spy ace

Chapter 2295 Dead

Chapter 2295 Dead
But when you catch a cold, a bottle of ten yuan cold medicine is just right for you, so this thing must be the most valuable to you.Only look at your own needs, don't listen to what others say.Be good at thinking about what you want.

Perhaps what Miss Tong wants is that Fan Keqin loves and cares about herself.Then Fan Keqin gave her these things to show that he cared about her, so how could it be possible that Miss Tong didn't love Fan Keqin more and more.It's as simple as that, isn't it useless to be a single dog?
Don't say no money, rich people are always a minority in this world.Then the rest of the people don't fall in love and marry their wives?Think of a way, for example, an occasional little romance, just occasionally, and then show that you care, it doesn't have to cost money.Of course, you have to be sure, don't become Aquaman's spare tire.

If you do this and people still ignore you, then I advise you to change your target directly.It's not because of some licking dog licking to nothing in the end.But a truth: love, must be mutual.Unilateral contribution is definitely not true emotion!So, it’s okay for you to work hard, but you can’t get feedback from the other party if you keep working hard. Really, give up quickly, it’s useless.Don't think that I have paid so much... Don't have such thoughts.They didn't force you with a knife.Besides, stop the loss quickly!

There are only two kinds of people who don't give you feedback.One is someone who has no feelings for you at all.The other is that the other party is extremely selfish about emotional issues and is not willing to pay at all.Which of these two people do you like?Do you really still need it?I think the answer must be no.

So, don't take chances, because this kind of thing involves a lifelong event, but you are on the edge of the horns, with a fluke mentality?In fact, what you pay for yourself is irresponsible.Every word and deed of a person will definitely have an impact on others, so we must have a sense of responsibility.But please also remember that people are more responsible for themselves.Even take responsibility for yourself first.

In another high-end restaurant in Shanghai, Yan Xingwei also encountered the same "emotional" problem.Because of his Japanese girlfriend, something is wrong.

Yan Xingwei found out that his original Japanese girlfriend was used as a cover.Recently he discovered something unusual. The first point is that his girlfriend doesn't seem to be that simple anymore.Because after Wang Zhaohai's mansion was bombed, Dazheng Xiren died.His girlfriend inquired about this matter with himself intentionally or unintentionally.

Not that his girlfriend asked again on purpose.Instead, after Yan Xingwei finally dismissed Kanyue Hideyoshi and Tegoshi Fumio's investigation.It is necessary to show the feeling of being tired.After all, Dazheng Xiren died, and Yan Xingwei was a member of the investigation team at the time, so he was suspected.Therefore, even if he accepted the investigation very cooperatively, he must be tired afterwards.

As for Yan Xingwei's exhaustion, it is impossible to say that everything will be as usual after returning home.He has to show it in practice, no matter in his real home or in the home of his Japanese girlfriend Mio Nakadai.Otherwise, it would be wrong.

The same is true, his Japanese girlfriend Nakadai Mio, naturally began to comfort him.When comforting, you must inquire about what to send, otherwise how would you comfort me.Blind comfort?Therefore, although this situation of Mio Nakadai aroused some vigilance in Yan Xingwei's eyes, he really couldn't be sure that Mio Nakadai wanted to ask him something on purpose.After all, Nakadai Mio naturally comforted her and asked about some situations.

In normal times, even if Yan Xingwei is very alert, he may not have any doubts.After all, the other party's personality is very gentle and considerate.Seeing that Yan Xingwei was tired, in order to comfort himself, he asked what happened. This is a very normal situation.

But it's not the case now, because Yan Xingwei himself is undercover next to Guanyue Hideyoshi.A lot of things have happened recently, Da Zhengxi died and Schneider disappeared.Wang Zhaohai's mansion was bombed and caught fire.The little devil's negotiating delegation was almost wiped out.Shinoda Toshizo and himself also suffered suspicion because of this, and he had to raise his vigilance by one hundred and twenty points to deal with everything.

Therefore, if you put it in normal times, you may not pay attention to things.Now in Yan Xingwei's heart, he actually has a precautionary vigilance.

Yan Xingwei hid in his office, carefully recalling the situation at that time.When his girlfriend Nakadai Mio asked, there was nothing wrong with it.But Yan Xingwei felt that he really had to guard against it.I just finished my investigation.To put it bluntly, it is almost in the observation period.And during this period of time, although my girlfriend asked these words to comfort myself.But... the time is wrong, so I have to figure it out.Otherwise, if there is a real problem with the people around you, then as long as something happens, it must be a big deal.

Thinking of this, Yan Xingwei began to think about how to investigate the situation of Mio Nakadai.Then, through my own memories bit by bit, I got to know the whole process of Nakadai Mio.

Just as he was thinking of this, the phone rang, it was Kanzuki Hideyoshi's secretary, asking him to go to the station master's office immediately.Yan Xingwei didn't dare to neglect, got up and walked out of his room, and soon came to Guanyue Hideyoshi's office.

I saw Kanzuki Hideyoshi, Tegoshi Fumio, and Liu Ye Seimei all there.Yan Xingwei nodded to them with a smile, and then said, "Station Master, are you looking for me?"

"Come on, sit down and talk." Kanzuki Hideyoshi pointed to the sofa next to him.After Yan Xingwei sat down, he looked around at several people and said seriously, "Wang Zhaohai is dead!"

After hearing this, several people looked very serious.In fact, Wang Zhaohai's death was already within their expectations. After all, such a big explosion turned the entire house into ruins, and the possibility of people surviving inside was infinitely close to zero.What's more, after the explosion, there was a big fire.If this can survive, it is simply the protagonist of the plane.

Therefore, these few people were not very excited.Yan Xingwei said: "Station Master, if Wang Zhaohai is dead...not to mention anything else, his seat must have been peeped by many people. Therefore, it will inevitably lead to battles among the big figures in the new government. This kind of internal friction is not good for the empire. Very unfavorable."

After hearing this, Kanzuki Hideyoshi nodded approvingly.

(End of this chapter)

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