spy ace

Chapter 2297 Decoy

Chapter 2297 Decoy
It seemed like a natural reaction to seeing that there were actually several documents.He handed several other documents to Fumio Tegoshi and Seimei Liuye.Then he looked up too.

The room fell into silence, except for the sound of these people flipping through files every once in a while.

In fact, Yan Xingwei was indeed reading the document, but while reading the document, he still looked at the few people in the room from the corner of his eye.He could tell that Liu Ye Qingming was indeed reading the content of the document seriously.Fumio Tegoshi's eyes should have also fallen on the document, but he was the first to flip through the document.

He looked a little faster.Yan Xingwei thought to himself: "This kind of document, don't read it carefully?" So, does that mean that Tegoshi Fumio actually knows the content of the document, or the content of the document itself is a cover.So that the other party and Guanyue Hideyoshi can observe his reaction?

I made up my mind to pay attention, Yan Xingwei was not observing, because although I used peripheral vision to observe, but observing too much, it was always different from actually reading the documents. It's a hassle.

So Yan Xingwei started to really read his files.The content of the file is human data.Age, height, where it might come from.What accent might be spoken.It may be what occupation, etc., etc., the writing is really very detailed.After people have read it, it seems that this person has all the information except for one photo.

As for the word "possible" written on the document?No.However, some descriptions of this person in the document, such as where he came from, what occupation he was engaged in, and where his hometown was, were indeed not described in definite sentences.This shows that this document does not fully clarify these issues.Does that mean that the person who provided these materials is also a kind of speculation.

Can you ask yourself this?If you ask, will you be more suspicious instead?But if you don't say it... the documents, the unidentified information written there are there, isn't it even more wrong not to ask yourself?
Yan Xingwei thought about the pros and cons of it, and was still looking at the information seriously.He wanted to put it off for a while, because his usual personality was to be serious about his work.Therefore, it is normal to look at a document carefully for certification now.This will give you more time to think about it.

Well, let's ask.If you don't ask yourself, it seems even more wrong.Just when Yan Xingwei thought of this, Liu Ye Qingming next to him spoke first. He frowned and said, "Station Master, is the information on this information accurate? Why do I think that many situations are the same?" What kind of speculation?"

When he opened his mouth, he attracted the attention of several people in the room, including Yan Xingwei.But he didn't push the boat along.Because pushing the boat along the way at this time is actually an adventure.Because all spies want to hide themselves deeper, and shoot the first bird.But will a real spy, especially one who hides very deeply, really make a fool of himself?

So there is nothing wrong with being a bird in the early days.This was also one of the reasons why Yan Xingwei decided to ask questions by himself.But at a time like this, after getting a head start, if I conform to his point of view... then it's tantamount to following the crowd.A spy who hides deeply will not be the first bird, but will definitely follow the crowd.Therefore, at this time, it is okay to be a young bird, but it is very likely that there is a problem with following the crowd.

So Yan Xingwei held back and didn't speak.Instead, following Liu Ye Qingming's question, he looked at Kanzuki Hideyoshi.Looking at the latter, he said directly: "Yes, there are some situations that are indeed just speculation. The situation provided in these materials is only for reference. But I want to tell you that the reference translation of the content of the document is very large. It is speculated that the possibility is very high.”

Regardless of others, Yan Xingwei nodded as if he "understood" after hearing this, and then looked at the information in his hand again.

After seeing Yan Xingwei's actions, Guanyue Hideyoshi was quite satisfied.Because Kanyue Hideyoshi has been observing Yan Xingwei in secret since entering this room, what he has observed so far.And judging from the situation of sending back my own dark thread, I really didn't find anything wrong with Yan Xingwei.

What's more, this document itself is true, and this is called fishing.You can only catch fish if you use real bait.If everything goes well with this matter, then Yan Xingwei's observation period will be truly over.

After several people had finished circulating, Yan Xingwei put down the document and handed it back to Guanyue Hideyoshi.This is a total of five people's information.Two of them are military commanders, two are central commanders, and one is a member of the underground party.

Yan Xingwei felt that the two military commanders and the other two central commanders could be put aside.But one of them is a member of the underground party, which is urgent.

But Yan Xingwei immediately thought, is this information true?Could it be just a bait for myself, and what is waiting for me is a trap.

But my task is to provide information on the train station.Whether this thing is true or not... It's better for me to report it in the original report, but I have to indicate my worries in it.In addition, the four military commanders and central commanders... also reported together, and they also had to indicate whether they were worried about whether they were true or false.

Kanzuki Hideyoshi returned the documents to the safe and walked back.Once again, the house fell into silence.Yan Xingwei knew that he couldn't wait any longer, and he still had to be the first bird at this time.So he said, "Is there no exact time?"

Kanyue Hideyoshi replied: "No, I can only infer. It may be coming in the near future. And it is likely to enter Shanghai from our train station."

There was nothing wrong with Kanzuki Hideyoshi's answer.Yan Xingwei could even tell that what Kanyue Hideyoshi said was true.That... maybe not the bait?Is it because I think too much?

Yan Xingwei was still observing quietly.Liu Ye Qingming said: "If this is the case, in fact, I suggest that we send people in the opposite direction. If it takes a person to get out of the car and leave the train station to distinguish these people, the time is really too short , It may not be possible. Although the reference information on this document is relatively detailed, it is still very difficult to identify it. Therefore, if someone can observe it when the train comes over, then there will be more time for identification. It’s just... …It can take a lot of hands.”

(End of this chapter)

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