spy ace

Chapter 2293 Special Agent Thinking

Chapter 2293 Special Agent Thinking
What's more, our party's combat conditions are too difficult, where did you get the money.Even if someone can get it, there are too many wounded soldiers in the battle, so it is also a situation where there is not enough medicine.In other words, the ancestors are eternal role models, and it is really worth remembering by the younger generations to still fight with the little devil under such circumstances.

This is the overall environment, but what about the small environment?For example, in the case of Haiyang, he himself is a member of the assassination team, which was specially set up by the military command to deal with Wang Zhaohai.In terms of activity funds, in fact, relatively speaking, it is really relatively rich.Therefore, in his place, he really has the conditions to obtain medicines in a similar situation as Fan Keqin said.

Because the ocean is for oneself, so it may not be right to get it, but it is enough for oneself as a spare in case of emergency.

Bai Fengtai wanted to understand this, and said, "Brother Heng, what do you mean, specifically check to see if this happened. Especially after the assassination team came to Shanghai for a while."

Fan Keqin nodded and said: "Hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies should be checked to see if there was nothing similar to what I just said in the period after the assassination team came. Besides, the safety of the ocean How to build the house? It must have been done after coming to Shanghai, and the establishment of this safe house must be convenient. The little devil knows the approximate location of his previous residence. I believe that the ocean cannot be there now. But it has not been there for a long time If it is an empty house, the devil will definitely find out after a long time.

But what I'm talking about is not this, but that for the sake of convenience, it is impossible for the ocean to set up a spare safe house too far away from its own station, which is almost useless.In addition, we also know that the safe house shared by Haiyang, Li Yu, and Gao Xin is the address where Li Yu killed Gao Xin.Therefore, this ocean-only, backup safe house will not be too far from this public safe house.Because if the ocean itself really has an exclusive safe house, it is to be prepared.So this place is very particular. "

Listening to what Fan Keqin said, Bai Fengtai took out a map of Shanghai from the drawer under the desk.This map is an ordinary one, the one that anyone can buy as long as they go to a bookstore.The reason is that if this map appears in the office, no one will be suspicious.If it is an exclusive military map, it will not work.

But this kind of map is not very accurate at present.However, it is definitely enough to delineate a general range.For example, if your family lives in a certain number on a certain street, the map may also show a certain street, but I circled all the vicinity of such and such street, which naturally includes your home.Although it is definitely not as accurate as a military map, it can still be used.It just depends on how the user uses it.

According to what Fan Keqin said, Bai Fengtai took a pencil and drew a circle on the safe house of Haiyang itself.Then I drew the common places of Haiyang, Gao Xin and Li Yu.Then I tapped on the middle with a pen, and said: "Brother Heng, I asked the brothers to focus on this area."

Fan Keqin nodded, and said, "Well, it might not be accurate." As he spoke, he took a pencil in Bai Fengtai's hand, drew a horizontal line at the common meeting place of Haiyang, Li Yu, and Gao Xin, and then drew a horizontal line in Haiyang itself. A horizontal line was also drawn for the scope of the house, and then a circle was used to enclose the position between the two horizontal lines.Said: "This way it may be more accurate. But the range is also larger. But Haiyang will never extend this safe house beyond its own station. Because that would be inconvenient to use."

While speaking, he returned the pen to Bai Fengtai.Then Fan Keqin said again: "Investigating this kind of thing is risky. Brothers must pay attention to methods and methods. Because although we speculate that the little devil's secret service may not investigate this way, we have not completely ruled out this kind of investigation." possibility.

In other words, it is still possible for the little devil to check in this way, but the probability is relatively small.Therefore, if the brothers don't pay attention to the method and method, they may run into the little devil's spies.If the little devil's spies reacted violently, that would be fine.If you are afraid, it is the spies of the little devil who found each other before the brothers, and then kept a quiet wait-and-see state. If this is the case, then it is a real big risk. "

After hearing this, Bai Fengtai said "Yes." Then he thought silently.It was half a cup of tea before he opened his mouth and said: "Brother Heng, what about this? Let the brothers act as renters. I can choose the brothers who are on standby outside Shanghai to come in. They are newcomers themselves. There are no flaws here. And the newcomers, when they arrive in Shanghai, want to rent a house, no matter how hard they check, they won’t be able to find anything wrong. Unless they can’t hold their breath and show their flaws.”

Fan Keqin thought about it, and it seemed to work.However, we still need to be cautious, saying: "When you choose the detective brothers, you have to choose them accurately. Their identities cannot withstand the second-level investigation. Because where the devil's spies are really, they are also investigating. If we meet our brothers, then they may not think from our point of view.

They will feel that the people who come here now have problems.So, maybe I'll actually look it up.The depth of this investigation is likely to exceed the first level, reaching the level of the second level. "

The so-called second-level depth is actually some professional term defined by Fan Keqin and his security bureau.The forgery of identity, in fact, really goes to the bottom of the investigation, no matter how clever it is, it must be able to be investigated clearly.There is really no way around this.But the premise is to really check to the death.

For example, an imposter, in reality, there is really a person with no relatives or friends.So, I got this person away, and then replaced this person's identity.It seems to be seamless, right?But the same cannot stand the investigation.Because you appeared in a certain place at a certain time, so sorry, you are suspicious.Then I checked down and needed to find someone to prove that you are normal, but when I saw it, I was stupid, you don't have any relatives or friends who can prove it.

If it is a normal case handling, there is no doubt about the crime.In other words, even, I really can't prove that you are fake.So I can't directly characterize you.But now you are being investigated by spies, and there is no such thing as suspected crime, so they don't exist at all, understand?So you have no friends, relatives yourself!Got it!If you are here with me, you have a big problem.This is the mindset of a spy.

(End of this chapter)

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