spy ace

Chapter 2294 The Sense of Ceremony

Chapter 2294 The Sense of Ceremony

So what Fan Keqin said at this time, is what can withstand the second-level investigation.When I checked you first, um, there was nothing wrong with it, but you appeared here, so I have to investigate further.Therefore, I will check on you whether it is reasonable to appear here. For example, you have been invited by relatives to help in your own company.So does this relative have this person, and does this company have it.

And if you have relatives and companies, you need to see how much time your relative has been in the local area.What is the business of the company, is it new or old.If there are no problems after these checks, then you are fine.That's the depth of secondary investigation.

After hearing this, Bai Fengtai thought about it carefully, nodded and said: "There are a few brothers, no problem. There is also a couple who are originally from Shanghai and have real relatives in Shanghai. All of these can stand the investigation."

"That's good." Fan Keqin nodded, and said, "You can set it up. In addition, you have to keep an eye on it. Once something happens, tell me immediately."

"Understood." Bai Fengtai said.

Fan Keqin got up and said: "The song is approved, you can just look at the arrangement." Saying that, without hesitation, he turned and walked out the door.Back to his office.

In fact, it didn't take long for him to go, so Miss Tong's waiting was not so boring.Seeing Fan Keqin coming back, he was about to come up.Fan Keqin suggested: "Let's go, I have nothing to do today, go have a meal first, and then go home."

Not far from the company, there is the French dish, which tastes really good.But it's just okay.Because of Western food, what you eat is just a tune.Use good things, cook them with proper heat, and eat the original flavor, but there is no technical content.But the western food is well packaged, a huge plate, the focus is on throwing things away.Look!How fine we are.

In fact, it is an exaggeration, as long as you are a Chinese chef, if you really pay attention to it, you can't play tricks.That's bullshit.

But Fan Keqin didn't think much of these things, they were just something to eat.In his eyes, no matter how awesome he is, he is just something to eat.It is not an exaggeration to say that an expensive ingredient with only a few slices for [-] yuan is exactly the same in his eyes as a stuff that costs more than a dozen yuan, regardless of Chinese or foreign.

Because he himself does not have any special existence as something to eat.Although it is an expensive thing, yes, the taste is really good, and there is indeed a huge difference.But Fan Keqin's interest is not in food at all, he is ashamed to be a member of the food empire.

Therefore, if someone flaunts that I eat thousands of dollars of caviar in grams every day, Fan Keqin may directly treat him as air.It's not a question of whether he can afford it, but that he's really not interested in it at all.Unless you let Fan Keqin eat the same thing every day, for example, boiled cabbage in white water, every meal of the day, Fan Keqin may have an opinion, but if you make pancakes and tofu nao today, buns and steamed buns tomorrow, dumplings the day after tomorrow? Yes, it is really impossible for him to have the slightest opinion.Fan Keqin really has no objections as long as it's edible, not boiled vegetable leaves.

But Miss Tong definitely can't do it, women, in fact, what they want to eat is sentimental.In fact, if you think about it carefully, if you go to a high-end hotel, the atmosphere will be different psychologically.But believe it or not, if you enter a high-end restaurant, crystal ceiling, relief wall, marble floor, elegant music... Anyway, wait and wait.In this case, you replace all the ingredients with ordinary ones, such as tofu and potatoes.As long as you make a better shape, but the atmosphere of a high-end restaurant is there, which one can make women happy.

Why?It's not that women worship money.Rather, women are inherently emotional animals, so the environment will naturally have a great influence on women.In fact, not only women, but also many emotional men are the same.I thought, wow, it’s magnificent as soon as I walked in, and then I saw the dishes served, um, the shape is very particular.

Eating it will also satisfy you psychologically.In fact, even if you replace the ingredients with the most common vegetables and tofu, he won't be able to eat them.Of course, what I'm talking about here is the impact of the environment on people, not that high-end ingredients are worthless.After all, the cherishment and taste of high-end ingredients are indeed different.

Fan Keqin fully understands this, so when dining with Miss Tong, there is a sense of ritual.But now, Miss Tong is really obsessed with him. In fact, there is no need to do these rituals every time.Because of the sense of ritual, it is really troublesome to do too much, but it is still necessary occasionally.

I asked the waiter for a bottle of red wine. This thing is really a product under packaging: the story is just a slippery story.How many years of history, and how many points were scored by the awesome sommelier in person.Do you dare to say that these are not packaging?The purpose is to satisfy the heart of the rich. In fact, if you like to drink beer, then other alcohol is actually worthless to you in essence.However, it is expensive.Psychologically satisfying, let's see how much I drink per bottle.But, I can't directly talk about money, I have to talk about the origin of this wine, what story it is, and so on.Thus proving that the big price I spent was worth it.

Is it worth it?In fact, everything is people-oriented.If you think it’s worth the money, I’m just willing to listen to this kind of story and listen to the winery bragging to me so that I can satisfy my heart, then it must be worth it.

But if you don't like it, think this thing is a bragging B thing.What a great sommelier gave it a full score after tasting it, and I thought it was horse urine when I drank it, so it must not be worth it.

So this thing must be people-oriented, not to say that anyone has better taste than anyone else.It's all about individual needs.But it can't be said that I spent tens of millions and bought a few bottles of wine, I just have higher taste than you.But the other person, maybe he is also rich, but he just doesn't want to drink, he just doesn't want to be interested in this stuff.

Remember, everything is for the people themselves.You can take advice from others, but remember, it's just advice.If you don't like it, or think it's useless to me, then no matter how expensive or high-end a thing is, it's worthless to you.

(End of this chapter)

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