paper.Actually, that's all.

Or how to put it, in some materials, our party is also working hard for materials such as medicines.Too many people died heroically for medicine.It is because medicines are so expensive these days.At that time, the conditions of our party were too difficult, and we fought bravely with the little devils, so many people were injured.Even if some medicine can be obtained sometimes, there are too many injured comrades, and there is not enough at all. Therefore, too many people have sacrificed on it.

So can't we use the method Fan Keqin said just now?Of course it can, but our party is disciplined, how could it hurt people casually!And even if we use a similar method, such as acting in a play and getting some medicine, it's not enough, because there are too many wounded soldiers fighting the devils, that's just like a drop in the bucket...

(End of this chapter)

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