spy ace

Chapter 2296 wolves look around

Chapter 2296 wolves look around
Kanyue Hideyoshi said: "Xingwei is right. This kind of internal friction will have a very serious impact on the great cause of the empire. So the empire will not ignore it, but it is not impossible for us to do some things now. For example, beware of various Fang forces sent personnel to sneak into Shanghai. One of the passages, the railway station, is in our hands, so I hope that everyone will study this matter carefully."

Yan Xingwei, Fumio Tegoshi and the others obviously understood what Kanzuki Hideyoshi said.You know, Wang Zhaohai died in Shanghai, so some of the puppet government's officials will definitely come to pay tribute to him.Acting, see that I am Wang Zhaohai's real friend, the one who can inherit his legacy.

But at this time, also, the Chongqing side, the red side, the Manchukuo side, and even the Talomai and Yinggualan sides may all send personnel to secretly enter Shanghai.As for the people from Da Laomei or Yinggualan coming in, they may not do anything, but they will definitely observe and report the situation here.

People from Manchukuo may have even greater ambitions.But with the Japanese there, they can only gain some advantage, and it is impossible to say that the puppet Wang is directly included in the territory.Because in that case, it is impossible for many people in the Wang puppet to agree, and they might have to fight against the puppet Manchukuo. If this is the case, it will be even more detrimental to the little devil.Therefore, it is impossible for the little devil to watch this kind of thing happen.

Therefore, if someone from Manchukuo comes over, it is more likely to get a little bit of cheap.Therefore, people who came from Manchukuo do not need to sneak in secretly.But on the red side, people from Chongqing are not so easy to say.

That possibility is too great. For example, the Red Underground Party may increase its propaganda efforts.Let the people in the Wang puppet area all have a mentality towards the Japanese puppet that the tail of a rabbit can't grow.In this way, it will be subtle, and if the time is a little longer, if the puppet wants to do anything that day, it may be blocked everywhere.

And if someone from Chongqing comes over, there may be more drastic actions.Maybe there will be continuous sabotage incidents and expand the results of the battle.This is all very possible.

Therefore, Kanyue Hideyoshi said this because of an important passage to Shanghai, that is, the railway station.Can you make some arrangements, if you can find some red underground parties, or spies from Chongqing, they can help the little devils, and the situation of maintaining stability can be better.

Fumio Tegoshi thought for a while, and said first, "This is a bit difficult. Shanghai, the largest city in East Asia, has a huge daily flow of people. If a few people with problems get mixed in, we are no different than looking for a needle in a haystack."

Yan Xingwei also nodded in agreement and said, "Station Master, what Tegoshi-kun said is reasonable. With only one train station, we can do very little. In fact, it is basically a matter of finding a few people with problems in such a large base of people. Impossible. If you want to be safer, you can only start from the whole. For example, everyone who takes the train must have a pass. Only this kind of general policy can prevent it."

Liu Ye Qingming said: "What Yan Sang just said reminded me. Station Master, are we issuing a new batch of passes? But we need to say hello to the Garrison Command and the superiors of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, because this is after all It's about the whole system."

Guanyue Hideyoshi smiled, and said: "The suggestions of several people are very sincere. However, maybe I didn't make it clear. In fact, we don't need to distinguish those who have problems from the mass flow of people. Instead, we can find some people who have problems. One particular person is enough."

With that said, Kanzuki Hideyoshi got up and took out a document from the safe behind the desk.He handed it to Yan Xingwei casually, and said, "Take a look at your clothes."

Yan Xingwei nodded and took it, but when he just took the document, he thought like a whirlwind: "Guanyue Hideyoshi was the last one to find me. I was also the last one to arrive, and what Guanyue Hideyoshi just said It sounds like there is no problem. However, it is because he said last, he may not have made it clear, and then he took out this document. What does this mean?

If it was said that he was going to discuss this matter, then he could have prepared this document directly and explained it directly.But he chose to use this method, what is he doing?There is only one possibility, he then confirms the situation of several people in the house.He observes again.If so, who would he observe?You must not be careless. "

He was thinking like lightning in his mind, but his subordinates didn't pause at all, and opened the file normally after receiving it.Then I took out the contents inside, but found some personnel information.While Yan Xingwei was doing these things, Yan Xingwei looked at Kanyue Hideyoshi and the other two people in the room, Fumio Tegoshi and Seimei Liu Ye from the corner of his eye.

Since they are all in the same room and the distance is relatively close, Yan Xingwei can almost see the situation of the three of them clearly from the corner of his eye.Kanzuki Hideyoshi and the others were all looking at him.But this situation seems to be normal, because Kanzuki Hideyoshi himself handed the document to himself.And taking the document apart, other people can see that there is nothing wrong with him.

But following Yan Xingwei, he discovered something suspicious, that is, Liu Ye Qingming saw that he was looking down beforehand, because the other party's head was slightly lowered.He is looking at the file in his hand.

Fumio Tegoshi, on the other hand, was not necessarily looking at documents.Because the document was held in my hand, although I was sitting, the position was probably below my chest and slightly above my abdomen.But Fumio Tegoshi's gaze was on his own face.

As for Guanyue Xiuji and Yan Xingwei, I can't see anything.Because after Guanyue Hideyoshi gave himself the document, he didn't sit down, but stood beside him, and picked up the cup as if drinking water.

The other party was standing, so he didn't care if it was his face or the document in his hand.They all bowed their heads.So it's hard for me to judge where his line of sight falls.This is a very clever cover-up.But he is holding a cup to drink water, is it a cover-up?
Yan Xingwei had a lot of doubts in his heart, even at this moment, he was thinking whether he had revealed his flaws?If that's the case, what step did they learn?He knew that he was actually a red agent.Or do you know that you are an agent of the Security Bureau?These are two sentiments.Or...are they just suspicious?Want to know if you can be trusted?

Don't panic!Yan Xingwei warned himself again, and after pulling out the document, he turned it back and forth...

(End of this chapter)

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